Ed(1) thread

This is a thread for our STANDARD text editor.
vim, emacs, notepad.exe needs not apply.
Let's just run over a few benefits of using ed(1)
>It's the STANDARD
>It's 24 bytes!
>It's the true path to nirvana.
>Greatest WYGIWYG editor of all.
On the systems I administrate, vi is symlinked to ed. Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which
1) Generates a syslog message at level LOG_EMERG;
2) reduces the user's disk quota by 100K;
3) RUNS ED!!!!!!

Admit it, visual editors suck.
Ed is the standard text editor.
Pic related - typical novice's session with the mighty ed

Other urls found in this thread:


you're mom gay lol

>im tired of memorizing memory address ranges lmao instead ill make a more user friendly interface and memorize line numbers lol

The composition of commands it ed makes it very easy to to do complex actions very quickly. Example: g/.*/m0 reverses the buffer.

>command not found

its not even installed already, why should i use it?

What kind of shit meme distro are you using? I bet it's arch.

it makes your bepis larger

sam > ed

What's your favorite ed sound scheme?

>Sam presents its own graphical user interface (GUI) window, samterm
what a waste of space

Other cool benefits
>the best text editor for the blind
>it's the STANDARD
>can be used in scripts
>it's ed


>no syntax highlighting
>no spell check

Syntax highlighting is juvenile. When I was a child, I was taught
arithmetic using colored rods
(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuisenaire_rods). I grew up and today I
use monochromatic numerals.


visual formats are juvenile, I hum waveforms of elliptic curves to solve them, if your workstation requires any peripherals other than some 3.5mm jacks you're an infant

fuck you pike! you stupid hack!

But `notepad.exe` is the standard editor for Windows, unless you're saying that the standard MS edtior is `EDIT.EXE`.

Also `vi` and `nano` are on so many distros now that they might as well be considered standard editors.



I didn't type the extension in for years. But still, I could have sworn it was an executable.

it is an executable. a 16-bit COM DOS executable, not an EXE one

either way, ed(1) is nothing compared to the true standard editor EDLIN.COM

When IBM, in its ever-present omnipotence, needed to base their “edlin” on a Unix standard, did they mimic vi? No. Emacs? Surely you jest. They chose the most karmic editor of all. The standard.

>bash: ed: command not found
>01:08:33 x XXXXXX:~$

> using an outdated, barebones editor
> actually being productive
pick one

you could at least post all the pasta

ed really is the BEST editor if you're old as fuck and played a bunch of MUDs and shit. It's very reminiscent of stuff like the OLC description editor. That makes it very intuitive for old fucks like me.