Become a Hacker

What are the actual tools for becoming a hacker?

-Programming Languages?
-Specific Skills?

I'd like to know because I'm interested in pentesting, not because I want to become an elite haxor and crack facebook accounts.

Other urls found in this thread:!tEI2DZ4a!C4h8raAE0YGRnTf6fj4lyg9XQ3-yvgQu7_ONsMrGf5w

at least 1 (one) Gentoo(TM)

If you can't figure out at least the basis on your own, maybe you're not cut for it

It's not that I can't figure it out, it's that I would like advice from people who may be more experienced than I am.

Download Kali Linux and install it in a virtual machine.

Learn SQL so you can do SQL injection.

Once you have those, learn about them and you will learn about other things you don't know, and then you can learn those things too.

> implying there is a system wroth hacking that is vulnerable.

Thank you for the serious advice.

You'll need Kali Linux with GNOME desktop environment

>using GNOME
Why do you hate yourself?


Download Kali Linux and watch Mr. Robot

If you can't bash it, you can forget it.


lmao pentesting is beoming a meme, actual pentesters are going to have to come up with a new job descriptor to distance themselves from the script kiddies.

If you have to ask you haven't put the time in. You can't just become a pen tester, its an actual qualification for specialists in networking exploits.
There are a few prerequisite skills you will need before you apply to anonymous.
1. Learn linux, this will give you a better understanding of what the parts of the os actually do, install arch or something, get comfortable with using command line tools.
2. Learn a language, python is probably your best bet.
3. Learn networking. This is also the step where you get bored and give up. Your attention span cant be that great if you go to Sup Forums looking for info that can be gotten from the first page of a google search.

step 1. watch hackers, it's basically a how to hack the planet
step 2. ????
Step 3. profit

1. Deep understanding of how computer programs work. From the very asm to the high level interfaces in the OS.

2. Deep understanding of how networking works. From the very tcp/ip protocol to the higher level networking concepts (routing, dhcp, etc)

3. Deep understanding of how operating system work, including those used on networking devices.

4. Huge experience in programming and detecting issues by the program behavior. Huge experience in reverse engineering.

By "deep knowledge" I mean knowing things by heart. Unintentionally being able to form abstract mechanisms that would reflect the reality.

By "huge experience" I mean at least 5 years of doing that while having other items in check.

Then, you are only ABOUT to become a hacker. It will be your choice, whether or not to do it. And by then, you will know exactly what and how to do, given the experience you have.

Everything else is a clickbait.

I'm not a script kiddie, just looking for advice. I am motivated to put work in, because it's what I'm interested in. Thanks for the advice though.

Learn how to use bash. A familiarity with it will help you every step of the way.

>Learn networking. This is also the step where you get bored and give up.
But I love networking and routing processes

And this is probably your most serious advice.

That's a long way to write "install Gentoo".

The answer to these questions is beyond you, for you are not ready to learn hacking.
>What are the actual tools for becoming a hacker?
>unwarranted use of actual
>suggesting that you want to "be" a hacker rather than hack
Your use of unnecessary adverbs suggests that you are likely a high school student, otherwise adolescent, or interact with people who share this style of English.
Additionally, the very fact that you are asking how to "become" a hacker (the obvious answer is by hacking) by using certain tools and software shows that your desire to learn to hack is superficial, rooted in your desire to impress your friends and build your ego by using exotic "hacker" tools, which to you must equate to becoming something that is glorified in media as smart and clever.
The tools and OS you use, if not for a specific technical reason (in your case ruled out by your demonstration of your lack of technical knowledge), are most likely decided by aesthetic or style, in order to build your self-defined archetype of "hacker." This lust for trivial things like style over function demonstrates that you want to hack solely for the purpose of looking cool.
If you wanted to hack for a real reason, you would understand that the answer to all questions of these kind is "the right tool for the job."

you got me

>routing processes
I should show you the door.

OP was obviously born in the 21st century, it's true, but I don't think he even really wants to be a hacker. He wants to be a computer expert whose technical knowledge is the envy of his peers, and he assumes that "hacking" is the best way to learn that. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a top expert.

I don't really have friends to show off to, and I don't really care about style.

on 4chins? a preteen/manbaby online daycare?

Read"the art of exploitation"

Any of us "may be" more experienced than he is. The fact that none of us are can just be our little secret. He'll never find out :^)

>Sup Forums
>more experienced
2 things about that
-If you haven't noticed already, the average Sup Forums user is not exactly very skilled with computers and hacking.
-Anyone who is good at hacking probably has learned by one way or another that it is not the best idea to go around telling everyone they are a pro haxxor and teaching them how to exploit computers.

well i thought i'd give it a try. it seems like there may be people on Sup Forums with more resources or experience than me.

A lot of real-life hacking is actually social engineering, which requires no technical knowledge at all. Otherwise, just read about Kali Linux, Wireshark, packet sniffers, and keyloggers, and you will be on the right track.

Personally, I think the best advice given in this thread has been that wargames link:

I've tried multiple times installing Kali, and something always seems to go wrong.

BlackArch Linux is another distro that comes with 1337 h4xxing tools; you could try that instead.

Do it in a VM, not much could go wrong there.

Meh. I come to this crap board for the humor, but look at the threads here. Anyone with .02% of penetration testing knowlege would know this board isn't exactly for that type of discussion. Sup Forums isn't even an anonymous site... Also Sup Forums isn't really technology board, its more of a "look at what i spend my money on" board.

Then you have people saying use kali linux.
That's bad advice to begin with. BlackArch and Parrot are more secure than kali by a long shot, hell, even Fedora security outshines Kali these days.

But in all seriousness, you would never need a special distro to be "lel hacker" because if people knew how to pentest, they would build the tools specific to the machine they are targeting based off it's compiler. Windows doesn't exactly have python installed by default, for example, but it has a default c++ lib installed for its shell. Therefore it's easier to use what comes with the OS.

Most of those 'special linux distros' offer tools that are made by someone to give you an idea what penetration-based programming can do, but those tools are often useless. When you do pen jobs, you will most often have to build the tools on spot. A good start is to learn about reverse engineering networking systems, learning C, and then learning an os from scratch, say LFS or something...

I did

i myself am a kde user, but i know this desktop enviroment is supposed to be better, but you know, old habits die hard hehe

Thanks a lot! LFS looks really interesting.

If you really want to learn despite your reasons, the only way to truly understand everything is from the ground up.

Begin with learning how your OS and computer work.
1. Information theory - how do computers represent data and units thereof? What are data types and structures? What are the limits to modern methods of data representation (hint: binary value limits)? How does a computer manipulate, interpret, and act on data?
2. Computer programming - What does a computer do on the low level when performing high-level tasks? How is high-level, human-readable program logic modeled using strict sequential machine instructions based on binary input and output? What is abstraction and how is it used to increase programming productivity?
3. How does software apply information-theory concepts in combination with complex program logic and user-interfaces in order to provide a solution to a problem?

And as you go further into the depths, you will begin to see:
All computers are finite-taped emulations of Turing machines at their core (given that they are finite-taped, they are not actually Turing complete and henceforth not fully computationally universal). The instruction set is the formal language that describes exactly what the computer does on a low level. The symbol reading head of the "Turing machine" is the instruction pointer register. The entire computational experience is built on layers of abstraction above this concept of performing sequenced arithmetic and logical operations, combined with methods of storing information and ways of presenting output to the end user.
Furthermore, if you can determine and understand how another system operates to achieve its goal, you can find the exploitable flaws in it as well.
Once you understand how something works, you will understand how to take advantage of it. This is how you learn to hack.

This is a good start to learn about reverse engineering:


1. use Arch Linux
2. learn to program in ruby
3. install i3 and cmatrix

everyone will think you are annonymouse

Hold your breath for 2 hours.
Shhhhhhhhhh itll be over soon