Turn on computer

>turn on computer
>desk shakes

>turn on computer
>fans speeds up to 100% for like 30 seconds then go back to normal

>turn on computer
>doesn't post

>turn on computer
>dotfile for wm breaks even after fucking saving and restarting it

>turn on computer
>windows 10 starts up

>turn on computer
>kernel panic

>computer is always on since I seed.

>turn on computer
>at login screen gpu fans spin 100% for few seconds before return to normal

That's probably for blowing out dust. Most/all laptops do it.

>come to Sup Forums
>every post is cartoons

>update bios
>laptop becomes paperweight

>turn on computer
>mash f11 and pick my windows hard drive

>turn on laptop
>webcam indicator light turns on for 2 seconds


>open laptop lid
>porn still playing

>closes laptop lid
>porn still playing

Until the driver gets control of the GPU it runs at it's default fan speed which is almost always 50%.

this literally happened to my statistics teacher, fucking hentai too

>turn on computer
>desk vibrates because 2 hard drives sitting on my desk spin up

>tfw 6 drives and only 4 drive bays

>turn on laundry machine
>ground shakes

>have girl over
>she likes to sit on your computer/laundry maching "because it shakes"
>tfw girl is your sister


good goy

this reminded me a lot of my ds lite, I used to play Mario cart but when I closed it that shit wouldn't go to sleep and I would still be able to hear the soundtrack still playing

>turn on printer
>desk falls over

>try to turn on computer
>it doesn't turn on

>walk into burger king
>niggers tongue my anus


>turn on computer
>printer falls on computer

>turn on mom
>desk shakes

>turn on monitor
>high pitched whine drives me insane

>Turn on Computer
>It doesnt



>turn on PC
>20 dollar case shakes and rattles.
Fuck, I really didn't think a cheap case would of been this big of an issue.

Why does that happen?
