
>up-to-date but not broken
>backed by a large corporation so it won't suddenly stop being worked on
>simple installer
>just works on lots of computers
>steam runs without a problem so you can play games on it
What's not to like?

Other urls found in this thread:


does it use systemd bloat shit?

>systemd bloat shit
Those words don't belong together.

Systemd is nice and implied with "up-to-date"

I use Fedora for my VNC server for newer packages and better UI (Updated Gnome and stuff)than CentOS.

>What's not to like?
Its objectively inferior to ubuntu and debian. I'm not sure why anyone would use it instead of ubuntu unless they just want to be different.

It is named Fedora.

>objectively inferior to ubuntu and debian. I'm not

Does SELinux count? That's why I prefer to use it on servers along with CentOS.

Ubuntu for workstations though for sure.

>objectively better than Debian
Not at all true. Both distros have fundamentally different goals and design philosophies.

Fedora aims to create a stable, usable, and polished integration of bleeding edge technologies and packages.

Debian strives to create a free, stable, and expansive system that cares much less about staying on the bleeding edge.
That's not even taking into consideration the difference package managers, not to mention minutes differences in organizing various things.

I think both are very good, but for different reasons.

Yeah I guess if you really need SELinux or work with red hat systems but the overall desktop is worse and ubuntu does suck ass for selinux.

I just prefer to switch back and forth between red hat servers and debian desktop rather than use fedora even though they are slightly different.

I've been using Fedora since Fedora Core 3 and my biggest complaint (currently) is the short release cycle.
I would like to see a Fedora LTS that is geared toward Enterprise deployments on workstations
I guess CentOS could fill that role but some packages are too old on CentOS for my tastes. for example using kernel 3.10
effectively locking out newer hardware without installing/building a newer kernel.

I like how dnf is the fastest package manager because it downloads patches instead of re-downloading whole package on every update, so download size is like 5 times smaller.
I use Fedora 27 + vanilla kernel.

Bruh, systemd was made precisely for Fedora and RHEL. You should actually research the things that you hate.

Well fedora is something like poor man's redhat?

Thats would be CentOS
Fedora is the RHEL beta and experimental software testing bed

No matter where I wander I always end up back with fedora because it's always the first distro that works on new hardware. They've got their shit together.

Should I switch to Fedora if all I need are gimp, waterfox and mpv? I mean, that should be in official repos, right? I'm running xubuntu and never tried fedora because I hear copr or whatever is still pretty shit. Also how's the xfce/cinnamon version?

>beta testing red hat shitware for free

Yes, just enable RPMFusion

You need a third party repo for multimedia software like MPV. The most popular repo is RPM-Fusion which is not endorsed by the Fedor Project.

>What's not to like?

Since you asked...

> not rolling released
> short support cycle
> upgrading from version to version sometimes breaks things
> Quite a few broken SELinux policies, for example Tor's policy is broken in Fedora 27
> Made by the US-based evil RedHat corporation - which is evil

I think that's about it.

>up-to-date but not broken
yeah, tell me more. Granted, breakages are not that common anymore (there was a famous gdm loop in F25) but a lot of essential packages are broken (like tumbler for xfce).

Ubuntu does all of that

My Dosbox games are unplayable since 26 and there are a few graphical glitches in Gnome. Otherwise very good distro. I prefer it to Ubuntu and the others.

I installed Fedora Scientific, and while it isn't kept as up to date as the other spins (I think the download image is still at 25) it is honestly very comfy, besides the fact that everything I needed came preinstalled.
Some issues are obviously present, but only with weird shit like hibernation not working and shutdown taking 5 minutes every time. When my laptop is running, everything is fine, everything just werks.
It might be that GNU/Linux as a whole has gotten better over the course of my distro hopping, but this has been my favourite so far. Scientific ships with KDE, which at first was a bit of a let down, but now I am 100% on board with that as well.

I just checked, and Scientific is actually at 26, but for a long while it was the only spin that didn't get the upgrade immediately.

sounds good
not much said that cant be said about ubuntu. I like gnome, but I'd prefer aptitude, apk, or pacman over yum

>Linux Torvalds' distro of choice.
What more endorsement do you need? If you run anything other than Fedora you're probably a brainlet, or worse - a hippy.

>t might be that GNU/Linux as a whole has gotten better
It depends. A modern Ganoo plus Linox has a lot less issues with hardware but overall it became slower and less stable. Just put a Slackware install on a hardware (which is the most conservative distro out there) and see how much snappier your system becomes. That being said - Slackware is the only distro which had issues with my hardware (just like an old Linux would).

Upgrade your fucking computer if a recent Linux distro gives you trouble to run

try to learn how to read.
Slackware is the only "modern" distro which gives me trouble with my hardware.

Fedora is shite.

I use Arch/Manjaro/Gentoo.

I'd use fedora too if I was paid by redhat to use it.
>He beta tests for free

Fedora's development tools are way better than Ubuntu's. It ships with the newest version of GCC always, whereas Ubuntu is always like 4 years behind.

he said that years ago


Nani? My experience with Ubuntu was user error but I still managed to break it without even doing anything with it. Unlike fedora, that I haven't been able to break.

He is paid to use it by Redhat and Intel.

he was bitching on them for using an outdated kernel (in his view) recently. So, I guess he still uses it if he gives a shit.
Also, he uses GNOME3. Checkmate, KDE peasants.

He's fucking rich and doesn't need any additional shekels from Intel and Redhat.
He was using openPEPE for a long time but then ragequit it an distrohopped to another rpm system which is Fedora. Makes sense.

That's actually a trilby.

Solaris was backed by a huge company and it stopped. No one is safe.

he use gnome3 probably because it fit his need

kde user dont use gnome because it doesnt, thats very obvious

pretty sure that if RedHat dies - Linux will go down with it.
you are boring man

You say that like it matters.

>Muh gnome isn't a rice orientated DE/WM
>Muh non-free repos are touching my free repos
>Muh redhat actually contributing to linux
>Muh name that predates the shitty meme
Did I get everything?

>Fucking garbage, but at least …
Everything you need to know about any piece of tech ever.

...or governments, or legal systems, or...

updated too often, i like lts, centos/scientific/etc. don't cut it, it's fine but i'll stick to ubongo lts

>up-to-date but not broken
Their half-assed KDE flavor not included.
>just works on lots of computers
Unless you require substantial drivers, codecs etc.

Definitely the best laptop distro imo, installed Ubuntu and Mint, both ate the battery life and Ubuntu in particular ran like shit. Fedora feels incredibly smooth in comparison.

I'm posting from it right now. I like it.

Totally worth it when I get an OS this good out of it. Also that's lewd. Delet it.

>upgrading from version to version sometimes breaks things
I've literally never had this happen.

Yep. Fedora is great.

fedora literally cannot play x264 out of the box or using default repositories. Same with a lot of other stuff. Youll spend days making the most basic tasks like playing a video run properly.


>spend days
>literally 10 seconds

>needs to search the internet for answers and run 9 lines of CLI commands to get basic funcionality (not guaranteed)

worst distro ever


>uses a retarded method of establishing a network connection

Search an application called Fedy. One click botnet install + codecs + nice font rendering, etc.

I dropped it recently since it started freezing/stuttering on right click in Nautilus.

>What's not to like?

You become redhats bitch, it bricks on some peripherals and devices still ( wireless cards especially) and selinux

This , redhats also does this had a ticket open for over a year and nothing. Fuck them both.