
step back.
take a picture.

Other urls found in this thread:

>blue yeti


it didn't have to end this way

sure I guess

too dark to yield a good picture

>clearly no picture of the thread

>ff vii
impeccable taste

My screensavers comes up pretty fast, I don’t know how to change it.


>the absolute state of Sup Forums

I just kinda leaned back for this


all snug



What laptop is that? Looks pretty comfy


Are you really surprised someone with 2 Kekistan flags would say this?

Its a Razer Blade Stealth, Gunmetal. Good to know Razer buyers have some sort of taste.

That shit is gay as fuck.

is this kek kommand kentre?

Smoking and jamming at the moment, otherwise I usually have the leds set to orange which looks like a warm white.


Taking a shit

My camera is a nig, this is one with more accurate colors.

Both look like shit, desu.

what does it sound like when you fart? faggot

I haven't booted my desktop in weeks. Work sucks. Don't get a job, anons

you didn't have to answer, everyone already knew the answer

FOOOOOOOOOOF is the nearest way to approximate it


>being relegated to roasties
Sorry for your luck, kiddo.


>storm trooper angry birds plushier
>not one, but two kekistan flags + wallpapers

is this literally a 14 year old


Noodles in beef soup


>skyrim funko
>2 flags
This is a little too much


At work

This is the battlestation of someone I follow on Twitter. Does anyone know what the monitor on the right is, as I'd love to upgrade to it?


tremble at my digital 24/96 6ch digital crossovers and 115db sub

I wish I had a Bruce Lee action figure damn it


>that fucking mousepad

actually laughed hard, ty user

>all the lols.jpg
>literal meme faces

All you guys are liars desu.

Shit camera, I know.

>windows 10

nice laptop

Looks like a Dell Ultrasharp. Probably around 24". U2414H if I had to guess.


>can clearly see taskbar
okay kid

you forgot
>hand fedora

Do you just stock up on those milk jugs?


Do you not have a spot for your vape thing and drink? Do you really put them in front of the keyboard or are you just trying to show off to us?

What's the visual novel on the right?

I "really put them in from of the keyboard".

>Sup Forums is best board 2015
newfags fuck off of my Sup Forums!!!!!!!!



"all my niggas is troglodytes" look for it on vndb

zero personality

How many fucking cups do you need? You got like max 2 hands.

why are there restaurant menus stood up on your desk?

He is playing dungeon and dragons. Alone.

SO whats wrong with Blueyeti now? I was thinking about buying one of their mics. Why shouldnt I?

You mean one of the tabs? Tsugumomo


Nah, I'm retarded, meant to say left.

Empty cups are the currency by which I express my true nature as a lazy fuck who can't clean dishes.

One was iced tea, one was coffee, one was water.

I need to clean my shit up

That's just an android emulator running Duel Links.

Your telling me not everyone has a christian cautionary Pornography tape?

>show off in /bst/
literally noone does this

meant to reply to this earlier, got to watching a movie and forgot.
