>tfw you realise YOU are older then Linux
>tfw when you realise you've been born before fucking WIN3.1
Tfw you realise YOU are older then Linux
Why is the peepee sad?
I windoo 95 back, i miss it ;-d
this is all too much
xp maybe,
they cut off his weiner for being an exhibisionist at a grade school playground
Does that man have cancer?
no bully
he got aids and shit
haha you done goof'd
give back windoo 95 mous
Also your nipple is leaking.
>tfw older than Doom
>tfw Doom is a legend and a is being taught at colleges but you are a fucking nobody FUCKING NO-BO-DY
>tfw you realize you have been born after Windows 98
lol fuck off gramps :^)
for : nipple leacage
At first I thought that this is a shitpost. Then I've realized that 10 years ago I would wrote exactly this same thing seeing a thread like this. 10 years ago.
In 2007 i was a codemonkey on xp.
>born before fucking WIN3.1
So you're barely old enough to have experienced mid-2000's computing, and only really got into it in the late 2000s?
Con-fucking-gratulations, I guess.
it sucks being a male with an exhibitionism fetish
>Tfw you realize you're older than Windows
>Tfw you realize you're older than cell phones
>Tfw you realize you're older than the "world-wide web"
>tfw you realise YOU are older than your dad
cool blog, where does one sub?
>tfw you realize you're older than emojis
tfw older than unix
>Tfw you realize that there's actually someone older than you on Sup Forums ... By 13 years
>tfw you realize
But I was shitposting user
>tfw im older than agriculture