What's your poison Sup Forums?

What's your poison Sup Forums?

Where the fuck is the normal desktop?

Those are dead

I was thinking about doing a hybrid all-in-one like this because I want to move states.

>The word "her" used to describe the user
>Normie female using a regular desktop
Nah bruh

Laptop+tablet for maximum comfy.

>What's your poison Sup Forums?
Sup Forums itself

>normal desktop
you mean workstation

laptop > tablet > e-reader > all in one

Overpriced, high maintenance.
Underpowered, un-upgradeable
Novelty paper weight
Paper weight

>thinner and lighter laptops provide significantly better battery life

Whoever wrote this drivel.

>no option for SoC dev board ziptied to a screen with a powerbank velcro-taped on the back

Laptop, most certainly.
That said, why is there no Desktop PC in here?

15" workstation-class laptop. I personally have no use for anything more powerful.

>why is there no Desktop PC in here?
it's no longer viable.

Why is it no longer viable?

Literally underage. You should be able to buy those easily if you aren't a Nigger NEET.

>tfw king of the kitchen with digital cooking assistant

>fw still undecided between "reduced clutter" and "uncluttered workspace"

user has no reason, it's memetalk nowadays to speak as if desktops have no use anymore despite the fact that they're consistently more powerful than anything listed.

Moore law.
New smartphone can do most of your daily usage.
You need a desktop if you want to do creative work.

Your desktop can do everything. Why is that not enough?

where does this fit

look at me uzing buzzwordz!


That is the ugliest fucking thing I have ever seen.

If only it'd work as originally intended. But it's so skimped down.
However, next week I can try if this works with any USB-C video capable device.

Normal desktop isn't poisonous, so it's not there.


I did something like that with an old atx cpu tower back in the Pentium 4 era, except less professional.
Used a 15" lcd and made a slit hole in the bottom by the lateral where i was able to keep the keyboard, and a handle on top. shit was bulky but worth the effort.

all-in-one. I'm not a creative professional or anything so my concerns were in the area of casual use, aesthetics, and display size, and the all-in-one delivers

Seems like Canonical was just way too far ahead of it's time

nobody needs linux.

But it paved the way or at least the idea for universal platforms, see Windows 10 or Samsung Dex
It will still take a few years to really take off though