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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
I mean, you'll be dualbooting either way since you'll have to configure your bootloader to choose which HDD to boot from.
As far as programming goes, you'll be fine with pretty much any Linux distro. Like, seriously, they're all good with programming and you'll be able to find tools in every distro's package database.
Brayden Scott
Linux, just Linux
Ayden Hall
Linux Torvalds
Andrew White
So, backing up Linux. If I use rsync to back up my entire home folder, in the event I need to restore do I CD into my home folder directory and then restore that way, or do i do it from the directory the rsync file is from?
Real hackers dont leave fingerprints on the keyboard, they use the mouse and use the emulated keyboard
Brandon Evans
>they hathn't uploaded their consciousness to an supercomputer
Leo Jackson
GNU/Linux Torvalds*
Caleb Stewart
Install GuixSD
Samuel Johnson
Yeah, I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're asking. rsync is just a fancier cp (that's underselling it: it's really much better than cp or dd for complicated things like system backups). There isn't a "rsync file" that gets made after you back something up: everything you've selected as a source gets backed up to whatever the destination is.
So, to restore a backup, you'd just do the reverse: rsync everything from the old destination to your home.
Jaxson Fisher
Michael Evans
The best linux distro.
Adam Howard
Right, thanks for that. Sometimes after posting a question I wonder why I even needed to in the first place. There must have been a different question that I had, but forgot
Anthony Jones
Kernel, just kernel.
Eli Robinson
Also when I try to alt-tab my X server crashes (I think that's what it's called idk). I'm using KDE
Owen Sanders
Let's say that the only command that I can run with sudo privileges is /bin/ln. How do I root the system with that one command allowed through sudo? (I do have NOPASSWD rights, but only to that command, and I don't know my own user's password (logged in over SSH with a private key))
Cooper Harris
Which wargame is this?
Angel Price
Charles Long
How can I autostart a program on system boot which requires root privileges?
Gabriel Collins
Leo Martinez
Create a dummy /etc/sudoers file in a place where you have write access (e.g. your home folder). This fake sudoers file should give you NOPASSWD rights and full sudo rights. Then do sudo ln -f /your/fake/sudoers /etc/sudoers.
Eli Turner
I'm more of a BSD guy myself, sorry. Don't think that the GNU license is helping software at all and will never license anything I do with it
Mason Scott
i know basic tech stuff like how to put a pc together and how to use linux can someone explain to me what gnu and the linux kernel actually are?
GNU is the set of standard(-ish) applications that GNU/Linux distros are packaged with. The big ones are probably bash, tar, grep, GRUB, and the whole of the GNU coreutils.
Operating system kernels are basically the middlemen between hardware and applications.
James Davis
I'm fed up with windows 10 updating and resetting my sessions behind my back.
Is there a distro WITHOUT systemd, runs efficiently, and "just works"? I have the experience and knowledge to install VOID but I'm hating the level of config required and I don't want PCLlinuxOS for reasons I don't want to get into.
Isaac Jenkins
Without listing someone else's reasons, why is using systemd a dealbreaker for you? I'm actually curious.
Aaron Cooper
i can't think of any, maybe devuan i tried yesterday and the installation was flawless, even GRUB which usually breaks in my notebook and requires manual fixing *just worked*.
But be aware that there's packages in the devuan repo which requires systemd
Jaxon Kelly
It's a tumor of patchwork due to poor computing mentality and possibly NSA influence. It doesn't belong in anything UNIX-based.
Michael Sullivan
>implying I'm not running clang compiled kernel, musl-libc, busybox, LILO, and KDE hang yourself pleb
Ian Peterson
>possibly NSA influence
File and line number of the botnet?
Brandon Turner
But then why did you use Windows 10 for so long?
Sebastian Garcia
So you're not running the GNU system? Thanks for posting, btw.
Gavin Reyes
They wouldn't make it so blatant. Going by my intuition the Poettering fellow that Linus rants about seems to be an NSA stooge. They probably did shit up TOX. Found this a while ago: Because I couldn't find one Linux distro that both didn't quickly drain my laptop battery and just worked. I value privacy and security, don't get me wrong, but those other factors are key for me.
Julian Perez
UNIX is a trademark, not a system. Unix is a system from the 70s. All those current systems are just similiar to unix, or as I've recently taken to calling it, unix-like.
Jacob Wood
Okay. winkthumbsup.jpg
Dylan Nguyen
Glad I could help.
Charles Brown
GNU literally stole code from Unix,because thats all they can do.Stealing things made of others.
Logan Gonzalez
>So you're not running the GNU system? Yes. And the Linux kernel is the largest component of the system I'm running, so it's called Linux.
Colton Torres
>stealing code from a proprietary system Okay.
Zachary Allen
a local one, that I missed out on. Just didn't have the time.
Liam King
>monolithic kernelfags bragging about how big their kernel is
Jayden Powell
They literally rewrote everything from scratch, you moron.
Nathaniel Diaz
A friend of a friend of mine also doesn't use the GNU system; he uses Windows.
Easton Taylor
Andrew Morales
thanks for posting
Landon Sanchez
Linux is the desktop version of Android.
Joseph Nelson
alright total linux noob here, recently managed to install arch, connected to wifi, updated, created user put passwrd but somwehre along ucked up and didn't put root/write privs on that account. Now every time I login into KDE+Plasma 5 DE I cant install anything and download anything off internet because of said missing privileges on the created account. I circumvented the problem by just longing in as root, but now alot of programs dont want to open up under this "root" acc. I dont know what to do anymore Plz HALP this dumb person that is me
Lucas Ortiz
Any other books like pic related?
Kayden Robinson
thanks for posting
Liam Ramirez
1.log in as root 2. install sudo if you haven't already 3a. type visudo into a terminal addyourusername ALL=(ALL) ALL save and exit or 3b. add your user to the wheel group 4. log out and login as your user you can now use sudo to get elevated priveleges
Isaiah Morales
On Arch, the default /etc/sudoers ONLY has root uncommented, so he'll have to visudo anyway to uncomment the wheel group.
Joseph Bell
Keep fighting the good fight user
Liam James
why do most packages brake or don't even run under a root acc? Is it not wise to just run under a root acct? for ex Dolphin - file manager refuses to open up completely, chromium always gives that annoying root pop-up, etc
Lucas Rodriguez
Anyone using sxhkd? Would it be possible to combine these? super + alt + {h,j,k,l,y,u,b,n} bspc node -v {-100 0,0 100,0 -100,100 0,-100 -100,100 -100,-100 100,100 100}
super + alt + ctrl + {h,j,k,l,y,u,b,n} bspc node -v {-20 0,0 20,0 -20,20 0,-20 -20,20 -20,-20 20,20 20}
ha, i jsut checked visudo and I got "root" as my "username" there lol no wonder my created acct couldnt do shit ty user can I just uncomment the one with "NO PASSWD" option, to not be assed inputting password each time for sudo comands?
Alexander Howard
Because it'd be incredibly unsafe. Everything you run as root has root/superuser permission: the program can do whatever it wants if what you're doing is open-ended enough.
It makes perfect sense that a file manager would refuse to run as root because you can easily delete all the main folders under the root directory if you were root.
You can't compile linux with clang tho, as of 4.0.0 at least
Luis Turner
>can I just uncomment the one with "NO PASSWD" option, to not be assed inputting password each time for sudo comands?
I don't recommend it. Commands that need sudo should be run with care, and an extra second to type your password can be all the difference.
Plus, you likely won't be using sudo too often, and if you are, you'll probably be able to use the sudo feature where it carries the sudo permission for about 5 minutes.
Dylan Garcia
the problem with this approach is that the dummy file won't be owned by root, and sudoers won't actually run unless the file is owned by UID 0
Tyler Powell
What made you guys swap over to linus's kernel?
For me it was using my shitty laptop with only 30gb hdd space on my shitty phones internet with tethering. I disabled everything in win 10 associated with automatic stuff and as much telemetry as possible. left it running one night and wokeup to find out it had rebooted and downloaded 15 gigs of updates, I cancelled it all rechcked all my settings to disable automatic stuff and a few days later it did the same fucking thing again, going as far as to re enable all those automatic settings. I don't think I've every been that angry at my computer before.
Noah Lee
Is there any cli utility that does the opposite of "fold"?
Caleb Phillips
I actually ended up figuring it out though, hard linking a script that ran sudo /bin/sh to /usr/bin/passwd works as the suid flag is on the passwd binary, and you will always get a root shell.
Robert Fisher
Have any of you set something up to move your cursor between a linux desktop, and an apple laptop sitting on the same desk? Is that possible?
Luke Martin
Same here. I'm . Still on the fence about switching over (again (I used Linux in the early to late '00s)).
Dominic Lee
>install a module from github >follow instructions to the letter >make and install both go off without a hitch >modprobe can't find it
Got sick of the laggy botnet, realized 99% of the time I was just browsing the internet or using basic programs like word/mspaint and decided to try linux again.
Installation wasn't perfect, but everything works now, and it looks and runs 1000x better than it did in windows.
Bentley Jenkins
This is best pic
Brayden Smith
dumb gnuposter
Blake Garcia
I have not used IRC for a decade, is it normal for there to not be any feedback from the nickserv on registering my username?
Hudson Roberts
No. Nickserv is a bot, so replies should be immediate.
Jackson Rodriguez
I just moved from mac and oh god the fonts look terrible on linux now.
But even after a restart it still looks the same. I put it in my fonts.conf in ~/.config
Is there something else I need to do?
Daniel Barnes
oh, nice, thanks senpai
Josiah Foster
linux is a kernel, apple is a company
Camden Taylor
A tower running Debian and a laptop running mac OS X
That isn't Synergy because they want you to pay.
Cooper Rodriguez
Move your hand from one mouse to the second mouse.
Oliver Wright
I'm looking for a distribution that's FSF endorsed, without systemd, somewhat safe to use and something that's not too hard so I can recommend it to friends/family (and help them if they have problems, since I'd be running it myself too). I've found out that Dragora, guixSD and heads linux fit some of these requirements. But they all have at least some problems.
Dragora hasn't had a stable release since 2012, guixSD seems a bit too hard to recommend to others and heads linux can't be used as a daily driver.
Did I miss any distro, otherwise the best option is probably Dragora.
Ayden Parker
>the absolute state of windows Does someone actually buy this shit? >DVD Ripper X >Deskscapes (wallpaper manager) >Privacy Guardian >WinX MediaTrans (allows you to transfer files to ipods and ios) >Stardock Fences (a dock) >Zemana Antilogger >WinXHD Video Converter
((Someone start a new thread with this picture & text, I can't, unless I buy a pass))
Leo Anderson
>I just moved from mac you can't cure homosexuality
Benjamin Garcia
Extremely hidpi screen? I just moved to Mac and oh god do the fonts look horrible. They're all so fucking fat and messy. Linux had clear & crips rendering.
Chase Torres
I guess I'm just used to fat and messy.
Adam Ortiz
How do I transfer music from my Linux desktop to my iPhone?
Daniel Bailey
Freshly installed and updated. Why do my mouse&touchpad and nvidia settings not save? I do have gedit as google suggested but it didn't help. The fucking mouse is extremely fast and unusably accelerated.
Ian Rodriguez
>last changes are 2 years ago
Dylan Smith
>set everything up >remember I forgot to enable FDE Fug
Josiah Collins
How the fuck do I find my wireless card on Arch Install command line? I'm trying to install through Wifi instead of Ethernet but fuck me I must be a brainlet