I just donate 10 bucks to wikipedia

i just donate 10 bucks to wikipedia


me too

how do i unsub from this blog?

i not

Wow, great thread.

You can't. You're stuck here forever.

I've got a donations.txt with a log over my donations to free software, stuff like wikipedia, community projects and whatnot. Feels good man.

Currently at $488 + €93.

The ride will never end my friend


but user I love you!!

What the fuck? I just want to send some buttcoins.

If you loved him you wouldn't make garbage and off topic threads

Fuck Wikipedia

Fuck that

I love you too

Also I didn't make this thread


do that every week until Christmas

You're still fucking stupid
sage is not a downvote

t. Jimmy Wales

You have to go back.

I am sorry I did not intend to make you upset

oh it seems I misunderstood how sage works, thank you!

consider it