Num pad or bust

>There are keyboardlets on this board right now
How do you get things done without a num pad?

I don't have to do a lot of data entry because I finished school.

>having ANY number keys
holy fug.



Hahaha, poor little wagecuck needs to enter data.

>playing modern roguelikes without a numpad

enjoy your gimped controls, keyboardlets


>not playing roguelikes with vi keys

roguelite baby detected

>playing video games
You manchildren are cancer. Go back to your containment board.

enjoy your ctrl-finger, sweetie. Maybe vi keys worked fine for like nethack but it's 2017, mmmkay?

I bet you play with tiles like all the other little girls

all the good roguelikes these days ONLY use tiles, sweetie

name one

>playing games with a keyboard
It's meant for typing.

>spoonfeed me

enjoy your nethack :^)

Are you that afraid I'll make fun of your gay little game?

We don't need smelly old men with cheeto beards in our community, K sweetie?

Don't worry I don't like gay clubs.

Too many macfags.

>off center keyboard
Why when you can have pic related?

I value the number pad, it really helps with my work, but the most important part of a laptop is the arrow keys, most of them are an abomination by trying to compact the up and down key together then the number pad is useless if my sausage fingers can't arrow efficiently

>being a data entry pleb

If you are a keyboarlet that has too look at the keyboard to enter numbers you are gutter trash. Num pads are the best.

>can't blindly type numbers without a numpad