Does setting your wifi network to not actively broad cast improve network security at all? Windows 10 will detect that there's a hidden network, and if you set it to connect automatically to the hidden network it displays a warning that you're compromising your devices security. Oh, stupid questions thread I guess. /sqt/
Stupid questions thread /sqt/
It's good I have a big dick, bump.
HDD benchmark via gnome-disk-utils. Is the big dip in the beginning indicative of some sort of defect? sorry about the phone-screenshot, can't connect the computer i did this on to the internet right now
for clarification i just formatted the disk and it's not being used by the system (as swap or whatever), which is running from my flash drive
hi g. i need to move from an hdd to an ssd in my laptop. i'm on windows 10. should i clone or just swap in the new one and boot from a recovery usb? can you recommend any good tutorials. the mechanical swapping of the drives i already get. also, heil trump.
What does the smart data say? Try running a ViVard scan.
work with machine learning without a degree, is it possible?
smart said all is well, couple of bad sectors (50ish) but that's it. i'll try vivard tomorrow, gotta go to bed soon but i'll keep the thread open. the system i had on the disk before wipe was running real slow and my suspicion was the drive is probably wonky.
any guess as to what the dip could mean in the meantime?
>any guess as to what the dip could mean in the meantime?
literally anything, but from you're describing, its probably starting the slow spiral into broken land.
anyone who has a wireless card in monitor mode will be able to figure out that theres a network there even if you turn off SSID broadcasting. It doesn't impede their ability to run any attacks on your network, either. Aircrack, deauth attacks, all that shit will still work. Basically it prevents moms and 12yos from finding your network, but doesn't actually make it more secure.
My love of gaming and hatred of using Windows for any reason has overtaken my adherence to software freedom. I'm planning to install the Steam client on Linux, which I use for everything else, to further minimize the use of Windows. I still have a "don't tread on me" attitude when it comes to software however. I looked through the privacy policy and didn't see anything objectionable. I was thinking maybe one of strict and paranoid Sup Forumsentleman might notice something I missed.
ibf PCI pass-through. I decided I want to use Windows as little as possible. In order of most favorable to least:
>heil trump
Fuck you. Also just use Macrium reflect. Handle's everything for you automatically.
anyone know if it's possible to install 2 unrelated GPU's and add more monitors that way?
I have a RX480 and ATI HD 5770, the 480 is at the limit for monitors (5) and I need to connect 2 more
critique? Intended purpose is mostly as a portable box with decent computing power, hopefully longevity and not a great need for graphics power.
Holy shit. OEM is a hundred and sixty bucks?!! Fuckin highway robbery
You'd be fine with a 550w psu. Also what reason do you have for using intel? Ryzen/threadripper is the goto these days.
Dude, look again. It gets better. That's fucking HOME edition.
That's NZD, with GST included in price, so 100USD equivalent,
And you're actually planning on paying that?
Anyone have the w40k book mega repo?
why is usb so cool ?
Still home though. You can't even turn off basic shit in home. Not even in the registry
>You'd be fine with a 550w psu. Also what reason do you have for using intel?
I dunno. Knee jerk? Wasn't really thinking about it and saw some reviews that their performance in single thread or limited thread applications is better.
Thanks for the advice about PSU i was going to go overkill but if i can save a few $ would be nice.
Still on the fence about that one. Nothing that would be done on it would be linux appropriate so :| yeah it's shit but you don't really have a choice.
I'm told that my hardware should be sufficient for running gaymes and watching streams on a second monitor, but my framerate goes to shit with newer games when I try. What's my first step in diagnosing the issue?
Specs here. Temperatures are shite because I'm spectating in overwatch on my primary monitor right now.
I'm trying to install windows 7 on my dad's computer which is using my old hard drive that has ubuntu on it, but I can't because it's not formatted as NTFS. The format option is greyed out.
Any ideas on what to do? I'm scared of fucking up the partition table.
Because it's universal. Everything uses the same port. Only benefit.
Judging from the temps you're getting from spectating, you may have a temp issue. Clean case, replace thermal paste, buy more fans.
boot from a live gparted USB and format the drive.
I probably am due to clean out my fans for my GPU and case. I don't know about my CPU though. I just replaced its thermal paste two years ago when I installed my 212 evo though.
Haskell or Lisp version for functional programming meme
Whenever I torrent I can seed while my torrent is downloading but after I finish downloading the torrent all uploading stops and the tracker fails to connect. Is this a closed port issue?
I'm adding my drives to fstab, using blkid it gives a UUID, UUID_SUB, and UUID_PART for each drive (each drive has one Btrfs partition). I want UUID_PART, right?
No, I mean you can just pirate windows 7 and upgrade. Wala - free legal windows.
Can you stream your desktop to a DVR using a VGA to BNC converter or something?
I don't know, do you?
Definitely with something.
>No, I mean you can just pirate windows 7 and upgrade. Wala - free legal windows.
neat i'll look into it. Will actually make the whole build more appealing.
The favicon and reply count in title bar are not updating. I am constantly checking for new replies on dead threads because of it and losing my mind.
On release 4chanx ccd0, and greasemonkey.
When will technology turn me into an anime girl
What is the best format to export videos as in ffmpeg? I use webm in case it's conveniently under filesize, so I can post on /gif/ for what it's worth (nothing...).
What addons am I missing out on by falling for the Pale Meme?
KDE Plasma seems to be pretty broken, but it's comfy when it's not breaking itself, if I change the WM, will it stop breaking?
Second Try. Adjusted price down a touch. Added liquid cooler. That one is a big question mark i know it requires an additional bracket which costs all of nothing, If i can get away with stock cooler that would be swell. I'm told that there is not enough clearance for a 64mm cooling unit. Would be interesting to find out if that is true if anyone has more experience with the case. Most of the time i see people do builds with it they use liquid cooling so there might be an issue.
I just want a browser that just werks but isn't a botnet. Should I get Nightly, Quantum or one of the Firefox's forks?
>When will technology turn me into an anime girl
never you have to buy at least a dozen body pillows and sleep in them daily to even have a hope of becoming an anime girl
can someone explain me how raid card work?
like if i add a raid card it adds those drives on the os? like ubuntu server or freenas?
how do you setup the raid config?
is all raid cards compatible to all operating system like same no-name chink raid card?
i keep reading sata2 and sata3?
I am sorta interested in this too since Nightly updating every night (I know...) is inconvenient for me. A year or two ago I'd use Firefox but I found I had to restart it anyway after a week due to memory leaks? I have 4GB RAM on W7 but it would crash at the time or freeze indefinitely if I kept the same instance open for much further. Sad times.
If you have no use for a video format, it's best to not convert them at all if you edit them. Keep the bitrate etc default.
What's a good rss reader for linux?
You mean keep the output format the same as the input format? Here's the command I most recently used:
ffmpeg -threads 8 -ss 02:00.146 -i x.mp4 -t 0:02:2.166 -c:v libvpx -b:v 10M -crf 4 0.webm
I just took the infograph posted and used it straight, minus some settings. I can match the output format to the input format if that's what you mean. Cheers, user.
how do staffing recruiters handle tech jobs?
there was a job on indeed for an internship with a pretty well known software company in my area, but it was through a "staffing" company and not the company itself. i have an interview with them tomorrow but im not sure if i should prepare for tech questions or generic interview questions
its for an IT internship and advertised it was for students, and im a uni student but i dont really have much else going for me lol
Hiding your ssid does nothing for security. Your ap still broadcasts it's Mac so it's identifiable.
Yeah, machine learning isn't so difficult. Some of the algorithms are mathematically very complex but analytically they're not so bad. Machine learning is very general so just learn to use some good machine learning libraries. Application and training are what matter and they're not so difficult. Look up some good tutorials to get you started.
What's a really good alternative to Unlocker on Windows? I use to use it when I was younger, I'm wondering if there is an open source program better maintained.
No, don't trust KDE.
If you know your stuff when it comes to tech, then study general questions. You likely get 4 or 5 general questions about handling conflict and teamwork and other pointless crap and only one technical question and it'll be really lowest-common-denominator.
How do I preserve the bitrate? The output looks like shit unless I specify one.
please respond
did the google reverse image autoupdate a couple hours ago fuck anybody elses firefox?
I run an old version because old computer, but it was running normally until I got this update and disabling it, deleting cache/cookies, and restarting doesn't solve.
What if I make my pump fan the only exhaust fan in my case?
I should trust what?
How crazy would it be to make a "laptop" by using a NUC, a DPthroughUSB-C portable display, a logitech k400 and an external batterybank that can output 19v?
>sell off my desktop parts for money
>keep the 980 Ti and maybe the hard drives
>buy a macbook pro, triple boot OSX/Linux/Windows 10
>buy one of those eGPU cases, put my 980 Ti in it
>get a dock for macbook pro
>I now have a lightweight desktop I can bring anywhere with me, with all 3 OSes, and if I want to play games (or anything GPU intensive) I can just dock it and plug in the eGPU, and use it with my dual desktop monitors like i'm used to
Why shouldn't I do this?
That makes sense, the tutorial I looked up said to use blkid and it tosses a bunch of UUIDs at you.
What does your distro support? If it only supports KDE then you're stuck, changing WM will only give you more issues.
You'll have heat dissipation issues whenever you do anything intense.
So replacing /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb1 with their respective UUIDs broke the OS, why is this? I got it working last year then did a change and forgot to backup fstab and ever since then I haven't been able to get UUIDs to work.
What's the best Sup Forums browser? I want something lightweight, but still able to browse and post on Sup Forums, but I don't want to leave any of Sup Forums on my browser history.
Browse on what?
Desktop - Sup Forums x
Android/bb10 - clover form fdroid
Iphone, who the fuck cares
Is there an easy peasy way to disable my amdgpu drivers in ubuntu in favor of the mesa ones? Should i just remove the 10-amdgpu-pro.conf from my xorg conf dir and leave 10-radeon.conf?
I remember editing xorg.conf itself to change drivers, but i think that whole conf file is depreciated now.
Reposting from dpt: is there a reason to use the second code over the first for reasons beyond printing the equation?
int x, y, z;
Console.WriteLine("Enter your first number.");
x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter your second number.");
y = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter your third number.");
z = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Result 1: " + (x + y + z));
Console.WriteLine("Result 2: " + (x + y - z));
int x, y, z;
Console.WriteLine("Enter your first number.");
x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter your second number.");
y = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter your third number.");
z = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}+{1}+{2}={3}, {0}+{1}-{2}={4}",
x, y, z, x + y + z, x + y - z);
>Desktop - Sup Forums x
Desktop - linux to be specific. And I'm looking for a browser, not just some extension.
There isn't one. Set aside a neutered icecat browse and give it an alias.
Why does Ubuntu files system sometimes not open?
This is my second distro, and this shit happens a lot. It's not going to open now until I restart, unless there's something that I can do?
Depends on why it breaks.
For me, kwin is never the problem.
I always use kwin, even when I am without plasma as it is so good.
What crashes for me is either edge cases I can avoid or this I don't need.
An example would be the desktop / panel widgets. They can break if you click the wrong thing too many times or something like that, but I don't need to use it for much.
About 5 years ago, I had a memory leak in kwin where I had to change the back end kwin used to opengl, but that was fixed really fast.
If you have some similar issue with kwin today, you should update kwin and file a bug report telling them how to replicate it.
In a different circumstance you need to be careful about "adding" strings like that.
because of performance concerns (I am not 100% sure of the internals of C#'s string's)
in this case I would use the first because it reads better and /may/ have better performance (doesn't really matter here)
but again I only use C# because Powershell makes me want to become a art major instead of deal with that failure in my job daily
That is the difference between the two.
Since you are obviously new to programming, why not do the second one?
You can see if all the numbers are converted correctly and thereby test your stuff.
The better move is to disable auto connecting to wireless networks.
Your wifi card is ALWAYS scanning to connect to various networks you have set to connect to, which opens you up to mitm attacks since someone could spoof the ssid of any network you remember.
Did you check to make sure there's no setting that disables seeding upon completion?
Hot ass aluminum and 100+C temperatures when gaming. It may throttle as well. Small fans make more noise to move less air, so it will be noisier too. There's a reason your desktop has that big cooler on the CPU.
There's also less ability to upgrade it when it's outdated or out of disk space.
Is isopropyl alcohol conductive??
Is there a way I can make the media keys on my desktop control my HTPC? I switched from using my desktop for everything to using my HTPC for media and desktop for computing and am constantly using my desktop's keyboard's play/next/previous keys for controlling my HTPC. The desktop's running OS X El Capitan and the HTPC's running Debian Stretch.
didn't mean to quote
write a python script that waits for media key events and sends them to the other machine
that or spend $30 on something like this. I think there is a newer model out now as well.
Readability and flexibility.
In the case of performance, #2 is actually worse since it uses string.Format vs string.Concat. With small strings, you won't notice anything, but I encourage you to try it with large sets of data
There might be some program to do it for you but you could rebind the keys on your desktop to run commands over ssh.
A dedicated daemon listening on the HTPC would have lower latency though, ssh connection can take a while. I installed a program called anyremote on my debian box to control it at one point but never used it much.
Just slapped on a 2tb HDD onto my Windows 7 machine. What do with it? Boot the whole thing with linux and choose which HDD to boot from? Load it with reaction images? "muh gaymes?"
I mean I just installed fresh Windows 7 on this thing on the 1TB HDD, never came close to filling it since I'm not some manchild who plays games. Also need windows de-bloat and programs
I've got everything setup I just don't have the controls down-pat. All I'm really looking flor is the ability to control my HTPC (generally running mpv) from other machines
Are you sure it would get that hot if all the graphical processing is being performed on the eGPU, to external monitors? Unless it was a very CPU heavy game
How may I export videos losslessly? I have some videos I want to sequence in one video in a compilation but Windows Movie Maker adds disgusting compression artifacts from their "recommended settings".
The card (or the card's drivers) handle the RAID stuff of talking to multiple drives and spreading reads and writes between them according to the configured RAID level. (0, 1, 5, etc) Usually there's some firmware setup program that lets you mash a key at boot and create and manage arrays. Those are then presented to the operating system as a single drive. Essentially the OS doesn't really know its talking to multiple disks.
Anyway you should not use these cards. There's no benefit and there are drawbacks. You should use your operating system's software RAID. No RAID card that isn't an excitingly expensive server adapter is going to actually offload any processing, so you won't gain any speed. But you lose software visibility into the state of the array. With software RAID the OS can monitor the state of the drives and warn you if one fails, or if the array has problems. That can be done with hardware RAID, but usually isn't. It never is for cheap RAID cards. ("cheap" here means something like "under $600") Also using software RAID means that another computer running the same OS will be able to read the disks and assemble the array again. With hardware RAID you may, if the RAID card fails, find yourself dealing with an on-disk format that nothing else can read, and needing to track down a model of the same RAID card with the same firmware revision to be able to get at the disks again. Also what do you think has had more testing and debugging - the software RAID implementation of an OS used by millions of people including big companies with expensive support contracts, or the firmware of some chink shit SATA card?
Just plug your drives into vanilla SATA ports and use software RAID. mdadm (Linux), btrfs (also Linux), and ZFS (Linux, BSD, FreeNAS, etc) are all good at it these days (though they have different strengths and weaknesses)
I like Liferea
Gee, I don't know. Maybe you'll overheat your machine, maybe it'll be just fine. Depends on your case, airflow, cooling setup, and how much heat your components need to get rid of.
From a practical perspective that's rather silly. You should get a real laptop, which will be smaller, lighter, cheaper, and have more battery life. From a hobby-project perspective on the other hand it sounds pretty neat. People do this sort of thing with RPis quite a bit. So basically go right ahead if you're doing this for the challenge of seeing if you can build something unusual.
I believe its like water - it doesn't conduct electricity when pure, but it can dissolve things off a surface and become conductive. If you're using it to clean computer parts you should still let it dry before powering them on.
this is the solution I chose. I'm running Debian too and I plugged the thing's bluetooth dongle in and everything Just Werked.
well why did you buy it if you didn't have an idea of what you want to do with it? Linux doesn't take a lot of hard drive space (I have a VM running happily on a 6GB virtual disk, DE and everything), so if you aren't filling it with vidya gaymes or media both OSes will happily live in 1TB with a ton of room to spare.
Then again I hoard shit so I'm thinking "whaddaya mean you don't know what to do with drive space"
I could go for a used GTX 980 Ti for $500 (might ask him down to 400-450) AUD, or a new GTX 1070 for $550-600 for the lower-tier models.
The 980 Ti will push my system power draw to ~426 according to PCPartpicker.
Is that too close for my 500W Bronze PSU? Does it warrant getting a better PSU, such as a 650W Gold modular or something?
Also, if I were to try and trade my current card (GTX 660), would someone selling a GTX970+ realistically accept that over an extra maybe $75 or so?
I've been checking Ebay bids for cheap 980(&Ti), but not getting lucky enough to win.
I've forgotten some terminology. What's the name for a data format where changing part of the binary doesn't affect the rest of it? For example, if I randomly flip a few bits in a bitmap it will only affect those pixels, whereas if I randomly flip bits in the zip-compressed version of that bitmap the entire file will become unreadable.
Why not just use At least the games are DRM free.
If i just browse the internet from a debian virtualbox is it safer or it is not such protective wall?
Cleaned out my case. Marginal difference at best, 2-4 degrees. Didn't solve the problem. Think it's worth using my IGPU for my second monitor, or will that not help at all?
I need to check if the element of this array are even AND different than 0, can't figure out how to use the NOR function without turning the array into booleans and I don't want to use another if.
How do I logic?
i think i fucked up
I bought a t450s trackpad instead of a t450 to replace my t440p trackpad.
its not working.
Did I get the wrong one or did I install it wrong?