Go to best buy

> Go to best buy
> Ask them if they carry any business grade laptops
> "Sure! All our laptops can be used for business!"
> 2 rows of nothing but consumer grade laptops with no magnesium frames, no ports, nothing...


>go to best buy

what did you honestly expect? fucking retard

I hate nu Sup Forums. Too many young idiots here.

>best buy
employees are "techie" idiots who correct you for calling a "surge protector" an "extension cable"

> Go to apple store
> Ask guy how to open the terminal
> "Well why would you wanna do that?"
> Walks away
I thought these guys were supposed to be Apples geniuses?

Why would you need to ask how to open the terminal?

this, but how can OP know what laptop lines they have since they refresh them every 3 months?

because they aren't going to put anything in store that isn't online and they even tell you if its in stock or not

>where are the displayport cables?
>the what

I never used apple shit before. I couldnt find on the screen. I'm pretty sure they had it hidden too.

>going to a consumer outlet expecting fleet shitboxes
>"magnesium frames"
this is how we can tell you're just a hipster trying to fit in with the thinkshit crowd despite knowing nothing about what he's doing besides trying to consume the right brands

If you can't deal with hierarchical file system or use a search field maybe computing isn't for you.

command+space and type "terminal"
or go into utilities in the applications directory
wow so fucking hard

he's not saying its hard, just that he didn't know how at the time.

What part of first time using mac do you not understand dumbass? I'm going to spend 10 minutes pressing different buttons to come up with the right combination when I can just ask someone thats already bugging me to buy shit anyway? Your faggy products are shit quality and the employees that sell them are even worse.

I got kicked out of an apple store once for opening the terminal and dicking around with the shell.

kys retard

Aqua is for anal indeed.

why exactly did you need to open the terminal when it was your first time using a mac
like honestly, why?

it's not that you don't know where to find it immediately for the first time, it's when you say you couldn't find it and then go "hurf durf the applel walled garden strikes again" which is something retards typically do
> I'm going to spend 10 minutes pressing different buttons to come up with the right combination when I can just ask someone thats already bugging me to buy shit anyway?
or you could've, you know, clicked the fucking magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner
or thought critically for once in your life and opened up the applications directory and explored it
>Your faggy products are shit quality and the employees that sell them are even worse.
why is it Apple's fault that you can't think for yourself

Sticking my thumb in Aqua's asshole while a mercilessly pound her from the rear in doggystyle like the mutt she is

>autism speaks

Why not? He might have a look in the file system or something. Need to look at the features that is going to be used often.


That's why I considered getting a job there, I have learned a lot from Sup Forums and I truly keep track of the current beat battery life per processor in laptops, which MacBook currently has held for the past decade

I was in the same situation with Windows not long ago, having spent my entire life with GNU/Linux and Mac.

It's the same for all operating systems and DEs. It's where the applications are, in some vaguely accessory- or administration-themed category. Takes mere seconds to find.

You and OP are clearly only out to waste the time of the admittedly technologically inept retail staff, but you knew that already before you went there. Going out of your way to "put them in their place" is beyond pathetic. Their time may not be very valuable, but at least they're doing something with their lives unlike you two.

It's a fucking terminal. What's there to look at?

Same but I did it on Best Buy on one of the HP computers, I only wanted to driverquery their crappy all-in-one.


>being too dumb to use a mac

>look in the file system
>look at the features
>in the terminal

What in the fuck? How can you be this retarded? If you don't know shit about Macs you should try a friend's or hackintosh a spare machine to get a rough idea. In any case, you won't fucking find anything that'll swing your purchase decision in the terminal.

>go to best buy
>ask them if I can see their consumer grade laptops
>woman there calls security
>spend 4 months in jail for 'hacking'
>finally get released and a cop beats me to death in the street

>If you don't know shit about Macs you should try a friend's or hackintosh a spare machine to get a rough idea.
Idiot, that is what the display Macs are for. Or else they would just use pictures.

>In any case, you won't fucking find anything that'll swing your purchase decision in the terminal.
I am pretty sure the guy who asked to look at the terminal would and I am sure I would likely base my purcase decision on that as well. It's the most important thing.

>mfw OP's your typical frogposting retard
do you even own a business, let alone have a job?

>go to place where people sell things
>get mad when said people employ common techniques used to sell things
Just say durable you autist. Business grade is practically a buzzword.

>expecting bestbuy employees to know what that is

OP likes going to BestBuy so they can feel superior when talking to salespeople about computers.

when they keep trying to sell you what they get most comission from...

hey i'm looking for a new phone. i have used the oneplus one for about 2 years, i liked it's value for money and clean android experience.
>oh i see may i recommend to you the samsung galaxy s8?
uhh, i'm not really a fan of samsung. how much are they?
>you can get one for $0 right now and a 24mo $60/mo contract.
(this is a minimum of $1,515)
yeah, uh i already have a contract. i'd like just the phone
>yeah but, huh, what carrier are you on?
i use Vimla and pay $7.50/mo. i get 60 calls, 600 sms and 3GB of data. that's more than i need.
>b-but if you switch to Three they have much better support that you can voice call! Vimla only has a web chat.
(he literally made that argument)
ok, well i don't want the galaxy. do you have anything else.
>take a look at these huawei phones. they're very good.
(they all run modded android to look as close to iphones as possible)
you know what, thanks for your help. i will go home and think about it.

the only reason anyone should go to bb is to pricematch stuff on amazon.

quality shitpost

They're geniuses compared to the typical applel customer.

Shit like this is why I just order online.
Never having to deal with sales reps is so good.

But I instead have to deal with shills on forums, imageboards and review pages.

what the fuck do you expect from people who work in an electronic store for minimum wage?

either they're clueless highschool students just wanting to make some cash or they're failed existances in a dead-end job. Neither of which have any incentives to learn about the products they "represent"


just buy an xps 15, deck it out except for the ssd, which you can buy and replace online for cheap

the biggest i7 on the xps 15 + 1050 is like 50% more powerful than the gimped 2ghz i7 on the mpb 15, and for cheaper

Sometimes when wander around in shops looking to buy some niche stuff I do things like:
>Run forkbomb on linux laptops
>On android phones enter dev mode and enable things like: flash when screen updates, show boundaries, etc

Haven't been kicked yet, I guess in my country no one watches customers

Why would you lie on the Internet?

>linux laptops

Lenovo and dell sells laptops with Ubuntu

>go into Tesco
>need a new lappy for my mum since hers broke
>just looking for something cheap for her to facebook on
>go to a demo model
>go to the device manager
>yep, all looks good
>about to find an employee
>one finds me
>asks me what I'm downloading onto the demo model
>tell him I was just checking whats inside the computer
>he tells me to get out before he calls the police
>walk to the door because I'm not going to fight this dude over a cheap laptop in Tesco
>guy in a suit stops me
>says hes the manager and that he was called to escort me out
>explain the situation
>crazy employee gets sent out the back
>get the laptop for 10% off and a free bag

It doesn't take 10 minutes to google "Mac Open Terminal"

bait, but in this fabricated story of yours, is the employee by any chance Pakistani?