>Based Mozilla releases super lightweight web browser for android
>includes automatic adblocking
Download APK here:
>Based Mozilla releases super lightweight web browser for android
>includes automatic adblocking
Download APK here:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Firefox Rocket is available in Indonesia only.
Why specifically indonesia? flipland has much shittier internet.
learn to read though:
>Download APK here:
>a shill pretending to shill badly for a rival company in order to give that company bad reputation
10d chess, but i'm smarter
>name and tripfag being a retard
oh nvm, nothing new.
I like Firefox, but don't all these different versions get redundant and useless? Why have a bunch of different ones? Pretty sure I can just install the adblocker extension on whichever version I want and effectively have this.
did you read what it was? adblock is not the main feature.
>2,446,542 bytes
Another skin for chrome?
chrome is actually bloated. so no.
>posting an empty png
>not posting useragent of the browser or about:config output
Just downloaded and installed in ausfagland and it's actually really quick to load pages
bullshit, I'm on an unlimited 100mbps up/down fiber connection for 1300php a month (down from 3500php due to referrals)
that's only something like 25usd. you need to learn to suck less.
Nice mobile broadband got you there.
Why, what about firefox focus
permanent incucknito mode, meaning not good for every day use
>constantly log in everywhere
>constantly get cookie permission popups
True, both indonesia and the phillipines need to learn how to make proper first world internet
>>constantly log in everywhere
You don't need to be logged into facebook at all times
>>constantly get cookie permission popups
I never get that in private browsing for any browser
USA needs to learn how to get first world telecom as a whole.
>dude monopolies
>dude bandwidth limits
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; rv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Rocket/0.8.1455 Chrome/46.0.2490.76 Mobile Safari/537.36
>at all times
hey retard, it clears everything as soon as you quit the app.
unlike you, I use a lot of websites where I have an account, not just kikebook
Then log back in, why do you need to be logged into any account anywhere all the time?
not an argument
>He can't answer the question
>he wants to argue about a browser based on what one (1) person thinks he needs
>tfw it's actually not terrible
You're the one arguing that you need to be logged into your accounts at all time, therefore that means incognito is a bad thing
Mozilla supports Antifa.
No thanks.
>third world browser on the third world OS
Accept this highly sophisticated post containing the controversial word of
>You're the one arguing that you need to be logged into your accounts at all time
no, I'm saying I don't want to constantly log into everything as soon I start the app.
It's not released for homosex.
Then don't
No they not, it's like blaming for donating to tor project in supporting of criminals.
The meme of the day. I wonder what happened with the thread in Sup Forums
Its actually pretty decent.
Running smoothly on a moto G1(Falcon)
so its like opera mini but using gecko?
>antifa botnet
pick one.
No, it's nit at all comparable.
The Tor project is ideology agnostic, RiseUp is not. Yes Mozilla claimed RiseUp is "coordination platform used by activists across the political spectrum," however, RIseUp says on their website that they promote political activism "by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression." This is obviously not ideology agnostic nor is it "across the political spectrum."
Furthermore, when Brian Lunduke reached out to both RiseUp and Mozilla to talk about RiseUp's popularity among Antifa groups, neither issued a response. They should've responded to these criticisms the same way Tor's PR does, if thet truly are ideologically agnostic and have no intent on enabling Terrorist organizations.
>If we release a slightly different browser every few months people might use it and we can sell the list of information we collect from all the users installing it.
wew lad, is this how far Firecucks has fallen?
>Firefox Nightly
>Firefox Alpha
>Firefox Developer edition
>Firefox Focus
>Firefox Rocket
Why make so much shit if no one is going to use them? Just stick to one browser and do it well.
so it's basically just a brave clone?
thanks user i'll add it too my wish list :)
Why isn't r/firefox talking about this? They usually talk about things like this first.
Is this fake news by OP?
Rural flipland is still better than rural Indonesia
I like Quantum name better
But Quantum will be used for standard Firefox meanwhile this will be used to fight Opera Mini and UCMini
They needed to create another lightweight Firefox Android browser because they are busy bloating out Focus. They added multiple tabs are are getting ready to add password sync and and tab sync.
You know that fascism is opposed to capitalism and oppression of rich and preechers right?
wrong, actually flipland are fucking disgusting
Installed, tested and approved. It's lightning fast on my 2013 brick.
>Debian oldstable
>Debian Testing
>Debian Sid
>Debian experimental
>Why make so much shit if no one is going to use them? Just stick to one distro and do it well.
This is how retarded you sound.
Beta, Aurora, Quantum, Yahoo
>tfw you love mozilla browsers
>tfw you hate antifa with all your soul
>tfw you love firefox
>tfw when you love it cause you hate botnets
>tfw mozilla implements cliqz
I'm tearing myself apart, anons, how do you deal with your most respected privacy company abandoning what they stood for for 10 years if not more in favor of bullshit like that, i dont know what to do, help me before i pass out
> Using a browser that supports a terrorist organization...
Cliqz is literally enabled on less than 1% installs, and only in Germany. It's nothing.
How do I check if it's enabed on mine?
>Firefox Focus
>Firefox Rocket
Go in about:config and disable antifeatures, it's literally the same as meme "forks" such as Waterfox
Is it not a thing on mobile version of quantum?
>Firefox Rocket
>Firefox Quantum
>Firefox Aurora
>Firefox Nightly
>Firefox Developer (or whatever it was called)
>Firefox Beta
>Firefox ESR
Defend this
send help
No, it's simply a general term for referring to anything undesirable. Look around on your favorite search engine for Firefox hardening configa.
Thanks for enlightening me user
Apk in op
I'm not using the USA to browse the web
>Download APK here:
Wtf is this cancer of a site?
T. Brainlet
google supports isis, whats worse?
It looks like fucking UChink browser
USA supports all terrorists. What's your point?
that ff is srill a better choice
Except debian powers more than 70% of linux installations out there.
Except that was not my point at all. The other user seems to not understand the point of development channels and special purpose builds and asks why they wouldn't "just make a single browser lol". And apparently he's not the only retard in this thread who doesn't get it, see
No bookmarks :( . I use it on 500 mbps Wi-Fi and it's fast as shit.
Honestly it's fast but there is very little funcionality
It's made for third worlders then with low end devices
Where did I say fascism isn't opposed to capitalism?
>*800mb/day before throwing you back to 90's
>Can't access about:config or about:Addons
>nobody notices the name: Rocket
>a Fox named Rocket
>playing off Rocket the "whatever it is" character in Guardians of the Galaxy
You people fucking disappoint me.
Raccoon =/=Fox
because one is black and white rather than red and white?
wow you fucking bigot.
they're the same species, just different colors.
you raciss bastard!
It looks like you cant open multiple tabs
>raccoon taking fox's place as a browser
wow that's cultural appropriation, just wow. how would raccoon like it if foxes started digging through garbage and became thieve?
Why would you want to browse multiple sites at the same time? Lmao
>>includes automatic adblocking
just wait until there are """""aceptable ads"""""" that it won't block
i don't trust cuckzilla
The ad blocking is on par with lighting, idgaf unless someone makes lighting with ublock-origin, this is just a reskin of Firefox focus
No such thing when blocking them is not out of an ethical context but in the context of saving every byte
>trusting a ad company with adblocking
yeah nah
>no https everywhere
y u do dis mozila
>needing placebo-tier extensions built in
Honestly I'm a fan of less features on mobile devices. My phone is shitty, so I like low overhead apps
>ad company
This probably.
It is also missing tabs and options are pretty much non existent.