>"Hello, I'd like an Android phone with a 5" 1080p screen please. I'd like stock or close to stock software and 3GB of RAM or more. Thanks!"
"Hello, I'd like an Android phone with a 5" 1080p screen please...
xperia xz premium
The XZ Premium has a 4k screen. Do you mean the XZ1?
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4. I used a nexus 5/7 before with stock android and i can tell you that miui isn't bad. Plus the battery on this device is insane. Visit /spg/.
sorry we dont sell tablets here
Sony compact. Doesn't get any closer.
>"Hello, I am looking a 7 or 8 inch tablet with full hd screen, stock or close to stock software. Something similar to the nexus 7 203 but better.
>5" 1080p screen
Are you trying to lose your eyesight?
xiaomi redmi note 3 pro
>5" screen is a tablet
How does it feel to have tiny hands? I have a six inch phone and I can use it one handed.
my dick is eight inches and my boyfriend still chokes on it
No I don't
Post dick
>"Hello, I'd like an Android phone with a 5" 1080p IPS screen please. I'd like stock or close to stock software and 3GB of RAM or more. Thanks!"
>here is this $150 phone :)
>"Hello, I'd like an laptop with a 15.6" 1080p IPS screen please. I'd like stock or close to stock software and 4GB of RAM or more. Thanks!"
>here is this $550 laptop :)
Googul Pixul
Next customer
>mfw ZTE ZMax Bro: 6" 1080p Android but only 2GB RAM
Sorry, we don't provide service iManlets here.
>literally Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
Op could get the XA1 if he's ok with a 720p screen. 720p looks fine at 5"
One Plus 3?
I'm a fucking girl and I use a 6.3 inch phone, manlet.
>He doesn't like having a screen big enough to do things with
Xiaomi A1
Comes dirt cheap with vanilla google android.
Moto G5S
Well no shit, women love huge phones to watch their videos and pictures on
I have huge hands and I still prefer 5" and smaller phones since I hardly use them for media
>"Hello, I'd like a mobile government monitoring device that tracks my every movement and gives the government agencies the ability to listen in on my conversations. The data should also go to advertising companies and I'd also like it to see advertising myself 24/7."
Oneplus X
Oneplus 2 or greater is what your're after
pixel 2. next
>needing to compensate for your small stature
>wanting a phone which is unusable with one hand
you're a dumb cunt whos opinion will forever be discarded for good reason, you're a dumb cunt.
xiaomi redmi 4x
Why not? Phones are pretty good for media. These displays are the best I've ever seen
One handed mode works really well but I usually just use two hands
proof you're not a real femanon.
real femanons can into multi tasking.
please be my gf
>Not multitasking on your phone with split screen and window mode
iLosers go away
That's literally Nexus 5X
or install lineage on it like I did and enjoy your 10h screen time between charges with no chink bullshit
>implying i haven't been doing that since s3 days
even on 720p and a smaller screen it's easily doable.
desu even the s3 is too large to hold comfortably or even be usable with one hand. your argument is invalid.
Moto G5?
Laptop is at least 5x more powerful and useful than the phone so I don't see the problem.
>"Excuse me, I was first in line and you ignored me!"
Laptop makes sense, it actually feels stupid having to pay more than $100 for a device with arm architecture.
>being a handlet
I'm so sorry.
>having a phone bigger than your penis
im so sorry lads
speak for yourself
Nokia 5
>more useful than the phone
The problem is that it has not to be like that. Most Linux packages can be compiled for ARM. Things like MaruOs have shown in principal that a phone could also be used as an Desktop alternative. Phones are nowadays powerful enough for office work etc , we are just artificially locked out by the manufactors and Google
see the problem with phones yet?
You don't need 1080p at 5"
>Girls can't have phones
Faggot-based elitism: The Post
Xiaomi Mi A1
>Thank me later
Here is your Pixel 2 sir
G5+ 64GB
Blackberry KEYone
Xperia XZ
Even better imo
not OP, but I'm genuinely interested into this phone. Is €460 for a new, unlocked one a good price according to you?