Did they seriously install the screen skewed or all the photos misleading? Looks like fucking shit.
Did they seriously install the screen skewed or all the photos misleading? Looks like fucking shit
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well it's supposed to face the driver
not a fan of the touch screen climate control buttons etc. either but arguably the infotainment isn't supposed to be the main attraction of it. although for a hundred grand they could've put a few physical buttons in.
wtf do you think? it should point at the fucking driver
The Model 3's screen is only barely tilted.
Tesla = car fedora
Where is the rest of the info? Why is there nothing at the wheel where it's always in my view? I want to know my speed without looking at a stupid screen on the side like a cuck.
All the car's information is on the screen.
Sorry baby boomer, but it's 2017.
Not an argument.
> I can't into Google Images and am so poor I can't even look at a Tesla in person
The post.
You millenials really are killing cars.
in turn, it'll be themselves
It takes much more effort to touch a point on a touchscreen than memorize where a dial is in space.
physical buttons encourage distracted driving
try to use capacitive buttons on a center console. Shit's impossible. That's the point. You won't try it if you know it sucks.
that looks so comfy
What do you call texting and driving?
*bites lip*
"hey siri, call him a faggot"
I wouldn't mind having a big ass tablet to play with once they start driving themselves. Too bad the touch response is shit.
>Everything is touch screen now
I really dont understand this meme.
I just want normal buttons for heating/ac and the stereo system when I'm driving
I was gonna post that. Everybody loves the supra interior because of how driver orientated it is. Everything faces the drivers and it's amazing.
No you don't, you fucking faggot. iPads in dashboards are innovation, Elon Musk told me so.
Does the supra really not have leg room?
people will try to press the buttons while diving, have a harder time trying to press them, and focus more attention to pressing a button and cause more accidents
probably a good thing if they're that stupid
>physical buttons
>want to change song/station/whatever
>move my hand to the respective dial while keeping my eyes on the road
>make it home safely
>touchscreen bullshit
>can't tell what the fuck I'm doing because the whole thing's one giant feedbackless piece of glass
>have to look at the center console to do fucking anything
>my car's wrapped around a tree
Not for fat burgers
The worst thing about tesla's desu
I like everything about the cars except their retarded dash
This looks just as bad as the tesla interior does, it's a different kind of bad, but it's still bad
its turned towards the driver dipshit , its easier to see w/o much headmovement
manlet spotted
The Probe's been replaced as my favorite car interior.
Post dashboards you like
That's so goddamn comfy
Fuck no probes are shit tier, at least my 97 was.
You are actually fucking retarded if you believe this.
>tfw 6'9 and will never know what it's like to drive cars built for manlets
I'm not even a car guy nor do I drive but this looks like it would be amazing to drive.
>Looks like fucking shit.
Who cares? This isn't a fucking art board, faggot.
Sick of you art majors complaining.
More like
>Have to look at center console
>Good thing my car has collision detection and can avoid going off the road or hitting anything while i look away for 0.25sec
That's the point. It's just too bad that so many of them were trashed with half-assed mods and shitty ricers crashing them after The Fast and the Furious hit.
So fucking comfy
>I want to know my speed without looking at a stupid screen on the side like a cuck.
The very top left corner of the screen has speed.
I had a '91. It's not that the interior was the best looking overall, just the general design really sold me on it. How there were no corners, the dash just continued into the doors and the vents were there too. Ugh, I miss it. Scrapping that car was the only time I've cried in years. I blew the head gasket and would've given anything to keep it but my dad was like fuck you scrap it we don't have the room. Ever since then I've had this shitty Escort I've never gotten around to replacing. The heater core's going though so now I have an excuse.
Oops, too bad about that car that just ran a red light in front of you. Or the kid that jumped out into the road chasing a ball/dog/etc. Collision detection can only warn you that you're about to hit something in front of you. It's still up to you to react to it. Not paying attention decreases your reaction time, and there's plenty of situations where reacting to the collision detection's warning to react to something just isn't fast enough.
where's the fun in that
I love the steering wheel / dash on the new Ford GT. So many buttons to play with.
>shitty plastic everywhere, rattling constantly because it's built like a cheap piece of shit
Pick one.
>The very top left corner of the screen has speed.
Highest res screen I can find and newest pic.
I've driven countless cars, most were certainly shitty, and I've never had nor heard of this issue.
I pulled a stock image from Google search because I'm not getting dressed and going outside to take a picture of mine. I've got a manual gt w/turbo. Fastest goddamn station wagon I've ever seen kek
Then you've either never driven a PT Loser, or you drove the only well-built one in existence.
>never owned a 2001 Kia Rio (the cheapest automatic at the time)
>tic tac plastic
Nope. Not once in the 8 years I've had it.
>How there were no corners, the dash just continued into the doors and the vents were there too.
Yeah I guess was alright. I think it felt like cheap plastic compared to cars made today. Looks like the old ones looked better though.
This is what mine looked liked. I really like the manual transmission was fun to drive but I had bad experiences with the car. A lot of small stuff would break and stop working all the time but I guess it was 20 years old at the time. The clutch blew out at 70,000 miles and I decided to get a new car rather than replace it.
I haven't driven a PT Loser
I've never owned an automatic vehicle.
>I've never owned an automatic vehicle.
I feel sorry for you user.
worst american car ive ever been in, dodge/chrysler are complete shit
I feel more sorry for the people who haven't driven stick. Or the ones that think they can't.
Hahaha. A friend of mine had one, and he had two fat guys in the back while we were going up a steep hill and we literally had to make them get out and walk because the Rio couldn't make it up the hill with the extra weight.
Don't act like I don't know what I'm missing out on. I learned to drive with automatic transmissions and couldn't even drive the first car I bought because it was manual. Learned that day and have stuck with manuals ever since.
>i know better than a computer
no you dont, manuals are unneeded
Depends on the year. Some of the early PT's were decent during the Daimler-Chrystler days. They used a lot of the same parts as Mercedes Benz, but that also made the maintenance go through the fucking roof if something broke.
Have you ever considered the fact that most europeans are taller than americans
I'm not very tall at all, you could barely call me tall at 6'2"
I'll second that one. For reference, the first car I ever drove was a 1980 Ford Pinto. It was the kind of rustbucket where if you took it to the car wash, you got a free shower.
He said he felt sorry for you faggots who don't know how to use manual transmissions, not that humans do it better.
>>i know better than a computer
Actually a human does know better than a computer. The computer doesnt know what situation you're in and will always react a second later than someone who can anticipate and switch gears manually. For example if you're approaching a hill you can downshift in a manual.
You think it's all about the computer? It's about the control. Sure, high end automatics can sometimes pull off a faster shift, but being able to hold exactly which gear you want is superior. That's without even touching the pure cancer that is a torque converter.
Also the kind of car where you dive out and run if you got hit by someone in case it fucking explodes.
if the car lacked any screen interface what-so-ever, or if the screen entered a mode where it refuses to accept any input unless the car is at a complete stop, then no, their chosen mode of interface doesn't do anything to discourage distracted driving. If anything, this type of touch based interface is gonna encourage it, since you'd likely have to very often physically look away towards the screen when you want to press a specific button, since the screen doesn't provide any tactile feedback informing you of what you're doing.
>everything's where you need it
>information dense
>uniform color
>dials and buttons instead of fucking touchscreens
>leg room
>gettin frisky takes a lot more effort
This. I don't need a computer making such simple decisions for me, and when I want to control my car a certain way, it works better than letting the computer do it, because the tranny's computer's not capable of reading my fucking mind. Meanwhile, I am.
That's offensive, you nazi!
>He doesn't know about Tesla's autopilot
that many buttons is totally inappropriate but damn if it doesn't give me a semi
There are multiple cars that automatically brake with collision detection, have been for years. My friend's dad actually has a car that does it every time he goes over a native American burial ground, strangely enough.
No thanks
They exist, I never denied that. But they're far from the norm and generally only found on high-end cars.
= post fedora
found the redditor
He's not wrong though, outside of rich soccer moms, only rich betas drive teslas. Real rich people drive real cars, you know, with engines and such.
Manly explosion engine > wimpy electric motor
I was arguing against motors, you fucking dumbass.
I was agreeing, you fucking moron.
Should've made it more clear, twat.
Don't even get me started on the flying buttresses.
>you dont need gauges goyim, just look at the cool screen in the middle!
I thought it was clear enough when I said something that backs up your point, cunt.
The only ones who could make a decent instrument panel that wasn't completely form-over-function was Saab, too bad they fucked up the rest of the company.
look, that's actually almost perfect. the issue is the screen in the middle takes the place of, rather than adds to, a heads up display on the windshield
It wasn't, but that's probably because I'm pretty drunk, cunt. You've got pretty good taste, at least when it comes to transmissions, twat.
*blocks your path*
Would love this one day
What the hell is the appeal of the carbon fibre pattern? It looks like unfinished shit, put some paint on it.
Yeah that looks really cool but it's in the wrong side.
>wrong side
Fuck, no.
I live in a country that switched from LHD to RHD, it was an expensive waste of taxpayer's money rebuilding all the infrastructure that did absolutely nothing for road safety.
Just because it was expesnive to switch doesn't mean ypur country was worth it, If I went to a country that preferred driving on the left doesn't mean driving on the left is better. Same scenarip here. You're screwed either way.
But then how is everyone going to know it's carbon fibre? How are they going to know I cut the weight of my dashboard by a whole kg?