Sticker thread

Try to post the link from where you bought them.

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Still waiting for the Sup Forums toaster sticker to be back in stock desu.

minifree and unixstickers


>Sup Forums

that triggers me

Where do I get this?

Why is that Sup Forums not a Sup Forums
This makes me angry

Here's the redesign they made, hoping it's like this in the next shipment.


would this sticker be applicable to put on a modern thinkpad e.g.X260?

who are ((they)) ?

>pepe certified


Note the differentiation between Linux and SUSE.
You'd almost think SUSE wasn't just Linux.


Fucking memelords. Kys

Nothing is stopping you but eh

This dude with a AI name and trip


here, this is my desktop

>it's actually a laptop


The text on your wallpaper you dumb weeb.

>categories > all items
Bravo whoever designed that site.

Boi, I'm not him, and it says "Desktop Bread" as in "Desktop Thread"

>"Desktop Bread" as in "Desktop Thread"
That's a huge fucking stretch.

That's what I meant by it, yep.

Where do I get the kizuna ai sticker

On my RedBubble:
Sadly, they'll have a thick white border and made of paper, the vinyl ones with clear border are from Stickermule, I made a batch and tried to sell the others on Sup Forums but nobody cared, so instead I sold them on a Facebook group, and now I'm left with just two backups

Where can i buy this ?

i have one of these, bretty good

How's the battery life on the w500?
I really want to get one, but need at least 3+ hours of battery life with low useage on full charge.

I don't use the GPU because of Libreboot, and it's a dual core, but I get 5 or so hours with light use out of it. I'd say 3+ hours is definitely possible if you don't blow up the GPU.

On one of my speakers

Thanks, I'm going with libreboot too so then I guess the gpu taking up much power won't be much of a problem.


Please stab yourself in the face, autistic transfaggot

>being this triggered
Get a hold of your emotions, user.