Lets see what you can do

Alright Sup Forums got a challenge. you got $400 usd. build a battlestation

Other urls found in this thread:


do your own research


With that amout of money you will be happy for i5 3470 + gtx 1050 ti.


Budget build 1060 and fit everything else in the remaining budget no case needed

With or without a monitor, mouse and keyboard?


there, you have a little extra to maybe pick out a slightly better product of one of the parts if you use the mail-in rebates

Get some nice cloths n make up. Then whore yourself enough money to get a good comp


to be a bit more challenging lets have it strong enough to run just cause 3 or gta v at high settings



do you hear that? it sounds like screaming, screaming of a poor stock cooler begging for airflow, and maybe death.

The one with the flash drive as storage

Swap the with an i5 and you might be able to get a heatsink and 8gb ram

Done. Everything in this pic was €225. Quad core Xeon, 6GiB of ram and an R9 280. Plus it runs The Most Advanced Operating System In The World™

You MIGHT be able to run them on High with this, but you'll have to tweak a few settings:


Atari Box + 100$ peripherals

>that power supply
with that you can burn down a house, OP don't use that, atleast save up and get something like an s12ii at least

Save the $400
Wait 20 years
Buy new computer then with the power of multiple supercomputers today
Wait for computer you use today to break down before buying new computer

>wait 20 years
Good plan

Excuse you this skeletor is too spoop for this Sup Forums rated board.

Get a sexbocks