Show me a better distro. I fucking dare you.
Show me a better distro. I fucking dare you
Other urls found in this thread:
deep in, ubuntu, mint is 50/50, peppermint, korora.
>no packages
muh packages
just use arch openrc if you want to get away from the evil systemd devil you mong
Snow Leopard was the best distro ever made.
Debian or (if you like being redhats bitch) fedora.
It's just Ubuntu with a shitty DE.
>arch openrc
It's actually artix now.
Manjaro Cinnamon
Better for whom and for which purpose?
A dev? Fedora is better.
An authist? Gentoo!
An old man with muh unix philosophy Slackware.
And the list goes on.
Named and posted.
You forgot to add
Neet: arch
Fuck off Kevin. Some of us actually use our machines for work
>tfw you will never relive the glory days of Snow Leopard and Apple in general again
>tfw developers are stopping support for Snow Leopard, forcing you to move to shit like Xubuntu LTS
Archbang is pretty good desu, I think the main dev also works on Artix.
pretty comfy
Not that guy, but Solus is pretty good. Super comfy and good for working on.
can't. Xfce is best DE. Debian is the best normie base.
I used memejaro KDE and it was SHIT, the only one that looks kind of interesting is memejaro i3 gaps, I have no reason to swap because I'm already using pure arch with gaps anyway.
Can actually be configured almost arbitrarily without the package manager imploding.
Literally any distro is better
>for work
99% of "work" done on computers today can be done in LibreOffice or any browser. You can literally get by with a Chromebook.
Stop this "work" meme. Less than a fraction of the people using Linux here uses it outside of ricing and browsing the web.
I use it for gayming too, and I'm pretty paranoid so for security also. I won't pay for an OS so I'd have to get a backdoored russian torrent of windows, then I'd be getting backdoored by Microshit, the FBI, the CIA, McDonalds and the Kremlin.
The docker support sucks ass on solus. And many custom software doesn't work on this . So yes as I said some of actually work and not look at excel documents all day.
Incidentially, what do you use for docker?
mint xfce
Packages for development ,sets up the environment so everyone has the same dependencies and all. Also saves man hours.
Xubuntu, Deepin and Solus.
The trinity of good distros.
For me, it's Debian
No, what distribution for the host?
Solus has most programs people need for work. I use it to program and write all the time.
Aqua pre-flattening was so pretty.
Now it just feels, well, flat.
Not to mention how much more stupidly locked down OSX is nowadays.
+1 Debian
Thanks for the Reddit gold sir
I've always found debian to be trash. It's repos are crap and it's an unstable mess.
Fedora/centos mainly
I've only had one problem with the repos where one of the mirrors hosted a package that was named incorrectly. Other than that idk, works for me
How can debian be unstable when it never updates?
New hardware?
Your normal menu or command line reboot action won’t be present or work, just sync and umount your partitions manually, remount / read-only, hit the power button and profit!
What the fuck are you talking about?
>What the fuck are you talking about?
That shitty distro
Yes and reboot/shutting/etc. all work just fine. It uses openrc by default. What's the problem exactly?
How do I get the screen tearing to stop?
migrating? Seems like it would be easier to use Arch Linux instead of acting like a hipster faggot, I've never had a problem with systemd so this project seems like an utter waste of time.
Are you retarded? That guide is meant for existing arch setups that want to migrate to artix linux. You just add some mirrors, new repos, and install the correct software. It's nothing complicated.
bunsenlabs all day long
'de' is XFCE .. why it's called 'x'ubuntu
lies .. who the hell gets 'screen tearing'
Screen tearing is a common problem across almost every distro out there. Are you joking?
fuck off microshill
stick with your hanging, slow piece of garbage
~ 10 years old?
utter, utter garbage
>10 years
You wish it were a decade old you snooty fuck.
Usage share wise, it beats every other OS and is literally fucking your favorite distro in the ass in front of it's mother.
>XFCE shit
try harder virgin boy
XFCE IS shit
people too pleb to use fluxbox/openbox/minimal de but too hipster to use gnome/unity/kde
debian m8
Sabayon Linux
It's my go to so I can't. IT JUST WERKS
Kde is love and life.
What if I told you kde can do window tiling.
GNOME can do that too now. i miss when the Linux scene didn't have this kind of tribal fanboyism. Just use whatever works for you.
Can you tell me why is superior?
Only distro that has never wasted my time. Debian based, SysV, great default config, MX Tools are super useful.
Here it is
That's not a Linux distro you baked potato
see reasons here:
the biggest problem microshit gave theirselves, was to try to continually re-market the GUI. XFCE is stable, a solution. Is unobtrusive & robust. Look at the mess the windows 'gui' is, currently, 2017. They have totally failed. Why they suddenly "love linux"
nobody even likes their current 'os' windows 10 .. they don't even market it, because they are moving on. You'll be touting "win 7" in another several years, like people now still rate XP. They could not even compete with their OWN PRODUCTS. They provide nothing
post wallpaper pleas
Underrated. The only non-systemd distro which is actually usable.
Overrated. All the things these hacks made with shitty MATE are only making it to run worse and ti be less stable.
I'm running Mate now, haven't had a single issue with it please explain.
baka, the real kevin uses macOS now. no joke.
Antergos. You guys are fags.
>Downstream distros
Just use Arch, fag.
You are saying that you never had crashes with MATE panel or other junkware Ubuntu MATE devs make?
This guy made a better distro and also he have for you xfce version
Nope. Mabye saw caja crash once on freebsd and then restart automatically.
Well, it's a perfect base to build a really good OS on. It lacks many programs, themes, icons, wallpapers etc by defaultn though.
But yes in terms of what the normie needs who just want it werx OS it's pretty solid.
Ubuntu minimal + xubuntu-core.
Why dont't you combine those two panels into one???
lmao your shit sucks
Windows 10
Slackware is GNU/Linux, UNIX was never called Slackware.
because GNOME 2
Slackware is the closest thing you can get in the GNU/Linux world to UNIX philosophy with it's KISS and do one thing but do it well.
this will work for at least 10 years.
loonix btfo