ITT: Time you were the Coolest Hacker in School

Give some Cringe stories, ones where you were a 1337 h4x0r 4n0nym0u5.

School banned so I tried getting access by just typing in the IP instead of the url and it worked, then I told all my friends. It was some pretty intense hackerman action for the early 2000s

1) "hacked" all my classmates hotmail accounts by using easy password recovery questions.

2) sent email bombs (that was what they were called and they actually got delivered) to teachers weekly.

3) messed with school's windows boxes hosts file and made redirection to I'm not sure if windows had any sort of admin tools at the time or was the teacher (who handled the computer class) too retarded.

4) sent emails using teachers e-mail addresses to other teachers, writing all sort of disgusting buttsex type of things. e-mail providers didn't check the headers at all at the time and they all got delivered.

fun times.

> write .bat file that reopens itself when you click it
> leave it in the shared assignment folder
> call it "Submit Assignment.bat"

>Guy I know wants to be the 1337est hax0r
>Tell him to put del /s/q * in a bat file in the C root.
>"Running it gives admin and allows you to see everyone's stuff."
>He runs it
>Computer is out of action for over a year because the staff are tech illiterate and lazy

>family complains wifi isn't working
>go into office
>reset router
>wifi works
>become tech god

>math class
>homework is to complete online test
>homework website is basically one .swf
>correct answers are precomputed, test is marked on the fly
>open IE dev console
>find the embed element
>call GetVariable on it to retrieve the correct answers
>get some wrong on purpose to avoid suspicion
>math homework done in 2 minutes
>do the same for friends

>assignment to do some shitty vocabulary practice website
>open inspect element
>set progress bar to 100%
>show teacher

Well... I knew shutdown -i.

After abusing the power, I told someone I trusted. Apparently, he told somebody else. And then the cat was out of the bag.

None of the school administrators knew what to do about it. Let's just say that ever since , I learned to do CTRL+S automatically, without even thinking about it.

>school removed any game icons from windows XP
>run winmine.exe
>play minesweeper

>Double click folders in the start menu to access the usually restricted C:\
>Be revered

I'm no programmer and I'm probably nowhere near as good as most of you are but I've worked in IT and have a good knowledge, so I was often called upon in class.

>Teacher couldn't get interactive whiteboard to work
>"user, go fix it for her!"
>Walk up
>Plug it in
>Sit down

We had a Windows 2000 network, and I made a batch file to NET SEND obnoxious messages to the whole domain and put it in as many startup folders as I could. There was a bug that let you escalate to system by killing explorer and having a command window up so you could schedule a task to restart it, so I was able to do some hilarious "even admin doesn't have permission to delete this" nonsense. Nearly got expelled for that one.

Back in highschool I sat in the computer lab during a class for 20 minutes with my monitor off until all the students laughing eventually got me kicked out. One girl thought it was so funny she approached me after but I spaghett'd out

I used to watch hentai in the back of computer class with another kid (no homo). It was some random indi hentai website made by a guy who took requests. It was the only porn I could find that wasn't blocked. The teacher never came back there because she knew I was the best in class and must be on task. The class was about Microsoft word.

I installed halo ce on every library computer and placed a copy in the share drive

Some kid put porn on the share drive in some cringy maze folder directory and almost got me taken down with him

>the only porn I could find that wasn't blocked
My school even blocked a lot of foreign language porn, but not

Anyone remember subseven? We had some laughs opening and closing cd players and no mistake.

>high school
>friend gives my AOL screenname to some self-proclaimed hacker kiddie
>friend warns me not to piss kiddie off because he seriously is a real hacker and will hack me
>online after school
>kiddie sends me an IM
>try it, kiddo
>20 minutes later, punt blocker tells me he tried to punt me
>the fuck
>punt him back
>it works
>he cries to my friend that I'm some sort of super hacker the next day

The 90s, man

>feel mad at my mom one day
>get on family computer
>create batch file that infinitely opens
>make every internet explorer shortcut point to this batch file
>she calls someone in to fix it
>I cut a hole in my Guy Fawkes mask so I can smugly eat my tendies

One time I showed my classmates how to sideload Instagram and bypass parental control

In June 2000, while visiting Korea, I did a fun hack that clearly illustrates the original and true meaning of the word "hacker".

I went to lunch with some GNU fans, and was sitting down to eat some tteokpaekki (*), when a waitress set down six chopsticks right in front of me. It occurred to me that perhaps these were meant for three people, but it was more amusing to imagine that I was supposed to use all six. I did not know any way to do that, so I realized that if I could come up with a way, it would be a hack. I started thinking. After a few seconds I had an idea.

First I used my left hand to put three chopsticks into my right hand. That was not so hard, though I had to figure out where to put them so that I could control them individually. Then I used my right hand to put the other three chopsticks into my left hand. That was hard, since I had to keep the three chopsticks already in my right hand from falling out. After a couple of tries I got it done.

Then I had to figure out how to use the six chopsticks. That was harder. I did not manage well with the left hand, but I succeeded in manipulating all three in the right hand. After a couple of minutes of practice and adjustment, I managed to pick up a piece of food using three sticks converging on it from three different directions, and put it in my mouth.

It didn't become easy—for practical purposes, using two chopsticks is completely superior. But precisely because using three in one hand is hard and ordinarily never thought of, it has "hack value", as my lunch companions immediately recognized. Playfully doing something difficult, whether useful or not, that is hacking.

I later told the Korea story to a friend in Boston, who proceded to put four chopsticks in one hand and use them as two pairs—picking up two different pieces of food at once, one with each pair. He had topped my hack. Was his action, too, a hack? I think so. Is he therefore a hacker? That depends on how much he likes to hack.

>my friend and I both get psp's for christamas
>show him how to "hack" it using the one speed boat game that you could glitch into the google search bar
>we both proceed to download a shit ton of hentai
>apparently his mom catches him jacking off with a friend, both with psps
>calls my mom and tell hers to check my shit
>1,091 pictures
>she scrolls through about 50 sakura and hinata pics before asking me why
>I said idk
>She makes me delete everything
>I promise to only use my psp for playing tekken
>2 days later I figure out how to watch porn on the family computer

Thank god she didn't keep scrolling.

I still get hard every time I see a psp

>not hacking your PSP to emulate SNES games

What a faggot

back when greece was building its national school intranet there was a time that they had to sync every main compute of each school with a central clock for some reason..
that means that someone had the brilliant idea to actually make the whole god damn network as discoverable by each main computer

didnt need much really found a pdf that was almost 498 pages full with kama sutra positions and how to do it in detail wrote a mini bat to redirect every remaining jobs to each printer if one ever went out of paper(to start at 10 pm )

next day nothing happened everything went as normal till about 5 days later the police came in and started to meddle with the mainframe
they accused the school principle of doing it cause at the time i was logged in with his credentials he went apeshit
the fun part was that some pc's hang out due to the massive pool i created cause eventually the printers were out of paper and the print jobs scaled up to infinity

The 1000 had a web browser built in, why would you need a game?

Yeah PSP still trigger an erection for me too.
When I first used Sup Forums, it was on my PSP.

>food analogy
Dammit stallman

>The 1000 had a web browser built in, why would you need a game?
Not originally, they patched it in later. You had to play wipeout pure and glitch it into a webbrowser

>write batch file that opens the disk tray every 15 seconds
A classic afaik

Fuck you're right. I was sitting here thinking about it and you had me questioning whether it had it when I got it or whether it was an update.

Got ahold of the entire address and phone number directory of all students and staff in my highschool. Was plaintext and on an unsecured server. All I had to do was open 7zip file manager to reach it because they had windows explorer configured to not show shared network shit.

Printed the entire thing out and mostly used it to call random people in my classes with innocuous questions about the courses. Tried asking a girl out over the phone with it once because I spaghettied if I tried it infront of girls, but it turns out they don't appreciate it when you know their phone numbers.

I decompiled the summoners war apk only to find out nothing in the apk was calling the functions inside.

I later found, a shared object file downloaded from the server. But it started with the magic header "SOX" instead of your regular ELF.

I still can't figure out what the hell a sox file is, but IDA can remotely debug it, yet IDA can't process the file as a standalone. The .so can't be encrypted because I see the encryption keys in the raw data as well as in the IDA debugger.

Good thing when the object was loaded into memory, it was a regular object, otherwise I'd still have no idea what to do. Feels bad man.

>torrented a 4 gb collection of saddam hussein pictures by accident
>decided it would be funny to make a bash script that exploits windows xp
>basically when I plug the usb stick in, it'll auto copy 4gb onto the the computer recursively
>accidentally leave it plugged into a computer at school over weekend
>Sorry kids we can't do IT or computer learning for the next month and a half, a data breach led to over 13 terabytes of hires dictator selfies to be written to the server drives

Sometime like 2008-9, WC3 stopped needing a CD key
So my friend and i put a copy on the school system, and when we had time would play

We got in trouble because we had shared it too much and it ended up taking up too much space on the shared network, kek


I once set a netbook to autoplay some stupid message while increasing the volume and toggling mute. Put the script in the startup folder too.

underage b&

>know how to pirate
>everyone ask for newest games and movies

also, rewriting the tracker address in the torrent client made it not count downloads in the age of superslow uploads and minimum seed ratio requirements, one could download with the full 100kb/s all night long

I'm 25 and english isn't my mother tongue you fat fedora wearing neckbeard.

Punting is literally the exact opposite of "fat fedora wearing neckbeard", m8. It's mainstream normie shit from the 90s.

>installed subseven on school computer lab machines just before going on homeschooling because of two years of surgeries and recovery
>set each machine to send the ip to a private IRC channel anytime they changed
>enjoyed ripping passwords, logging keystrokes, silently observing what other students were doing from home
>proceeded to do this for almost 5 years (3 years of that were after I graduated) until they finally upgraded the machines in the lab
>HS IT guy repurposed one of the machines as a file server on the network without reinstalling windows (he did wipe drives from a few of the old machines and crammed them in the file server)
>managed to fight the urge to upload a copy of Netscape update with the subseven daemon attached for about six months
>enjoyed another year of stalking the school network before connections failed, guess either new computers again (unlikely), decent firewall, or antivirus that wasn't shit

It was so much fun knowing all of the "dark secrets" of my fellow classmates, all the shit they emailed each other, AIM conversations, etc. Sometimes I'd do the "knock knock neo" shit and make shit pop up on screen but I don't know what actually happened in the lab because I did everything from home.

people born in 1999 are 18
how does this make you feel

>everyone ask for newest games and movies

Money making opportunity

too old

This copypasta is truely beautiful.

Nothing particularly noteworthy happened back in school, but I was the guy telling everyone about net send.
Made the teachers angry as hell, but since the others did it, it never ended up damaging me.

pou re trele??

>Math class had a computer lab session where you use maths to tweak a car engine in a game and race eachother
>find car-output.txt in game folder
>speed: 9999999999
>car goes ridiculously fast
>win all the races
>game fucks up

>go onto store page
>add a bunch of premium shit to the cart
>whoa 10k checkout?
>don't think so
>Right click the total
>inspect element
>add a - to the total value
>mfw I made a cool 10k and got a bunch of free shit


>6th grade
>end of school year
>.dat file made by 40 year old IT dude launches internet explorer and opens a survey website
>he puts it on a shared drive that anyone could access
>i changed the website to meatspin

Because our school uses linux and every computer runs a ssh server with "guest" as username and password, you could just log in and run commands from another computer or laptop. Had some fun with CD tray opening and closing in IT classes and TextToSpeech on our Smartboard via a WiFi router and my smartphone

>Microsoft Access day
>teacher doesn't let me run emulator
>switch PSU voltage switch
>Optiplex is kill
>hehe nothing personnel kid

>4ch blocked
>proxy that shit
>all proxy now blocked
>print lolis from 8ch
>thank you hotwheels

Any computer in my high school could print to any network attached printer without any security credentials. I send a command to every printer to spit out 200 copies of a fish with MS Paint stick figure arms holding a hack saw.

On another occasion on got the Admin credentials for a computer in a rarely used office. I set the clock alarm to sound every 15 minutes and play a recording of me screaming as loud as I could. I also set the volume to maximum. The speakers were internal. There was a slightly muffled but blood-curdling noise for days.

>be 11
>school library had like 6 computers
>all running XP
>changed the login password in all 6
>nobody in the school could access any computer
>got called to the principal to change it back
>my father was actually proud of me and calling me l33tz0rd

>computers have software that monitor activity and blocks internet sites
>it's annoying as fuck
>find out you can keep Word preventing a log-off if you make it open the save request dialog if it's force-closed
>closes the monitoring software but still keeps you logged on
>newgrounds all day erry day

>Had some fun with CD tray opening
To be fair: Under Windows that's as simple as adding the disc drive to the shared files.
And yeah, people did that all the time at my school.

>me, 4th grade
>decide to fuck with class autist
>he goes to the bathroom
>leaves computer logged on to his acct
>right click, new text file
>@echo off
>goto 1
>make shortcut to batch file
>call shortcut internet explorer and give it IE icon
>autist comes back, eventually goes to open IE
>cascade of cmd windows appears
>computer freezes
>autist pulls power cord to hard reset
>computer stuck at windows xp loading screen
>autist freaks out, thinks teacher will notice
>never does, but every time someone gets on that one computer he'll get all twitchy

>sometime around AOL 2.0 days (was probably preteen at the time)
>join "hacker" private chat room
>bunch of kids larping about the kinds of "proggies" they have
>show off my rainbow text in sports chat room
>get banned for 24 hours
>try to stop family members from using the internet for a day so they don't find out by picking up the phone every time someone went into the office
>they never found out
>download "toad" proggie
>generate a credit card totally legit
>order stuff online
>parents get a phone call from AOL
>tell them I had an IM from Steve Case and I got a virus
> got away with it hehhebehe

got kicked out of computer room for getting around internet block and getting porn up, I.T teacher was Christian as fuk and sperged out lol

also played that hidden easter egg game in word not even more than once

The pre-cloudflare area

This basically means to boot them off. Think of it as a dos.

Just retarded admins

>be in uni
>philo teacher doesn't know how computers work
>connect computer to project for him
>get bonus points
>doesn't know how to turn projector off
>walk over to switch
>"hold for three seconds to turn off"
>more bonus points for me

I added a reg key on 20 computers to launch a vbs script to open IE on the YouTube rickroll video and show a message box.
This happened every time someone logged in.

>in School
This website is 18+.

I'm born '92 and have no fucking idea what the hell you are talking about

>disable font smoothing
>use custom CSS
>go on Sup Forums
>find a funny comment
>use Inspect Element to rearrange the replies
>make my Chome window narrow
>(if necessary, make multiple screencaps and paste them together in GIMP)
>trim any ugliness on the edges
>export as .png
>(sometimes, export as .gif--pic related)
>post the result to The Site Which Must Not Be Named
>rake in imaginary internet points
>retards constantly congratulate me on my ""cropping skills""

>be in first grade
>school gets computer lab
>time passes, second grade
>realize all of the computers are cloned from a master on boot, master is in the same room as all the other computers
>make AHK file to replace special keys with their sames(SPACE, ENTER, etc.), some letters replaced with crude second grade humor words starting with the letter it replaces
>put it on the master, startup folder too
>it gets cloned
>nobody ever figures it out, class uses the computers anyways, isn't fixed until next year

>be in middle school
>each student had their own folder and each folder was easily accessible to everyone
>other students kept messing with my PowerPoints
>nest my student folder in an identically named folder until the nest was twenty folders deep
>other kids double click my folder only to be seemingly greeted by the same folder
>they get confused and give up before they can reach my PowerPoint

>Computer typing class(TypingMaster)
>behind scheduled
>fucking hate it
>look at somethings
>somehow figure out i can skip to the final test by changing the url
>tell my nerd friend who hate it too

made a little program that facked the mouse movement when a hair sits on top of the sensor.
Everyone blasted and cleaned their mouse over several minutes before noticing that it maybe the computer

I didn't know schools were invented 17 years ago fuckwad.

Using alt-f4. That's it. Kids at my school were half retarded apprently.

I did it once. It opened and closed loudly for an entire period of an otherwise nearly silent math exam.

Win+R -> cmd -> ipconfig

Send them a bunch of ims until it's a DoS

>>be in middle school
>>each student had their own folder and each folder was easily accessible to everyone
fucking hate that

>be me
>be in middle school
>be in web design class
>two teams
>be head of team 1
>mfw team 2 leader goes up to teacher accusing me of deleting all of his work
>mfw the teacher takes points off of my actual grade because of this
>talking turned my perfect A into a fucking C
>dipshit finds out he just saved his page in the wrong folder
>mfw the teacher refuses to give me my grade back
this is why teachers get shot, obviously I just let it go. Thinking back I wish I would have fought it and got the fat piece of shit fired.

Hahaha I hope you told the poor cunt he's probably avoided computer related things you might have ruined his career

>put a fork bomb in start up processes if all pcs in school

It was the best senior prank

yea some here. I actually heard about it for the first time a week ago from some fat pleb on youtbe reminising about his "aol hackingdays".
It was like that thing on msn where you poked someone but there was a limit, but if you used this special program or cheat engine you could remove the limit and spam them with it.
I guess with aol when you did that, the computer would crash or act like its getting ddosed or something.

I got one. It's not really embarrassing, but I cringe when I think about it.

>be me talking with girl for awhile
>she mentions she failed some classes, her moms going to be pissed
>tell her I can help, ask her for school credentials
>log in, pull up developer tools, change her grades to A+
>take screenshots
>tell her to send them to her mom, but to make sure she sounded excited when she did so
>gave her a full autistic lecture on how to do so

That was years ago. I hung out with her a couple of months ago. Almost got laid, but her dyke roomate that was secretly in love with her(found out the next day) kept coming in the room asking for shit.

>hidemyass dot com
>play all the dirty newgrounds games i want
>leet haxor

should have told her to tell her room mate to fuckoff, or just told her yourself.

>comp lab machines had flash 3 on them, and a few other things that were rarely, if ever, used
>made dirt simple flash animations in the computer lab
>"woah, you're so talented, user!!!"

Kek, We had to watch some Cyber security videos on youtube.
All the teacher would do is just walk by every few minutes to make sure you're watching the video, so i would just skip to the end. Then the teacher started adding questions because no one was doing the work.

I remember creating a shortcut to the pinball game in the my documents folder for my account and just playing that a lot in class.
I also figured out how to bypass the internet filter- You could boot into safe mode with networking to bypass the service and then just kill the process with process explorer.
I got in trouble because kids started using it to play inappropriate videos at full volume.

alright lads looks like im telling this story again

>be me
>download 80 gigabyte torrent of every episode of joy of painting ever made
>took a month on a fidgety 120 kb/s connection from stolen wifi but i did it
>ask computer teacher for cd-roms to back up assignments
>put episodes on cd-roms as the torrent downloads them
>have two hour after school detention every Wednesday of every week because i was a shitty student
>detention teacher eventually starts leaving fucking detention and fucking off somewhere because i was the only one there
>sneak out of empty detention and go to different teachers classrooms
>login with universal admin/admin type shit that bro sub gave me to watch youtube videos
>every classroom has a smartboard so all assignments are pretty much power points
>replace every powerpoint of a specific week in the far future with .wmv episodes of bob ross
>change icon and name, hide file extension
>do this systematically to every single classroom
>the fated week finally comes
>no teacher has their powerpoints
>alchoholic hates his life sysadmin for the school didnt have them backed up
>the entire week there were no lessons, only episodes of the joy of painting
>we all watched joy of painting that entire week
>weird autistic kid who likes hatsune miku gets blamed for it because he fixed a teachers bluetooth once and was deemed mr.robot
>we're bros now

>be me
>janitor for company that goes to all different offices and schools
>go to old school
>login with admin/admin shit and dig through files
>theyre still there
>kick my feet up and watch an episode just for nostalgia

Reminds me of In GTA san andreas and vice city, you can just mess around with the handling files and get crazy results, I remember making it so all the cars exploded.

>friend is teachers assistant in computer lab
>schools remote control program has no login, just different installs for admin and user
>copies the admin's install folder and gives to us
>remote control any PC in the lab whenever we want from that point forward
>overlay our screen whenever we want on anyones screen
>teachers/admin either had no idea or didn't give a fuck as long as we didn't do it when they were actually trying to teach

>I guess with aol when you did that, the computer would crash or act like its getting ddosed or something.

It just saturated your 14.4k modem and caused you to disconnect.

school had CIFS shared resources that were mapped on login for all students and I believe faculty. Sent a virus to a complab students email that would attach to a docx. When it saved to the shared drive for a project and was opened by other students it infected those machines as well.

Took the small school about two or three weeks with rolling outages to un-skull-fuck their fileserver and somehow they managed to lose their AD server (shrug). Was pretty top notch. Then some kid said that he was DDoS'ing the server in a veil to get attention, kek. He opened command prompt and pinged google's IP and told me he was DDoSing it.

In sophomore year of highschool I used C# to run commands past the schools administrative software. I caused local separation of the desktop from remote monitoring software that allowed kids to use YouTube and shit and didn't let the teacher take control of the computer. There was also a feature that halted the entire session of barracuda software that restricted web access.

The teacher found out 3 days later and told me to give him my thumb drive and delete the file or he would report me to the board. Which would have led to a lot of fines and expulsion from the district because HACKERMAN.

I told him that I'm keeping my drive but I'll delete the files. No reason to give over my property when he's knows I could have copied the file hundreds of times on le cloud.

All was good. Dropped out of school at the end of the year because I'm worthless garbage. Probably the stupidest shit I've ever done in my life. No regrets except leaving school. Now I'm stuck in a dead end security job with dreams of being a trucker and gun store owner.

My senior year the school got Chromebooks, I spent the schoolyear sshed into SDF playing Dopewars and could circumvent the filter to get to Sup Forums by using https instead of http. Here and there in study hall I'd show kids how

How could a school who has to manage kids information not afford a firewall with DPI-SSL? I mean jesus, even back then the licenses with the firewall probably amounts to 5K tops.

iirc it's used statewide for all the public schools, it's called Cipafilter

I hope I never have to work in that sector.

Senior year was last year for me, so my "hacker man" story was actually just me reusing one of Google Project Zero's macOS GPU driver fuzzers to find some 0days in the macOS nvidia drivers. Still have them to this day ;)

yeah, and you got a fork of those in github...right?

Not if he has a lick of sense. First thing I'd do if I found any vulns is sell them.

This was the funniest shit ever. Back then not everyone had unique login IDs, so you could do thing like disguising a batch as the IE icon, which would contain commands to start hide the command prompt, start IE and in the background you would start an infinite loop of NET SEND *.

i used some simple directory transversal hack to play doom.exe on the school computers