AYYMD BTFO. FORZA 7 GTX 1080 non ti > VEGA 64 @ 4k

Now the GTX 1080 is faster than the VEGA 64 on Forza 7.



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>Fury X

>The new drivers are more optimized then the old ones!
yeah, that is what they pay their developers for. Should be interesting to see when/if AMD pulls these (((magic))) drivers out of raja's ass

>99th percentile 1080 > 1080 Ti
Epic win for Novidea

>dat fury

They did not test the 1080ti with the new drivers Raja


>Experimental driver 17.20 enables DSBR, which has as high as 33% increase in performance with no increase in power consumption. Average performance across tested titles is closer to 15%.
>Experimental driver 17.32 enables primitive discard engine which will see Vega going from 4 primitives per cycle to as many as 17 primitives per cycle. This number can be further increased by game developers with in-game programming.

Seeing as we're currently on driver 17.10.1, it will be a long fucking time until we see the major features working. But when they are, nvidia better watch out!

You seem FURYous

Real talk, is there any hope for Vega 64 or do freesync users literally have to wait 20 more months for a card that might be decent?

Well in 20 months Navi will be out. I'd say AMD are waiting on volta release before enabling DSBR and primitive discards. Primitive discards alone will see at least a 50% improvement.

No, I just don't get the gaymen talk on here, when there is literally a gaymen board next door.

Sorry, I'll go back to the """programming""" thread to circle jerk over meme programing languages, fizzbuzzers, and doing lazy CS students Intro to Java homework
maybe we could have a interesting debate on Sup Forums about the advantages of 2 spaces vs 4 spaces or the upsides of Strict compliance to POSIX or the GNU way of life
or maybe still the endless smart phone threads and headphone threads are more your speed maybe? or the keyboard threads? how about another GNU/Linux vs Linux thread
OR we could have some more iOS vs Android threads those are /always/ so productive.

this board is absolute dog shit and exists solely for the purpose of shitposting/memeposting
the fucking porn boards on 4chinz have more interesting threads 90% of the time.

You don't have to make it worse than it already is with your gaymen talks though

>Sup Forums is for gaymes
>Sup Forums is for technology
>gpu's are not gaymes
>gpu's are a technology
Your argument is invalid.

>Primitive discards alone will see at least a 50% improvement
how delusional?

>Your argument is invalid.
discussing GPUs on gaymen benchmarks is clearly gaymen related and belongs to Sup Forums

Don't forget the guts threads where it's the same 21 autists circle jerking to their mediocre builds, and nobody outside of guts cares.

>Speculating and posting about advancements in 3D rendering technology
>3D rendering technology
just because its being applied to video gaymz doesn't doesn't make it not relevant to this board
but I guess it doesn't matter anyways because if this thread doesn't get pruned it will devolve into a pissing match between AyyMD and Novidia until it does

50% is conservative estimate. Going from 4 discards to 8 is literally double the performance.

>long fucking time
>But when they are, nvidia better watch out!
Why? At this rate there'll already be another brand new generation of cards, vega will be obsolete.

>An updated car engine now does better times on a quarter-mile doesn't belong on an automotive board, only in the racing board.
See how stupid that sounds? That's you. Stupid.

>00,1 fps difference

Holy mother of god that's insane! Amd BTFO!

Navi will be using the same engine as vega, but with infinity fabric allowing multiple dies on a single card.
>Navi is the threadripper of GPU's

AMD will refresh vega

There is going to be a small Vega in the future.

These are prototype branches with their own naming though.

>amd gets a lead in something
>nvidia responds and regain their lead
Where are all the retards who think that no competition is good now? Pretty much the same thing is happening in the CPU market too.

The game was simply broken for nVidia cards in a way.
They fixed it.
It's no competition.

And? When will they be released?

We don't know.
Probably along with major yearly Crimson update.

>Vega finally gets the drivers it needs to be good
>Volta comes out BTFO Vega a second time

Volta is bigger dies.
Vega will still be competitive in the price segment it's positioned.


If every feature in Vega is finally enabled and working at 100% I'm expecting at best maybe a 20% increase on average over what it is right now, and more likely to be in the 10% range.

user, 4 times the peak poly throughout.
More with per-engine or per-game profiling.

Games today aren't being held back by polygons

But GCN is being held back by the polygons.

I completely gave up on the freesync meme. This shit is all smoke and mirrors. I bought myself an LG 29um68 a year ago and have been sitting by waiting for a non-shit AMD gpu to release and vega is all we got. A completely overpriced housefire garbage with no drivers that gets stomped by nvidia hard.

Completely done with this "advantage" meme. Got a dell AW3418DW on the way already. AMD is all wishful thinking and dreams, the performance is never here or now, it's always some gimped shit with a lot of compromises instead of something that just werks and is available here and now.

desu I'd just like an affordable modern AMD card so I can run KDE with wayland

Guess I'm waiting for vega refresh or something

I'd like to buy amd cards like I can buy nvidia ones: ample supply from many different brands at all price ranges with solid driver support and consistent support that doesn't require me micromanaging the turd as if I were a babysitter. Just look at the vega situation. They buy this turd only for it to work like dogshit out of the box, so you have to try to find your undervolt limit, then keep overclocking and testing stability while performance is all over the fucking place going from title to title and you're bound to problems here and there due to the laughable driver support. Don't even get me started on how you can barely find this shit anywhere due to its almost paper launch tier release and then you learn about things like freesync flickering or 95% of the freesync monitors being utter dogshit so it all comes down to a point where you will find yourself troubleshooting and micromanaging all day long and not even playing anything. It also doesn't help that AMD is only price competitive in the US. Everywhere else, pic related is the kind of garbage you're subject to. Because who doesn't just love getting a mid range loud housefire with guaranteed shit support that binds you to the "just wait for X thing in the future that will fix it!" meme for just over the price of an aftermarket cooled 1080 that doesn't require babysitting, right?

You need to put your trip back on, inElite.

>muh made up boogeyman

Always the best way to sidestep when you can't refute anything.

Put your fucking trip back on.


Do it.

Poo in loo, pajeet.


Are you gonna keep jumping from boogeyman to boogeyman, pajeet? Why don't you go back to micromanaging your hot expensive sack of shit so you can get that quality sub-1070 tier performance in anything that isn't an AMD sponsored shit no one plays?


>my rx480 already 'obsolete trash'
>will still be able to run aaa titles on max for next 5 years like my hd7970 did
people who keep falling for this shit are dumb broke faggots

>Games today aren't being held back by polygons
The games aren't, but the GPU's are. If vega can process 4x more polygons than what it currently does at the same rate, that frees up a tonne of resources for it to do other shit. So much of the GCN architecture gets fucked over by poly's.

u are happy with ur 7 more fps hah

>It's a driver issue! It will be fixed in the next driver we promise!

well that's still about 60 so that's fine


Keep the faggot talk over there.

Still beats the GTX 1080 at 1080 and 1440p though.




Just wait™

You're trying way too hard.

Use a Marvin Heemeyer approach. You know where the new Nvidia office building is.

The new or the old one?

Dude I literally got memed super hard by Sup Forums. I was promised greatness so I upgreaded from a 3570k housefire to a 1700, and my RX Vega 64 is to arrive in the mail in the upcoming weeks.
And now I see all these benchmarks were my hardware just gets BTFO.


Arguably destruction of the old building with people inside will damage Nvidia more but either way their stock will tank.

1080 = vega 56

Yeah but you paid less overall I am guessing. The difference in performance is negligible and you will still enjoy gaming and productivity improvements. Stop looking at benchmarks and enjoy your value build.

Indeed. If it's doing this well with no drivers imagine what will happen when it gets the feature enabled drivers in a few weeks time.

what'd you expect, AMD has better raw power but nvidia. Its been that way for while friendo

>fury x

B-b-but 4Gb HBMeme is ok for the future

Pascal changed that.
nVidia is pretty stronk in shader math now.


They push Vega to the limit

>They push Vega to the limit
What do you mean?
Half the uArch is still disabled.

The gpu is almost stock overcloked with no real headroom. You need undervolt the card for better performance...Also AIB Vega have the same performance than the reference. The chip is big and draw a lot of power, new drivers will not fix all the issues.

>The gpu is almost stock overcloked with no real headroom.
200MHz for air 64 is no different from 200MHz over boost 3.0 for every nVidia card.
> You need undervolt the card for better performance...
AMD overvolts the cards since what, Evergreen?
>Also AIB Vega have the same performance than the reference.
Shitty ANUS one with mosfets ready to explode?
>The chip is big and draw a lot of power
How is that any different to GP102?
>new drivers will not fix all the issues.
They will fix power and performance though.

Lets discard every triangle and get 1000 fps

Nice cherry picked benchmark faggot. The Vega 64 was never faster at 4k. Show the 1080p results if you want to actually prove anything.

>The Vega 64 was never faster at 4k.
Which is weird, given the ALU count.

>he bought AMD

>200MHz for air 64 is no different from 200MHz over boost 3.0 for every nVidia card
Nvidia cards are more easy to OC than Vega 56/64
>AMD overvolts the cards since what, Evergreen?
They push the gpu to the limit
>Shitty ANUS one with mosfets ready to explode?
Again, thats because they push the reference to the limit so you have no headroom for AIBs
>How is that any different to GP102?
GP104 performance + more power draw than GP102
>They will fix power

Look the 1080 and the 1060 with the new drivers

If they can fix the bottlenecks it will mean you can drive the GPU less to get similar performance.

>Nvidia cards are more easy to OC than Vega 56/64
In what way?
>They push the gpu to the limit
Evergreen or Tahiti were pushed over the limit? Come on fuckboy stop showing how new you are.
>Again, thats because they push the reference to the limit so you have no headroom for AIBs
AiBs need to design something good first.
>GP104 performance + more power draw than GP102
Whoa, the card with half the uArch features disabled performs like ass! Unbelievable!
The best way to do something is to not do it at all.
Guess what primshaders and deferred rendering do.

It's actually a driver issue you retard
read the news

b-but xbawks is amd.

How do we solve the Sup Forums problem?

Killdoze AMD, nVidia and Intel HQs.

> Sup Forums fags actually spend their time arguing over which megacorporation makes better silicon

>Sup Forums - Technology
ICs are technology.
Cetainly better than another mobileshit thread or fizzbuzz shit.

Daily reminder that PC building is a "hobby" reserved only for manchildren.

t. GNU/NEET with rusty T420

Surely PC building takes immense amounts of technical knowledge and expertise. It definitely isn't entirely based around putting things into places where they fit.

Pic related. It's a master PC builder at work.

>t. GNU/NEET with rusty T420

But there are people who believe that competition shouldn't exist, which is fucking idiotic.

AMD should stop competing in a consumer GPU market for a few years so manchildren can fell the PAIN of corporate cock being brutally inserted into their tiny anuses.

1080ti/titan xp size, 1080 performance. Nice job RTG

>uArch features disabled performs like ass
>still a housefire

>shitposts loudly

vega 56 is a better value than a 1080

>An updated car engine now does better times on a quarter-mile doesn't belong on a science board, only in the automotive board.
Here's an actual correct analogy for you, low IQ brainlet

>waited two fucking years for vega
>it's been out for months
>we're still waiting for vega