AMD’s Vega beats Nvidia’s GTX 1080 by up to 21% in Shadow of War at 4K

>AMD’s Vega beats Nvidia’s GTX 1080 by up to 21% in Shadow of War at 4K


oops AMD pajeet OP forgot to mention that this was prior to new driver released by nvidia :)

Is this the new ashes of singularity?

nope AMD just cheated and used wrong drivers for nvidia

this is some actual autism there

Wait I thought nvidia aged like milk and never received driver updates.

>nvidia need driverupdates to perform

i can't wait when 1080ti is gonna be legacy next year

>fermi still recieves drivers
>amd dropped everything pre gcn

No problems with uBlock Origin + AAK-Cont script here.

baka desu, gcn is as old as 780ti, where the fuck is this card now?

shadow of war, doom 3
few games where amd is better

who fucking plays this shit?

gcn is fucking ancient and it took nvidia years to make good on their promise of dx12 for fermi
that's probably the only reason they even bothered

Remember when the 980ti aged like shit and the Fury proved to be an excellent investment?

>he doesn't have noscript

I actually meant the mentioning of the internet connection, i of course am able to get past it.


Yeah, but Pascal is still the latest gen so gimping isn't on yet.

>read changelog
>a lot of shit for Pascal/Maxwell, nothing for Fermi
Oh yeah, that version number surely feels good. AMD BTFO amirite?


Show benchmarks

>Before the nvidia drivers update


>not running pihole from a 64mb vm

Fuck you

> still running my old Galaxy GT 430
> still overclocked 8 years straight

I approve of this card. Of course it's not for games today (although, it does work as an outstanding Age of Empires II station when guests stop by to play), but I can run every 1080 video file I own on a 2560 x 1440 monitor with it. Best $40 I ever spent.