can we all agree that any other languages are meme
Can we all agree that any other languages are meme
C++ is better
You mean Rust.
You mean D.
You mean Terra.
You mean Go.
You mean C--
Depends on what you're trying to do. If you want speed, C is great. If you want to be able to focus on inventing abstractions rather than implementing them, other languages are probably better.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Unironically saying abstractions are good
Jesus christ is this what Sup Forums is like? Fucking normies.
Even C is a meme.
Use assembly with registers, instead.
Even if you program in machine code, you're going to use abstractions. The difference is that higher level languages implement them for you, whereas in machine code you just keep the abstractions in your mental space and write your code based on them.
>not programming by hooking NAND gates together
>implementing wheel over and over
you sure have fucking all day to play in programming, but not all people are NEETs, some have jobs, and to make your job fast and spend rest of the day shitposting on Sup Forums you need those abstractions
>Building your own transistors and diodes is the real programming language
C is a meme too, but it's a fun meme, one enjoyable to program in, and easy to program in too. Hail Unix.
>>>>>>>>>>>Unironically saying don't reinvent the wheel
Tired of the (((modern programming))) shill brigades around these parts.
C is the biggest, shittiest meme in all programming.
Assembly is better.
Yes, it's a shame that D and Go failed to be better. Another 20 years of C it is, then.
Unix is cancer you nix normie. Turns out "designed for hundred-user mainframes" doesn't scale down well. Case in point, X11.
Use Ada you pleb. Also,the mainframe OS you're thinking of is Multics, not Unix.
C is kind of crap, but at least it's small and clean without any kind of hidden behavior.
It's really more a division of labor. It's more efficient to have some people specializing in implementing abstractions and having other apply them to uses. Literally econ 101. Same way a master leather-worker doesn't have to be an expert in raising cattle.
>"are meme"
learn to enunciate you fucking faggot