Long time mac user here. Just bought a cheap 2012 HP Elitebook for a course since I need a windows laptop

Long time mac user here. Just bought a cheap 2012 HP Elitebook for a course since I need a windows laptop.

When comparing the 2012 HP to my 2012 Retina MBP, the Mac is miles ahead in terms of build quality, screen quality, speed, feel, everything. PC people are missing out BIG TIME.

Anyways, just wanted to let you guys know my experiences.

why didn't you just dualboot windows with bootcamp baka

Looks too complicated...


yep that's a macfag


>a 2000$ laptop has better build quality than a 500$ one
Call the presse

>the average mac user

No, I bought my MacBook for about $1700 in 2012 and doing some research online shows the Elitebook going for about $1400 when it was new. The price difference isn't as great as you think.

Guess which one throttles like a bitch with any workload besides browsing gay porn and posting inane shit on Facebook.

a $1500 MBP actually doesn't seem like a big deal if it lasts 5+ years

Isn't the problem though that macfags always upgrade because they bought a mac to begin with as a sign of prestige?

I wouldn't know, I have a speced out XPS I'm enjoying the shit out of that's like 50% faster than the 2017 MPBs of comparable price

>spending more than $600 on a laptop

This isn't your personal blog, please fuck off.

Hey everyone look at the tape he put around his fagbook charging cable because it's fraying!!

Those elite books where famous for their shitty screen.

you aren't "with it" if you are currently computing with an older model.

plus side is, if you are in a class someone might group up with you as a sign of mutual understanding... but if you are running a windows machine you can forget about anyone liking you let alone working with you.

nigger i did it when i was 13

Macs are better machines. That's for damn sure.

Care to explain why?

It all comes down to what you need the laptop for. I have had my cheap i5 vostro since 2011 or so and the device still holds up to everything I throw at it. 9h of battery life is a nice touch too, although I wish the Sandy i5 wasn't running this hot.

every single fucking apple cable has that issue, what the fuck even. At this point I have put heatshrink tubes on everyone's lighting cable in my family because the shit fractures all the time.

>comparing a HP to a applel
Gee I wonder how much they pay you


Good joke.

Bitch you got a cheap, most likely ex-windows machine. I have a fucking stack of those HPs I got for free. Why? Because they're cheap and disposable. Take a lenovo thinkpad yoga, or a top of the line HP, or dell from the same year, and you're on par. Also, Mac will run faster than windows cause by nature its smaller and runs lighter. Also, why the fuck did you get the i5 vPros. Even the ones I got for free from the e-Dump have i7 vPros

Here's one stack. I have over a hundred of these fucking things. All free and shit

absolute state of macfags

>Looks too complicated...
jesus christ user it's the easiest fucking thing ever

And they're i7s

I had the HP and bought macbook 13 from 2015, looks the same at first sight.

The mac is 100+ miles ahead.

>All free and shit
How'd you get then?

Not the person you replied to but...
>solid and rigid build quality
>best trackpad, to the point where I don't feel the need to use a mouse, even if i have one handy
>legit computer components. e.g. a good i5 instead of a shit i7
>best os, especially for work
>battery life, no need to worry about charging it all the time
>fans don't start blaring until I actually do demanding shit on it
>best emojis

ewaste dumps. Find a government building, find the nearest electronics dump, and have fun. Or, if you're ballsy. Check their trash.

>comparing speed between a specialized OS and a general one
LEL what did you expect?

>good i5 instead of a shit i7
What did this mactard mean by this?

last time I talked to someone who thought that his fagbook was superior to my dell, I showed him the reviews.
When he mentioned the retina, I showed him my superior LED and ofc the colour accuracy from benchmarks.
His only argument on all these was "but to me it seems better". That's the problem with you, to you the one you like, seems to you that it is the best, but in reality it is a kikebook machine with no other use. Elitebooks and every other laptop from that category is made for work and it can withstand work. your facebook machine will fall apart in the hands of people whose purpose is to work on those.
Most companies that sell refurbished laptops don't bother with fagbooks and there's a reason.

nice, can you link me your blog?

>Looks too complicated...

I know this is bait and you probably use both machines for your work, but there are actually people out there that probably are intimated by anything outside of Safari.

Its bait for idiots who bought badly designed PCs.

Buy a fucking Thinkpad, are you a fucking idiot that you're buying HP?

Oh, I see.

Still using my late 2013 MBP. It's a little chuggy at times but still solid.

Mostly use it for work so I think I'll have them buy my next one. Will get myself a Thinkpad or Dell XPS maybe.

>fans don't start blaring until I actually do demanding shit on it
Enjoy your frying pan, you can't demand too much work on those crappy laptops.

>solid and rigid build quality
That's why the charger cables break every 3 months, right? Also, ever heard of Thinkpads, macretard?
>best trackpad, to the point where I don't feel the need to use a mouse, even if i have one handy
..obviously haven't used a thinkpad's trackpad
>legit computer components. e.g. a good i5 instead of a shit i7
You don't know what you're talking about.
>best os, especially for work
macOS is a meme, it's not good for anything, not even work.
>battery life, no need to worry about charging it all the time
Do you think all other laptops are those gaming laptops with a 30 minute battery life?
>fans don't start blaring until I actually do demanding shit on it
As with any other laptop?
>best emojis
You need to be 18 to be on this website

Negro I dualbooted OSX and Windows on my mac mini when I was 10 jesus christ

Did you know that when you start up windows, it plays a little log in sound? You probably couldn't hear that over the fans!! XD

Wow, totally rekt me.


>Uses exactly same shitty dual core low power CPU
>It's somehow better than others that use same cpu

At least if you had a fucking 4 cores hq CPU but the shit pro version is the same 2 cores shit.


every macfaggot in a nutshell

I'm 18 fag. Besides, the first mac mini released in 2005.

This guy clearly is a MACfag too lazy to post both system specs... more than likely 3720QM vs a dualcore...

Apple didn't switch to intel until quite recently.

>I think this is bait and
>You don't use any of these machines for work except fb and gay porn

Fixed for ya

fuck I hate it when tards review every greentext line. It really outlines their autism.

You're missing the point of the argument in the first place, you're supposed to post a better laptop than a macbook

10 years ago.

What...no that's impossible.

Fuck I'm getting old

(You) too

>you're supposed to post a better laptop than a macbook
Was it that hard? Fucking nigger.

Sup Forums memes the thinkpad, go and lurk moar newboi

Like 10 years ago idiot

>being this new

>That's why the charger cables break every 3 months, right? Also, ever heard of Thinkpads, macretard?
My cable is ~2 years old and is still fine. Nice deflection from talking about your plastic garbage though

>..obviously haven't used a thinkpad's trackpad
Are you seriously trying to argue that thinkpads have better trackpads?
>You don't know what you're talking about.
Do you?
>macOS is a meme, it's not good for anything, not even work.
Actually developing software on a mac is miles better than windows and has unix tools without linux problems. Enjoy mingw :V)
>As with any other laptop?
Most hardware vendors don't put nearly as much effort into cooling systems

companies put in shit i7s to better market their laptops while there are i5s that can do a better

>Looks too complicated...

It's even longer than that, since Jan 06. Almost 12 years. Still using my 2010 Macbook and it's still going strong.

thinkpads are memes but they are shit. post a better laptop than a macbook


I don't want to be old

I want to be young again.

Is this negro trolling?

Not the user you responded to, but...

> > solid and rigid build quality
> That's why the charger cables break every 3 months, right? Also, ever heard of Thinkpads, macretard?

Had my charger 4 years, hasn't broken yet.

> > best trackpad, to the point where I don't feel the need to use a mouse, even if i have one handy
> obviously haven't used a thinkpad's trackpad

I have, and it's not as good.

> > legit computer components. e.g. a good i5 instead of a shit i7
> You don't know what you're talking about.

Please elaborate on why the user was wrong.

> > best os, especially for work
> macOS is a meme, it's not good for anything, not even work.

Used OSX at work for 4 years. It's fine.

> > battery life, no need to worry about charging it all the time
> Do you think all other laptops are those gaming laptops with a 30 minute battery life?

I get 11 hours out of my 4yo MBP. What have you got, and what's the battery life? be honest.

We're at a point which people unironically defend macs on Sup Forums. You make me vomit.

Im technologically retarded and it was fucking simple. Its the easiest shit in the world you just need a flash drive

I've been here since 2016: The Post

I use reaction images to strenghten my nonexistent point, the post

that's actually what the mac haters do on Sup Forums if you've been paying attention

>gets told
>resorts to ad homs
>gets told again

I made my point in my previous post and all you did was bitch about it friendo

Holy shit user, even my 2007's T60 has better build quality than that piece of trash HP that looks like a fucking toy, you are fucking retarded.

The latest Thinkpads even have those suicide-tier Macfag-like keyboards you love so much instead of the god-like tier ones of the T60-T420, having actual power for less money.

I give some points to the macbook.

The trackpad is actually pretty good, and it has been a standard

>aluminum casing
That's nice too, looks and feels pretty comfy

8 bit color dept is always nice, aspect ratio meme is great too

>shitty crippling OS and it was made for retards like OP
>you can't repair your own pc
>crappy specs for the price
>latest products can't upgrade shit
>probably I have to make an account into applel to use it
>hot as your mom

Sorry, but I have different interests

Try this guys. Go on apple.com and spec out a Macbook Pro 15inch all the way. Then go to Lenovo and spec out a P51 with the same RAM and storage options. The P51 was waaay cheaper

>Has a perfectly serviceable machine capable running both macOS and Windows
>buys a whole other machine just to run windows for one class

ya dun goof'd

Build quality? P51 reporting in. I've never felt a better built laptop in my hands. Just wow.

I just wish faggots like you would resist the specious anti-apple rhetoric and accept that it's a useful tool for some people.

Take the piss out of scenefags and anyone who falls for the marketing meme, but I use multiple OSs daily and apple shit is pretty ideal for my day-to-day work.

ITT: Macfags defending their BotnetOS
You’re not welcome here. Please go the fuck back to browsing facebook.

Do your dishes faggit.

> hurr botnet, muh privacy

you've nothing worth keeping secret.

>posted from my keylogged google keyboard

I've got the same Elitebook as OP and a mid-2012 Macbook Air that's been with me in a backpack around the world and is still going strong. Portability is far more important to me 90% of the time, so I'll take the Macbook Air everyday of the week. I've got Windows 10 LTSB and Devuan in a VM for when I don't want to use homo(the)OS and I get along just fine.

Ok, no stereotypes, no prejudice, I just want to know - are you gay? I mean there's no shame in it, out and proud right? You'd be a shameful traitor if you lied and said you were straight.. so which is it?

you sound like some hill billy sheriff trying to get some man ass

>Buys shit laptop.
>Complains about it.

The only edge MacBooks have over decent machines is MacOS can run Xcode.

>buys cheap outdated trash
>compares it to high-end apple laptop
>"waaahhhhh why is this craptop such a piece of crap?"

Get the fuck out

This is what you sound like.

>that image
needs more emojis and stretching the same few phrases

no fan of hp but macbooks feel like goddamn toys, something a babby or gammy might use



what an abhorrent thread
i hope everyone who touched a mac get killed by pancreatic cancer

Either samefag, or two literal retards that use reddit spacing, in a row.

haha oh wow


fucking kek
applel BTFO