Kaspersky-protected computers being used as a "Google" search database by Kremlin agents


>What gave the Russian hacking, detected more than two years ago, such global reach was its improvised search tool — antivirus software made by a Russian company, Kaspersky Lab, that is used by 400 million people worldwide, including by officials at some two dozen American government agencies.

>still using kaspersky

Other urls found in this thread:



>still using kaspersky
>still using windows
>still using proprietary software
Feels bad man.


Such is life in Ronald Rumpfs America. Russians own us now.

Not the only big story to hit this week


They've been known fucks for a while though




>anti Russia news
Sup Forums is pro trump territory

This story needs to be dismissed or mocked by based magapedes

Speak for yourself, take your politics elsewhere.

If you use anything from the russians and chinese you're asking for your device to be apart of their botnet.

>tfw my university banned any laptop with Kaspersky installed from the Wi Fi

god's work.

fuckkkk LOL. this is great.

Poor bastards. Doubt they had any choice. KGB was probably like "just the tip" when they were already halfway to the balls. Those guys will exploit a backdoor till it's raw.

What should I use for Android instead of Kaspersky?

Just don't pirate anything.

Don't pretend that the US antivirus companies aren't working with the NSA. "working with" is such a vague as fuck term

And there are people who think Russia didn't hack our election...

And there are people who think Russia did hack the election.
Idiots hate Trump so much that they'remwilling to believe in conspiracy theories.

>Projecting this hard

I'm not the one believing in conspiracy theories, m8. There's nothing to project.

Aw, are you mad that you're losing ground in 2018 and about to get destroyed in 2020?

>losing ground
what did he mean by this?

"Hack" is relative in this case. It's unlikely they actually tampered with the voting system itself. They've influenced several elections in indirect ways.

>kaspersky allowed by obama

And now you're resorting to believing in Russian shitposters somehow making a dent in the elections.


If that's the price you have to pay to be free of niggerware so be it.

>proprietary software
Normies get what they deserve desu

Nah. It's more shit like them using Julian to pump out just enough anti hillary stuff to distract from the massive pile of crap spewing from trumps anus long enough for them to look equal. Then all the democrats (growing majority of the population) assumed they she would win and sat on their asses. All trump had to do was passively inherit the republican base and replace the portion of those who were sane with his radical nutjob fanbase. He's good at appealing to people who believe in simple answers, so he pretty much just had to be himself while it all fell in to place.

Thanks based Norbro

None of this are actual sources, were are the logs proving this? Why can't they quote an actual security researcher instead of just saying that Israel found something?
Worst of it, this board is so full of Sup Forums and Reddit everyone is pretending this isn't a CIA op against Kaspersky since they're the only antivirus software that they couldn't break, because muh drumpf and Russians amirite XD
At least the fossfriends aren't retarded
Free as in freedom apps and a decent custom ROM

"Supplementing" the security of your nonfree kernel with nonfree kernelspace shitware that literally only adds greater weaknesses.

Windows by itself is more than fucking secure if configured properly and if you keep your shitty vendor software up to date.

>growing majority of the population

>Straight from Somethingawful/shariah blue
>He peddles the red scare on Sup Forums all day

Are you so sure that you're aware and possess the degree of understanding that your posturing indicates? Cause it seems like you're shitposting speculated ideas that only vaguely revolve around the facts presented.

>Custom ROM
Only if it's self-compiled from vendor source.
>free as in freedom apps

Hillary's campaign was already completely shit regardless if leaks exist or not (or maybe you can blame the Russians on that)
The media were propaganda tools in such a painfully obvious manner (or maybe you can blame that on the Russians using reverse psychology)
The Assange situation were probably only understood by a niche amount of people who were already living in blue states so they ultimately had little to no effect on the votes

>He's good at appealing to people who believe in simple answers
LMAO, and I thought it was the democrats that were progressive but somehow they can't resist insulting the lower classes if it's convenient and are incapable of getting their votes when they need it

>tfw NSA sperglords spilled their confidential zero-day spaghetti into a foreign agency's lap
>Sup Forums, the sole board on Sup Forums capable of understanding and discussing the ramifications of such leakage obsesses over Trump v Hillary shit that's been long settled instead of discussing the how, when, why, dangers and the actual politics governing the software leaked

Blame the retards who continue perpetuating a stale 50s meme

When is about shady shit there is gonna be always retards or shills (no difference btw) trying to derail the thread on another shit

Just because Sup Forums was capable of it doesn't mean they are. Do you even go here regularly? This place gets worse by the day.

What's most bothersome to me is the guy that leaked this shit was inevitably some sort of tech professional, why he would open an attack vector like that voluntarily, and likely knowingly is super suspicious. But the tools and the agency really don't need to exist in this day and age, despite the superficial tensions the media constantly perpetuates the world is at a pretty harmonious standstill outside the MIP pushing shit around. There have been numerous leaks too, which is even more of an argument to disassemble these programs and patch the holes they exploit, or they will continue to leak and eventually everyone will be rolling around in a sea of vulnerabilities; given the amount of information processed, retained, generated, and the implications behind it, these things have a supermassive potential to be wholly devastating.

Use bitdefender, there is a little chance that romanians may spy your loli collection compared to US/russia/china/israel

>tfw using comfy Fedora with SELinux enforcing
Antivirus brainlets btfo.

kindly kill yourself you identity politics agenda pushing faggot.

There's literally no facts presented at all, it's just media shitposting

>He's good at appealing to people who believe in simple answers,
i didnt know he was a progressive.

So, non free on linux breaks security,
But updated non free from the same vendors on windows helps security.
Fuck logic

>Kaspersky's software detects malware some NSA guy develops
>uploads it and analyzes it as is their stated job
>Jews hack Kaspersky and find the NSA malware
>Kaspersky is evil


>The Israeli officials who had hacked into Kaspersky’s own network

>trust us you stupid goyim

>They provided their N.S.A. counterparts with solid evidence of the Kremlin campaign in the form of screenshots

Either Kaspersky helped moscow or they unknowingly got infiltrated by two state actors at the same time.

Either way is extremely damaging and this could very well be the end of Kaspersky.

>>Sup Forums, the sole board on Sup Forums capable of understanding

>solid evidence
>in the form of screenshots
user, you and I both know that screenshots mean nothing.

Basically this. Mind you, if Isreal and Russia got into them then I wouldn't be surprised if USA were in them as well but just didn't get caught.

Fact is that this is what countries do. It's very embarrassing when a country gets caught in another country's systems but they're all doing it. They're all trying to learn as much as they can about everyone else covertly.


Sup Forums is mozilla tranny territory, shitlord.

>implying implications

The government of USA have been using hack tools against governments of the world in economic warfare, and in every vulnerable pc existent. That's the american double-standards.

It's not a double standard though.

So it's like Windows and US agents.

A great example was the election.
>BAWW How dare evil Putin influence our election
>Ignoring that America massively influenced the election that paved Putin's way to power

>Using Russian botnet software


Russian botnet > American botnet

> √4068289
> they STILL aren't using common sense √4068289

How fucking retarded are you people, really?

I too find great pleasure in 2017 being a prime.

You're from the year -2017?

>tfw 2017 was 4066272 years ago

>They've influenced several elections in indirect ways.
absolutely just like literally every other country that did not completely ignore the election, that is not something evil.

REEEEEE fucking with elections is bad now that it's happened to me. Get fucked amerifats and reap what you sow.


>NY Times

fake. news.

Cool. I have Kaspersky installed and will gladly assist them to fuck over the Americans and my shitty gubberment. I hate everyone so fuck yeah!

Drumpft could've stopped this, but he didn't. Guess it's a thanks gesture to Putin.

Wow, what a cunt. Fuck Trumpf and fuck wypipo

> I hate everyone
> will gladly assist them
Those things do not add up.

>Have outdated NOD32 AV
>Decide to look for a new one
>See Kaspersky
>Good reviews everywhere
>Seems customizable enough
>Find 1 year sub really cheap on amazon
>Buy 5 licenses and install everywhere I used to have NOD on

Fug, I guess it's not worse than all the other botnets though..right?

Obama said nothing was hacked.
What the DNC refer to as hacking the election is Seth rich releasing the DNC mails via wikileaks and revealing the shit they did against sanders.

Still love this video from them

how the hell could they even know?
>all laptops with anime dick-girl wallpapers are banned from the wifi.

It's not surprising. The Russians are good at what they do and Kaspersky Lab is right on their home turf. Kaspersky himself is ex-KGB, and it's definitely possible there is actual collusion going on.

You should probably assume that popular US antivirus programs may be comprised by US intelligence to varying degrees as well. Revolving doors etc.

Spoken about kaspersky hhtp://zupyv3e5spdok6nw.onion/cgi-bin/dlbase.cgi
Go to stuff :^)

I heard if you go out at night when it's really dark the Russians kidnap you and tell you how bad your state funded malware is

>Eugenes son gets kidnapped
>He calls in the FSB to help him get him back
>His son is returned

Who do you think kidnapped him the first place ? And what did FSB ask in return for "rescuing" him ?

A great influx of shills today,something must have happened.
I'm betting on either weinstein scandal or project veritas newest story.

Correction. I hate everyone I can acknowledge as being shitty in this world. Thus far Russia has not pissed me off in any way and I have not met nor seen many Russians to make an informaed decision. Americans however...

>Work for the NSA
>developing a backdoor
>bring your super classified work home
>Have Kaspersky on your home computer
>develop backdoor
>Kaspersky's detection is so good it detects it right away
>Kaspersky notifies their government of new US/Israel spyware like US companies do for the NSA
>Ignore why Israel is hacking Russian computers for the NSA and blame everything on Russia.

I might would rank China above Russia but I'd take anything over the US.

> be based russian
> working for antivirus company
> write good software
> it finds virus behavior and uploads it to researchers so that we can analyze it and fix the vulnerabilities it uses
> sell affordable antivirus software to the masses
> prevent hundreds of thousands of potential cases of identity theft and fraud
> feelsgoodman.jpg

> be american brainlet
> working for nsa somehow
> writing some malware that abuses a bug that we secretly bought from microsoft
> pretty much just have to follow simple step-by-step directions
> Working on my assignment on my personal laptop bc I like starbucks ^_^
> running Kaspersky so i don't get le reverse hacked
> test my malware on my own machine
> Kaspersky finds malware
> Kaspersky uploads malware


2017 isn't prime you retard

>Russia did to Kaspersky what the US does on a million times greater scale to all Western tech products and companies


>2 rubles deposited into your account
keep up the good work, Tovarishch

>write malware
>QWERTY keylogger
>western av whitelists, even f-secure
>no problems
>russian av detects and removes
>go ape
>use western media to kill company

>Enables hacker to remotely activate webcam and record Russian prostitutes giving real estate mogul golden showers.

>They've influenced several elections in indirect ways.
This, the Russians greatest weapon appears to have been Facebook. Zuckerjew should be brought up on charges of conspiracy and Facebook dismantled. :^)

Than use M$ "defender" moron. That will keep you safe. So many stupid cunts on this fucking board Jesus

>mu-muh russian

I don't like Putin at all really, but the amount of Russophobia on the left is literally near Red Scare levels and honestly is quite stupid.


>Jew York Times
>click on article
>Israel good, Rusha bad!

Wow, really makes me think...

>Sup Forums is one person
>everyone on Sup Forums is pro trump

Why does 3rd party anti-virus even exist anymore? You'd think with the Windows 10 botnet everything else would be effectively rendered obsolete now that Microsoft can see every file on your computer.

>not helping comrade putin fight the NSA niggers