Oh too small to be my dragon dildo

Oh too small to be my dragon dildo

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What could it be Sup Forums

I guess no one wants to know :{

Nobody cares

Considering I'm someone I disagree with that statement

It's fucking nothing!

>paper launch

That's actually more disappointing than nothing.

I'm sorry that you wasted your money, OP.

wait arent those the low end ones though

See? Nobody cares (even you)

Ah ha ha ha!

ok sorry




>Oh too small to be my dragon dildo
If the ie-8350K was a dildo, what kind of dildo would it be?

The kind that lays eggs inside of you. Its the closest thing to shitting i can think of and that's about all that i3 does

A stillborn one

Lmao why would you post this for everyone to see? Hahahhaha

>Not a dragon dildo

Could have fooled me. You certainly got assfucked by what showed up in the box.

you're nobody. kys