What's your favourite text editor for programming?

Mine is Atom, it's fast and very customizable.

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Sticky notes.

Been a long VIM user. Since i found out that Atom can emulate VIM it become my favorite editor too.

Mine is VS Code, it's like Atom but better

Microsoft word 2003.

How so? Last time I gave it a spin I liked how it was slightly snappier than atom, but disliked how git integration didn't work OOTB and promptly dropped it. I ain't got time for that shit, I do this for a living, but I'm keeping an open mind.


Vim. I still use some Atom, but I'm finally recognising Vim's advantages.


>loads an entire browser in order to open a text file

Why would you bother making a bar graph if you aren't going to label the axes? Fucking retards I swear.


> Atom
> Fast

I mostly use VS Code but do a lot of prototyping in Vim.

Atom does has a slightly better Vim mode than VS Code, though.

fuck this earth, TextMate was supposed to be the chosen one
i love it and use it and the dev is super cool but it's been in a development limbo forever


Is that true? Is it using JS?

Not that user, but when did you last give it a go? Currently it's much, much more responsive than Atom.

I really want to use Atom in preference. I really do! But VSC is great.

Is it still being developed at all? I used to use TextMate and only TextMate but everyone moved on and so did all the tools/integration.

no idea what's the status
shame really

the wikipedia page on Textmate has some information

I use the calculator and sometimes if I feel luxurious I use notepad, but since it costs 1,99$ per hour I only use it during certain events and festivities like my mother's funeral, my dad's funeral or my uncles funeral and maybe my birthday.

I recently discovered spacemacs, it's bretty gud. But I still hop around VS Code and Sublime Text from time to time

Pic related is my autism of downloading tons of text editors

You have a bunch of IDEs there.

I'm using older processor and atom doesn't even runs when sublime is seemless.

Visual Studio Code

90% or the replies in this thread are sarcastic right?

Nvim on Linux systems and notepad++ on windows

emacs also has vim "emulation" for ages now, shouldnt it also be your fave?

I first tried it maybe 2 years ago, wasn't that impressed, and stuck with Atom. Gave it another shot a little under a year ago and it had improved enough that I stuck with it, and it's only gotten better since then. Disclaimer: I do a lot of JS work these days, and I've started migrating over to TypeScript within the last few weeks, but I've also used it for some Go and Python work.

>Use software B to emulate software A instead of just using software A
not everyone wants a text editor to be a OS and every program on the OS

if you use atom and didnt know, just drop it like its hot

It's literally the reason why Electron exists.

did you just make that graph in excel?

pic related, actual data on representative Sup Forums sample

why not vim on windows too? it werks
config is a pain though, cuz c:\home\user instead of /home/user/

can Atom handle 2MB files already?

it's a pain to set up, edit config, and whatever on windows. Maybe one day I'll sit down and work through it

The graph is of memory used after opening a large xml file.
It's from a medium article. The article also claims that opening a large xml file takes longer than 10 seconds in VSCode.
I tested it myself and it was instant. Maybe the author has a slow computer and they measured startup time.

lol what a tard...

>Since i found out that Atom can emulate VIM it become my favorite editor too
he uses a fucking browser to emulate said software A

VSCode is really nice to use.

I don't use atom. I use a jetbrains IDE, nd when I need to just edit some random file outside the environment I just use vim.

that poll is invalid, ed isnt there

That's even worse definitely, but my point still stands. I'm not defending his use of using a browser to emulate vim, I'm wondering about your defending of using a text editor turned OS to emulate vim. He should just use vim

if hes gonna use anything other than vim, let it be emacs, emacs should be his fave editor! that was my point
sorry i called you a tard, yours is a valid point too

One day I'll learn emacs beyond the bare minimum

I use atom for embedded development with platformio and by it's own merits is very good. However as mentioned by others is very heavy and it's a lot like running a full browser. For most of my text editing needs that needs no IDE i use kate. It's reasonabily light, has a windows version when i need to use windows, obviously it has perfect integration with my main OS which uses plasma 5 as DE, it has a lot of functions and plugins and it's pretty comfy for editing root-owned files because it has polkit support. Give it a fair shot.


i can exit and thats good enough for me!
its funny i can actually use ed more proficiently than emacs haha

>Doesn't crash with 4gb project
Atom is better

emacs. nothing else is as flexible for working with arbitrary text or as easy to change the functionality of. other editors might be better suited for specific languages or have nicer tooling for those languages, but nothing compares to the general utility of emacs.

i like sublime text:)
i used to use atom but theres just way too many issues with how slow it is, sometimes if i even have a file open too long itll start having massive memory leaks slowing down my whole machine.
sublime is snappier, i never had that issue, i can still look like a hipster when i use it, and its decently customizable with only the plugins i need.

Currently writing a screenplay for a movie in Atom in Fountain (markup language for screenwriting). It's pretty amazing.


I wish someone would make a Geany plugin for Atom so I can make custom build commands for different languages, then I wont have to use Geany anymore.

notepad++, I'd use atom but I can't get it to work in manjaro

Maybe you should give it a try again.
I'm trying VSCode right now and I found it better than atom, better UI and git integration seems flawless OOTB. I installed, started, pressed "clone a git repo" and bang, started coding.

I stopped using atom because the g++/clang linters started to show really weird bugs, I don't know if it's better in VSCode because I only coded python on it until now.

Embrace, extend, extinguish


Vim. I can't type and I still haven't fully configured it yet but I fell for it hard.
Too shameful to turn back now.

What do you mean you can't type? You physically can't, you can't in vim at all, or you're just not good at it?

Not a fast typist so I can't really benefit from all the shortcuts that should make using it more efficient.

Ah right. Well it's still faster than using the mouse. Who knows, maybe using it will speed up your typing

actually if you're a slow typist vim should be perfect for you. the original vi was made under conditions that limited the keystroke rate so it was designed to do as much as it could in as few keystrokes as possible

Interesting. I'm definitely sticking with it and I'm only about a month in now so we'll see.

Atom is based.

>thought it was real
Lol its a bait u dumb fuck

-has nicest default color theme of any editor
-works fast once it has started
-has atom-beautify plugin that auto-indents almost any language on save

-500mb doing nothing
-takes forever to start
-randomly pegs a CPU core to 100% when doing nothing

I hated Atom but recently switched from Sublime to Atom because Atom has overtaken Sublime with language/plugin support.

I use vi, specifically elvis

I personally like having all my programs run on my OS. I'm not sure how you'd have it otherwise. Statically link a kernel into every program and run it on bare metal? Reboot the machine to switch programs?

I use atom for work, it runs fine on my nice home computer but takes about 5 minutes to start in the morning on my work computer

>Mine is VS Code, it's like Atom but better
except it has pajeet tier extensions, specially the vim module.

vim mode plus from atm BTFO any other vim emulator (maybe sublime's one is good enough too)

Visual Studio 2017

also, here's proof (275 vs 70 issues).. vscode vim wont be fixed in million years.


everything else is p much unrelated to me

on win i only use vsc

How does VSCode/Atom macros compare to vim/emacs macros?

VScode got huge popularity boost recently here so idk if this change much anymore

vim is a gay meme

I mainly use sublime and atom depending on what device I'm on

I checked vscode issues.

I couldn't reproduce github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2066
Minor issue github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2063
Remapping request github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2061
What the fuck does "That the ace jump like characters pop up." mean github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2060
Can't reproduce, for comparison, atom opens the file open dialog instead github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2059
Feature request github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2057
Duplicate, fixed github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2053
Not a vscodevim issue github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim/issues/2051

vscodevim has a lot more users so it's getting a lot more bogus issues

Wow, you've really convinced me user.

Checkout Windows subsystem for Linux and try it on that. It's awesome



Sublime text is literally the best text editor nowadays.

>modern, clean and pretty UI
>practically no learning needed, you can be productive once you open it first time
>...yet has vim mode and can do anything vim could
>rich package ecosystem
>excellent performance, almost on pair with vim (in at least 2 benchmarks)
>efficient resources usage

inb4 not free - there is eternal trial and plenty of license keys around if you're a poorfag
inb5 not open source - if you're a practical, pragmatic person this shouldn't matter to you, even if it is discontinued current version is better than electron apps will ever be

the same or Brackets by Adobe

>Using windows 10

Atom fucking freezes on me constantly. I go to input a character after sitting idle for a minute, fucking freezes for 2 seconds.

I don't understand how people say it's fast. I'm not even a ramlet and it's slow.

It emulates *some* of *VI*.

>vscodevim has a lot more users so it's getting a lot more bogus issues
or the devs are lazy and incompetent fucks.

I've no preference. I've used both, aotm and vscode.. And I switched back to atom because of the better vim plugin.

Anyone looking forward to limetext when it becomes usable?

Discord my dude

>developed with Goolag Go

I'd reather drink my own piss. If you are the developer, just drop it right now and dont waste your time.