Why does it seem like every software engineer is a complete brainlet?

Why does it seem like every software engineer is a complete brainlet?

Why do EEs and mathematicians make the best programmers? Discuss.

>EEs and mathematicians
>best programmers
SEs are the ones taking the programs you guys write with complete obliviousness to best practices and working them into something with a halfway sensible design

software """engineers"""

EEs write horrendous code

as an EE i agree , i pity EE people who work in software , feels good to work in the hardware department as an EE because almost everyone else is a brainlet who can't understand any advanced math or physics.

math grad student couldn't understand pointers, instead used a global several hundred megabyte integer array to store all program data.

>Why do EEs and mathematicians make the best programmers?

Electrical engineers are notoriously bad programmers. I haven't worked with any mathematicians but I don't imagine them doing well with large scale software.

>Why does it seem like every software engineer is a complete brainlet?
Its just because its becoming oversatured with normies and blacks. 10 years ago average programmers were more skilled. But now everyone thinks working on computers will make them lots of money.

>Why do EEs and mathematicians
Mathematicians, maybe, but not only the worst code but also most of the bad code I have ever had to deal with in roughly 25 years at this was written by EEs.

>Electrical engineers are notoriously bad programmers.
very fucking true
>I haven't worked with any mathematicians but I don't imagine them doing well with large scale software.
the guy who made dwarf fortress, tarn adams, is a math phd
it's not open source, and is just drawing some art from a texure map with sdl, but it has some insanely deep simulations
according to himself, the code is pretty bad, which is part of why he hasn't shared it with the world

>cucked by outsourced hardware macros
>cucked by nonfree
>cucked by patents
>insult to injury, put a fucking nda to even read documentation on how fucked hardware is

fuck off

EEs can only do assembly and hdl.

Try getting them to do anything else is impossible

>all single threaded

>149 logic gates to determine whether mixer a or mixer b has the greatest output in a set timeframe.

>This single, 300 line block of code calculates absolutely everything and anything involved in the internal processes of mixer a and mixer b, it has absolutely no indicators as to what is what but if you have any doubts just page me :^)

>EEs and mathematicians
are you kidding me?

In my experience these have been the absolute worst programmers i know. They never care about code quality, testing, design, or basically anything other than "its working!!! wow!!"

Philippe Kahn was a mathematician and wrote the original Borland Turbo Pascal, a fantastically tight, bug-free compiler that ran well on 80s PCs compared with the bloated shitpile compilers that Microsoft was peddling back then.

>They never care about code quality, testing, design, or basically anything other than "its working!!! wow!!"
This so much. I've been chewed out more than once for starting the implementation phase with the inputs, then the safeties, then the state machine, then the PWM outputs. The rush to get things switching, so you can see them on a scope, is incredibly strong.
"You never get stuff working as fast as what's-his-name, user," Answering that with, "True, but not only do I finish faster but also I cause far fewer explosions in the lab" turned out to be a career limiting move at that company.

ahahahhah all these butthurt coputer science brainlets in this threads with sat scores that can't get them into an eng school . who the fuck cares about code quality or design , code just like math is a tool to make the project work. at least we EE understand the projects and its goal while cs monkeys waste their time doing monkey coding that can be dont by IA in the future


well bugs in my company get patched by our coding monkey pets while we start discussing about the project with our fellow sales engineers

you see yeah my coding is messy but i cs guy can't even develop the code because he can't do any analytics or design . He needs an analytic engineer to do everything for him and analytic engineers are pretty rare now as we developing engineers can do what they do now

Yeah because ee isn't done by China along with manufacturing. Why else aren't there ee jobs

lol the only engineering the Chinese are doing now is reverse engineering .EE has more new jobs than CS and if an EE gets hopeless and find an nice electric engineering job , he can pretend to be a CE or CS and fool some stupid employers . Oh and we can double and triple major math and physics and find a job in that field.

>EE's get bullied in Sup Forums by CS brainlets
>EE's get bullied in /sci/ by unemployed math and physics autists
we need an engineering general or even board desu


>EE's are pussies like feminist and need safe spaces from rape culture

this t.bh, EEs and mathematicians have other focuses, they're terrible at making decent software.

If EEs are so good why haven't they done their own 4cham where they can beat eachother's dicks without fear of bullying? You guys are worse than MEs as far as sticking your heads up your own asses goes.

stupid stereotype that works only on undergrads .As an EE , there is no solidarity or identity in EE actually so no we dont really suck each other's dicks . the reason for this is most of us have really different masters and work in all kind of different stuff that isnt that relatable . Civil engineers suck each others dick much more than us for example
slow boards trigger my autism
only in Sup Forums , irl we are the bullies.

IRL you're putting in absurd amounts of unpaid overtime this weekend while Chad from sales does the hot new intern on his boat, but nice fantasy, mate. I hope it gets you through the night.

Cuz you don't actually know any software engineers. I do. They are geniuses. They're in a league so different than anything we are in.

EE's know the best about hardware. EE's probably harder too and takes more skills to master, so brighter ppl with the degree on average.

mathematicians often have deep abstract reasoning skills that translate well into good algorithm design, well beyond just pumping out spaghetti code.

I think they're more minimalist

they don't think like developers in terms of reusability, readability, or that someone else has to modify or maintain their code.

but in terms of minimalism and optimization, or code correctness, I think they do well.

>mathematicians writes code
>this function causes a segfault under certain conditions, which are obvious
>the reason is left as an exercise for the reader

>but in terms of minimalism
doing the minimal amount of work needed to almost function.
>and optimization,
premature optimization was their forte.
>or code correctness,
Well, it usually compiled.
The best, in the sense that the producted worked as spec'd and shipped to satisfied customers, projects I was ever involved with had an EE in charge of the hardware, a CS in charge of software implementation, and the two of them working together on the system design and architecture. There are people who can fill both roles, I've worked with them, but there are far fewer who can do so than there are people who believe that they can do both roles.

In programming you can just fuck around until it works. Great for bumblefucks like me who also need a job.

In programming you can just fuck around until it works.
Only if you're the only developer and your code repositories are only readable by you.
Ask any EE if they're ever let pF the magic dragon fix an interfacing issue.

but we EE can work and excell in sales too , lol you learn this in intro to engineering class , oh w8 you are a cs monkey so you mostly didnt take that class . lol

>but we EE can work and excell in sales too
Completely different skill sets, user. The productive, so well compensated, Sales Engineers I've worked with were all sales people mentally who had squeaked through a EE degree with gentlemen's Cs.