Well, what do you think?
Well, what do you think?
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I like their community ides
intellij is pretty good.
clion looks good too.
datagrip and teamcity looks really interesting.
Rider is top tier ide
Is it worth the coin?
Probably yes. But I just use my shit college email that I went to years ago to get it for free.
Intellij and rider are best on the market imho, cant wait for their go ide
IntelliJ idea is pretty good but I'll never pay money for an IDE. Kotlin had a good idea behind it but the shitty syntax killed it.
Jet brains is fucking incredible
this. I jizz my pants every time I use it.
beautiful Java(tm) Swing(tm) software
not even once
CLion is the best C++ IDE I've tried that actually has good cmake support built in. The other products are probably good as well
This. You know it’s good when not even Sup Forums has anybody that can shit on it. What about the vim/emacs faggots? No “you aren’t a real programmer unless you use emacs/vim” meme?
I use clion and pycharm with emacs keybidings.
Yeah this really sucks and they can be memory hungry but it works so much better than anything else on linux. There’s just no point in comparing with Qtcreator or eclipse.
Their IDEs are fucking amazing but I wish they weren't so heavy, they make my laptop fans spin up every time they start up
Does it really matter though? I feel like RAM usage is such meme. My CLion probably averages around 700MB with most plugins disabled. That's 700MB out of 16 000 like probably most people here have.
So what if vim/emacs uses 0.1MB of RAM, it's not a valid IDE and is fairly inefficient compared to a real one that uses more RAM
It's the only ide i would pay for. You could ask your local sea hoarders if they've got any for a lower fee
pycharm pro is best ide for python by miles
I tried pycharm but it was a piece of shit, but maybe i didnt give it a chance.
What makes it so great?
I wasn't being sarcastic. JetBrains IDEs are great, and it seems they're going to get even better because VSCode is stealing some of their userbase.
All jet brains ides are amazing. They even do. Net better but subscription service will kill them in the long run when vs code is free. I just use the crack but coming from eclipse and blocks its amazing how much these ides make life a thousand times easier
Question, for Android development is Android Studio the best bet? or should I explore other IDEs?
Excellent IDE. I love them for making IntelliJ really good for Scala & the other IDE are fine too.
Not really a fan of their team tools, though.