Have an old computer sitting around doing nothing

>have an old computer sitting around doing nothing
>install Linux with Retroarch
>enjoy thousands of games from a time devs gave a shit about gaming

why haven't you fags told me about this glorious linux thing?


>that XMB knock-off
Was it made by chinks by any chance?

Sup Forums

This is the power of free software

That's the default Retroarch UI.

It's literally just a linux distro with tetrarch thrown on top.

if you're on Sup Forums and you haven't heard of linux then you have not been here for long buddy

Most emulators suck.

XMB was probably the best media / games / menu UI ever. Quick and easy to navigate, easy to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions, can be indefinitely expanded and does not get boring on the eye.

Sony did a great job with that.

this. XMB was comfy and highly functional

Emulators are on windows too dumbass. In fact there are more emulators on windows. If you haven't heard of linux or emulators it's probably because you fresh off of r/Sup Forums

No it's not
Retroarch look different
Lakka has a xmb rip off

Lakka is the newest RetroArch frontend.

>game console
>literally linux + freeware emulators preinstalled + steam probably

Shilling is for actual handicapped people, user.

Lakka isn't a frontend, It's an OS w/Retroarch preinstalled.

Actually Retroarch has an XMB UI like the PS3's one. Lakka uses a flat styled one

Why would I buy this if I can emulate nearly all old games on my phone and laptop?

Because phone controls suck?

I fucking hate the XMB UI. So much space wasted.

You can use the RGUI ;)

And then this autist comes around and says that everything needs to be a 90 pane tmux session.

It actually is moron...

I can play them on my laptop with my xb1 controller

Using an otherwise crippled OS isn't necessary to enjoy Retroarch or other emulators.

I know, that's why I got rid of winblows. Crippled piece of shit always borked itself after an update. Fucking clowns releasing these updates, I swear.

>I can't maintain a Windows system
>Also Windows 10
>Also bait
Kill yourself at the earliest available opportunity.

>Browse your game collection through a beautiful clone of the PS3 XMB menu.

It says it right in their page. They copied it because it's a good concept, there's nothing wrong with that.

What is there to buy?

Dumb question but do the games come preloaded?

No, faggot. You have to torrent them or get them from rom sites.

Retro arch uses libraries not more emulators
It's not the only option provided.