Electrical toothbrushes

Are electrical toothbrushes a meme?

No, they just suck

Lurk moar

Never used those. Just apply proper brushing technique, use good-profiled brushes and change them frequently.

I think they're pretty good at getting some of the deeper molars out back, where there isn't as much space to move a regular toothbrush back and forth. Also, I haven't had to buy a toothbrush in two years since I got mine and like 20 replacement heads.

they're just vibrators in disguise.

What I said here: > (OP)
> This is all you need. 3-4 times a day.

Not a meme. My dentist just gushes about how little plaque I have after I started using my sonicate and occasional waterpik. I go back and forth between the sonicare and a regular gum manual brush.

My visits involve hardly any scraping compared to before. The people who say otherwise are simply poorfags.

You're one of those retards who don't know how to brush their teeth.

this, I use them in my anal cavity

No, absolutely not. Use one for a week and you'll see. The sensation of cleanliness you get off your teeth is unmatched. I've somehow managed without needing to go to a dentist for yearly cleanings (lost my coverage a while back) because I started using an electric toothbrush.

You'd need to brush alot long and harder with a regular brush to get the same effect. An electric toothbrush is a FUCKING TOOL. Just like a blender, just like an electric drill. Sure you can get the same effect doing it MANUALLY, but not without a shitton more TIME AND WORK. Moron.

Shitty ones are, you have to get the sonic ones or whatever that have the 10 billion vibrations a second

>alot long
Like? If it takes more than a minute or two you're doing it wrong.

Eh? Never!

Stop namefagging you retarded RPer


i have literally this exact one but i bought mine in like 2005

Good job, you managed to remove your name.

Now kys.

Lmao guess how I found you're fresh off reddit?

>says kys (at all)
>has no arguments
>different anons disagree with him (with the insertion of me as an individual)

Yep, he's a newfag

Dentist here.
They are the golden standard.
Use the oral b pro series. Add flossing. You'll enjoy the best oral health money can buy.

>posts 1 minute apart

>disagree with me
I actually came into this thread, interested to discuss the topic, only to meet an attention whore of an OP. How could you 'different anons' disagree with me when I haven't posted anything that you could possibly disagree with?

go back to plebbit, newfaggot.

Keep chasing that newfag boogeyman, retard.

you should work on your humor.
pretty sure girls only like vibes on their clitt

>trying this hard to troll Sup Forums
nice life.

like someone already posted this
enjoy your ban

Soniccare or gtfo

I though the Phillips sonicare was the best? see:

Been using DiamondClean for years since mom works as a dental hygienist and we can get them cheap. Only purpose I see is that it feels good and it can cut a 2 min manual brush to 1 min for the same clean. Used to have minor teeth calculus with manual brushes, but haven't had them since using electric.

>it's better because larger number
that's not very convincing

If manual toothbrushes aren't good enough you need to clean up your diet, and that'll help a lot more than just your teeth.

my young sister has one. and she likes it very much.


my younger sister(dead) hated it.

I haven't brushed my teeth in 4 years, not a single hole and I easily passed in my dental checkups, had a little dental plaque 2 years ago, stopped drinking soda and last year I were fine, no plaque either, and I still have my wisdom teeth intact since they grew out properly, most people gets rid of them.
And since someone will probably ask why I do this, I simply got tired of brushing my teeth so I stopped.
t. Actually not a brit

Was fine*
And I use mouthwash so I don't smell like a basement dweller

Mouthwash fucks the beneficial bacteria in your mouth all to hell. Chew some sugar-free gum or something.

The round rotating head type like pic related have been clinically proven to remove more plaque than manual brushing.

Will do that if mouthwash ain't good, got it from apothecary and it was supposed to be good so, but no hurt in changing up a bit.

Has anyone ever tossed a breath mint in your mouth while you were talking to them?

No, read my second comment.

They let you brush your teeth quicker. A short brushing from an electric is more effective than a short brushing from a manual toothbrush.
Ergo, I'm saving several minutes a day by using one.

Verily, good sirrah, a brewer of potions in the year of ovr lord fovrteen-hvndred and thirty-seven plvs five hvndred eighty be known most properly as a pharmacist!

They're fucking botnets you dummy.

Not a meme. My teeth are cleaner than ever plus it is less effort

i floss, and wipe my teeth with a rag, no toothpaste
toothpaste is a conspiracy

my tooth health is great according to dentists
they get mad when i tell them what i'm doing though

Yeah sorry, not native english speaker, forgot it was called pharmacist :)

Teeth washing is a meme. I don't brush at all, just keep my diet in check, no cavities, no nothing. Perfect mandibula, perfect teeth.

Aaay, nobrush friend
does your breath smell like death? I know I went 4 days without mouthwash and the smell was funky af.

RIP your entire gumline

You can fix your breath by brushing your tongue.

No joke.

only a meme if you have protective casing
>wat cavaties

Not him but I usually it tough meat quite a lot, so my gums don't grow over my teeth and it doesn't get damaged as it would if you over brushed, I'm sure his gums are fine.
Most people don't understand that biggest reason for why it's important to brush your teeth is because you eat and drink so much shit.

Yeah I know that, saw it on several commercials, it's what the rubber things on the back of some toothbrushes are meant for, even though it feels like a meme when you can just use the bristles.

brushing your teeth is a meme.

it literally causes cavities and tooth decay.

>falling for the teeth meme

I never brush my teeth, mouthwash or floss and I've never had a cavity and my breath doesn't smell (unless I eat shit food)

Can confirm, haven't brushed my teeth in over a decade and I have zero cavities or even teeth for cavities to form in.

>not pulling your teeth out at the dentist and buying a pure titanium denture

I could chew your hand off if I wanted.

>not knocking out your teeth at home with a sledgehammer and installing a bear trap to your skull
I could snap off your head in one bite mate

Philips / Oral-B etc. electrical toothbrushes are a complete meme. They don't vibrate or clean better than a Chinese $20-including-shipping model.

Other than that, they're reasonable, but not necessarily better than manual brushes.

>havent had to buy a new toothbrush
>paid for 20 replacement heads

I wasn't joking. Titanium is harmless to the body and I had the denture custom made by a dentist. It's painted white with an special paint and the pressure is balanced to the whole mouth, so it wouldn't hurt biting and warping even a fork.

Pretty cool senpai, still doesn't beat my bear trap though.
How much did it cost? Guessing up towards 10k at least?

Wait, my on board currency exchanger fucked up, meant to say 5k.

It was pretty expensive to be honest. But worth it. About 6k€ iirc.

Yeah, they do have that rotation, but they don't have torque.

There's no electric toothbrush as powerful as an human hand brushing the teeth.

Just don't be stupid lazy.

Electric toothbrushes are OLDMEME.

Well as long as one doesn't regret a purchase it's all good.
Was there any reason why you did it? Like bad teeth and fixing them would be more expensive than getting a new set, or did you just do it on a whim/not wanting to brush teeth?

A bit of everything. Got a cavity a few years ago and got a bit mad, I didn't want to deal with dentist shit, pains and such as one gets older. And now it's low maintenance and carefree forever. Plus pretty strong.

As dependable as real teeth, if not more. I also don't need any adhesive or anything, it was custom build and it kind of pops in when I put it on.

itt: neckbeards with awful and damaged teeth defending their decision to brush manually with a cheap dollar store toothbrush because they never figured out how to use an electrical toothbrush properly

hint: you hold the bristles on each tooth for a few seconds angled upwards towards your gumline and apply variable pressure (eg. alternate between pushing hard and barely pushing)

brushing takes a little over two minutes when done correctly, but you can FEEL the difference on your teeth. You can NEVER make them as smooth with a manual brush as you can with an electrical brush, sorry