Starting to code

How can I learn how to code?

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just do it

Legit just do like code academy or some equivalent beginner book. I remember doing Learning Python the Hard Way a few years ago and my first few months of programming lectures/workshops of C++ were very similar in terms of education. I think almost everyone who wants to learn programming is of a similar mindset that there is a "right way to start". Honestly literally just doing any beginner course on JAVA, C++, Python or whatever will get you learning the logic, it makes no difference. Once you learn the basics and start looking to learn other languages you will understand.

Literally what this guy says. Pick a language, find a resource and just get to it. Don't think too hard about it for now.

Ask Karly.

user MY SON

Choose a beautifully designed and practical language like D:

Or choose a battle tested language like C++:



Also to add to add to this. Doing something like codeacademy or whatever that checks your code for you is convenient. Or if you do C++ you can just torrent Visual Studio and every time you write something you can press F5 or whatever and the IDE will literally tell you out of the box if your shit works.

1. Pick a popular language (c#, java, python, c++)
2. Torrent the shit out of books and video courses
3. Repeat everything from it - IMPORTANT
4. Try varying a little from those examples
5. Try creating something entirely new

and most importantly - never stop learning because you become frustrated

protip: there will always be some wizard that does everything you know 1000x better than you. Don't feel threatened by him, just accept the fact some people are wizards

be logical

don't use gay shit like code academy if you are a beginner. those sites are nothing like the real world and will not help you. those sites are better for people that already know how to program and need to learn a new language fast or need to brush up on a language.

1. install linux if you haven't already, preferably gentoo but use ubuntu if you are a brainlet
2. learn the basics of vim. the bare minimum commands. don't worry about mastering it. just learn how to do the simple stuff.
3. get the book learn python the hard way and learn python.
4. make a blog for yourself where you document how to do things, and how you solved things, etc. this will save your ass many times. you will never memorize everything so it is totally worth it to document step by step how to do a task so that you can refer back to it later.
5. now you are code

>4. make a blog for yourself where you document how to do things,

This is a nice advice

Other points are not that good (vim, for beginners, really?)

don't ask Sup Forums for advice or read on all the programming misinformation provided by high schoolers and college students here

Not OP.

I remember starting with CodeAcademy but it felt to retard-tier as if it were for "koder" brainlets.

>Though I was able to do some pretty good stuff on linux until I met a "real programer" that help me reverse engineered some complex chain of undocumented scripts call obscure files

More than that, learn how to structure shit with algorithm.
Once you master this kind of shit coding things is just a matter of syntax.
Do shit, dig deep into things like how they works, read some NFC or the only shit you'll be able to do is to make instructions followinf each other.

I actually started learning vim the same time I started learning C++. After learning the commands I started fucking with the .vimrc file and ended up with a fairly decent IDE functionality by the time I was done with the first C++ book.

I dont think there is a better time to start learning vim than when learning to code. is what I'm using

what do you think of it Sup Forums

It's okay, nice place to learn modern C++

open your browser control and type this

console.log("Hello World')

you're a coder now.

what is browser control?

Is there any alternative, legal way to do this?

Yeah, buy the books and tutorials, stupid
Do this and you'll be rich in no time.

There are probably a shit ton of free tutorials for anything you need on youtube

It's perfectly morally right to use anything you can to learn.

>torrent Visual Studio
it's free, why would you?

This. You can pick everything up by doing, and stackoverflow when you have a problem.

>points to OPs post

Code academy is pretty shit you learn the basics but it doesn't really explain to you why to use certain things properly its more like copy this and this and see what happens. It might be better now though i havn't been on there in years

it's code cademy, there is no A in name

The first thing anyone has to learn is the fundamental concepts (conditional logic, iteration, etc.) which are present in any language. I recommend choosing your first language based on what you want to DO-- i.e. choosing the right tool for the job. Some people say "all beginners should start with language X" and they may have a point, but the practical way is to pick a language that will help you get moving in the direction you are interested in. Do you want to work on mobile apps? AAA games? Operating systems? Desktop applications? Web?

The other thing is, it's not about how many languages you know, it's about how many programming paradigms you know. Once you understand things like procedural programming, object oriented programming, and concurrency, learning a new language will be trivial for you.

>something entirely new

What's with the tech lovers being always cartoon lovers?

Probably the fact that problem solve really gets the autism flowing just like watching bright colourful cartoons

>preferably gentoo but use ubuntu if you are a brainlet
Maybe if you want to divert a bunch of your time to customizing your computer which isnt useful for anything outside of customizing your computer. I'd recommend learning the shell and its utilities instead of learning how to rice your desktop.

brainlet here
what the fuck do I do after finishing all the courses and tutorials. I'm so lost and don't know what to do

your own project

I use vim too but this is unnecessary at best and a waste of time at worst. It makes more sense to start with a text editor that you don't have to "learn" so one can use his time to learn about programming. Again, using vim isn't useful for anything outside of using vim. It's better to allocate the time to learning things like data structures and algorithms.

Youtube tutorials always suck ass

is that image meant to be a joke

If you live outside of America and don't have to worry about life crippling debt and poor education standards, study CS. Code every day, take it seriously and get help from teachers.

If not, I suggest learning python with an IDE. Highly recommend pycharm, do some cool projects that involve data analysis. Once you feel comfortable with that read some Unix systems programming books and start to write things like multi process/threaded games, servers, shit like that in C using vim.

I'm not American and this is the state of programming in my country. What should I focus on? I started with a Java course

Not him

Java is fine, i personally like c# more and i think it's headed in right direction

Python is also amazing for web(scraping).

I would stay away from php

You'll have to learn at least some sql

Take a look at go, it might be the next boom in the future

Visual Studio Community is free and the best and only compiler you'll ever need. Don't let these Hollywood hacker script kiddies here tell you otherwise.

Also, what you'll find is most programming tutorials just follow the same shit. Which is a list of all the basic elements of a language and tell you what they do. But they don't show you how to implement it or use it in a program.

Check out the CodeGasm series by Barnacules on YouTube. Start with 1. Each tutorial is actually a full program and not just loose blocks

I wouldn't worry about the popularity of languages in your country since you're at the very beginning of your learning.

Starting with Python will give you a simple understanding of control flow and the logic behind simple programs and scripts. You should also learn OOP through Python, I would recommend it before learning Java. It's simpler in my opinion and a good learning tool. Once you know Python and C you can learn most popular languages easily.

It depends what you want to do. I suggest learning systems programming and C because I think it gives you a thorough and disciplined understanding of programming and computers themselves. Not only will you understand multithreading, system calls, processes and all that business but also what it means to you and how your computer is actually running.

Maybe that's not the answer you want because you want to git gud as fast as possible, but this is my answer to getting good in a thorough manner. I'm sure many disagree but my recommendation is python (learn basics + OOP) -> C (learn advanced topics) -> any other language you please.

Book recommendation: Modern Operating Systems, Tannenbaum. Can find a PDF google. Also Lainchan has a whole stash of python books.

Prolly meant console


Also don't give up and don't let Sup Forums shit on you and discourage you. Programming is a skill like any other and as long as you're not retarded you will be able to get good. Just keep reading and practicing and watching youtube videos. If you can find some sort of mentoring/help

Is that really necessary user


ocd is strong

>I would stay away from PHP

It's like he doesn't want to be employed. Trust me. PHP isn't going anywhere. And, contrary to what memesters will tell you, if you write good code, there isn't anything wrong with it. I just finished completely rearchitecting a 50000 line .NET session based REST API into a 5000 line PHP API that gives on average a 10x increase in performance (avg response time down from 400 to less than 50), and lowered their licensing outlay by tens of thousands of dollars a year.

You could, of course, do that in any language, but the point is that it isn't necessarily the tool you choose that makes good software, but how you use it.

yeah everyone has a different opinion and biases. I'll just keep going with Java, but I'll keep others in mind as well

Like this:


>code academy
code academy is for losers, pussies, and women. its literally the definition of affirmative action. lowering the bar so we get more fucking blacks and vaginas in tech.

I want to learn to code but am having trouble picking a language. I was thinking Java because Android (and seems to be popular with businesses so hopefully can get a job easily) and it appears to be "easier" than something like C++.

Or maybe C# which can do Windows, Unity, Android with Xamarin, etc.

However I like the idea of C++ as well. I know it is harder but all the things I am interested in working on (open source projects mostly) are in C++.

Choice is a bitch :/

Just take c# faget

Chili's c++ course brah

Doesn't matter which you pick first, you'll need to learn a few for paradigm exposure before you are a decent programmer. bro... It's the easiest way to learn fast. By easy I do not mean that it's easy to learn, it is challenging and difficult and you are bound to get stuck, but it's easy in the sense that you have a lot of hints and are able to look at solutions when you are stuck and continue on. It's the best way to learn I believe.

Code academy is trash and I don't know why people shill it. You will learn syntax and how to write the code, but not how to do programming or how to think.

Is c# available there?

Honestly... DON'T.

guys what about math? logic and stuff?

start by using the correct name for it. coding is what social media attention whores call it, and nobody else


Logic - yes. Math - literally don't bother, I can't add triple figure numbers and this doesn't hurt even a bit.

whats the good logic book then? for programming ofc

Do itt

Fuck if I know, I learned to program by writing terrible unreliable acceptance tests.

I had no experience, no proper education, didn't take any courses and didn't read any books. I learned from mistakes, static code analysis tools, code reviews, and responsibility.

I doesn't matter how you start, the important part is to surround yourself by smarter, more competent people, aka get a job in the industry.

Good advice.

Buy an arduino and a metal cage wired to mains power, then lock yourself in it.


Not OP but why not ?

Buying it

Don't start with python. Start with C or Java, or if you want web design - start with some book that teaches html, css and has an intro to javascript, then move on to learning more advanced javascript. Go for bigger books (like 700-800 pages) from respectable publishers.

Those moments when you feel like a complete brainlet trying to understand something and have to resort back to 1 + 1 = 2 and tracing logic by hand with pencil and paper are when your brain is doing the most learning.

>doesn't work on GNU/linux
into the trash it goes

If the student intends to make a career of programming that learning vim would definately be worth while. The workflow gains you get from have high proficiency in vim is worth it in the end.

By coding.
Pick C/C++. Don't pick up python or java. Read algorithms. Fiddle with libraries. Don't bother with video tutorials. What they teach in 1 hour can be learnt in 10 minutes using a book. Don't worry too much about OOP/functional. Pick a language and stick with it. Roller coaster tycoon was written in assembly you fucking pleb, you can certainly stick with c/c++. Also learn makefiles and do not use Visual studio. It is above 10 gb and that fact disgusts me. Learn vim and get familiar with linux at least. Also networking, you should know about the OSI layer and shit at least, and git
This is the only way. There are no shortcuts.

>some people are wizards
protip 2: ask them to join their club