>Decide to shut down PC
>Update and shut down
Decide to shut down PC
>tfw wincuck too stupid to disable updates
>Shut down PC
>"Windows is shutting down..."
>PC turns off
>30 seconds later PC starts up again
>disabling updates
>any year
People like you are too stupid to use a computer.
>Shut down PC
>Oo-oops, I mean Update and Shut Down...
>"Installing updates, please don't turn off your computer..."
>What the fuck I'm gonna miss my plane
this is how you get malware, especially on Windows. shit has more holes than swiss cheese, you need those updates.
>slam my desk
>computer randomly restarts
>turn on pc
>updating for some reason
I can tell when this happens on my laptop because I'll wake it from sleep and the wifi will not connect or show any connections.
95% of times when that happens, I click on the window button and ... whattayaknow.... "update and shutdown"
>PC turns on in the middle of the night
>"Updates have finished installing"
>Not using GNU/Linux
How the fuck can windows updates be so fucking slow and retarded? If they fixed their shit nobody would disable updates.
>install takes a lot of time
>high chance of it failing and spending another shitload of time reverting changes
>ok, all done
>shut down computer
>it keeps installing shit for some reason
How hard can it be? It's just patching some files ffs.
>shut down PC
Are you moving it?
>shutdown /f /s -t 00
no updates this time
Might as well just hold down the power button for 4 seconds.
>be in any linux distro
>ethernet driver missing
>resolution is 800x600
>16bit color
>environment reset to gnome
never again
>come home
>PC is awake even though I put it to sleep before leaving and it never just wakes up randomly on its own
>log into bindows 10 enturdprize LGBT
>windows defender realtime protection is disabled
mfw the CIA niggers are balls deep in my asshole
might as well unplug the power cable
Might as well hit thw breaker.
might as well blow up the transformer
yeah this never happens
might as well take off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure
>resets my desktop backgrounds
>fucks up my custom resolutions
>boot time is slower
>entire pc is slower
>more things are broken and glitchy
>cortana is turned on now
>classic shell is gone
I'd rather just not update, thanks.
>haven't updated windows 7 since I got it
>firefox with ublock origin, extended lists and umatrix default blocking most scripts
>never do anything security essential, all financing etc. is done on my liveusb
>literally have never gotten malware
Step up your game, telemecucks.
You clearly know a loot about how updating an operating system works.
Y'all need to accept your lord and saviors Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds
Patches and updates in Linux take me literally 20 seconds, most of that is downloading the files, which are usually pretty small.
In some cases an update might take as much as a minute or two.
Those are packages, my friend. Actual kernel updates can take considerable time. Not too mention Linux is much more lightweight as a whole, it is fundamentally different in how it handles software updates and should not be compared to Windows in that regard. Truly, this is something incredibly petty to whine about.
>kernel update
>installs package
>updates grub
You ignored my main point, you're literally looking for things to complain about.
Who are those pretentious cucks?
10 sec shutdown with a harddrive.
You don't have to remove the cable after it shut down, just leave.
>using the mainstream consumerist OS and expecting control / freedom
>literally 0 net security
>"havent ever gotten any malware! at least i've never seen any :)"