What is 's opinion on DuckDuckGo?
I switched to it from Google and thought it was pretty good. Some of the results are less precise but that's okey.
What is 's opinion on DuckDuckGo?
I switched to it from Google and thought it was pretty good. Some of the results are less precise but that's okey.
>Some of the results are less precise but that's okey.
Use bangs.
>using duckduckgoy
Try startpage if you want real privacy
>real privacy
choose only 1
also shit results
It's a botnet
You clearly dont know how startpage works.
Look up it's founders previous adventures in data selling
It's litterally google with a european proxy, are you a nigger?
Ddg is the newest botnet, sadly. Use start page
Ddg is fine. Never seen any solid evidence that it is botnet.
>enter phrase into SP search
>provides results that contains the phrase, but it's something different
>enter same phrase into G search
>1st result 100% accurate
Cause it closed source, the founder is has a data collecting selling history
imo ddg is better for privacy than google, but i guess startpage has the best privacy
Dumb fuck. Google chooses the best results for you depending on your previous searches. It provides those results because it tracks you basically autistic shit
i've been using SP for 2 years (and still do) and only made like 4 searches on google directly where every search is unrelated to each other in terms of content
explain this, fucknugget
>thinks the only thing google collected about him is his direct searches
Are u retartet
This post in Sup Forums needs google-analytics to work with captcha.
>implying i didn't imply before that SP isn't a botnet
I don't think privacytools.io would advise DuckDuckGoy if it was a botnet. Still, I don't care about this that much, I use it because bangs are a killer feature.
Bing is better
obvious botnet
It's duckduckgood but the results still aren't as helpful as google's.
Bet me to it, DDG is shit
>Sup Forums says everything is a botnet
>the only thing Sup Forums said wasn't a botnet was hola
>turned out to be the biggest Jewish botnet since faceberg, jewgle and by proxy jewtube took over the internet
duckduckgoy is supreme
>Use bangs.
Is that a botnet too?
Perhaps it would be better to ask what search engine ISN'T a botnet.
Well Sup Forums is a botnet, obviously.
Actually probably not that far off considering it is full of Torvalds/Stallman paid shills.
Is garbage for tinfoil retards