Is the gtx 760 still worth anything...

Is the gtx 760 still worth anything? My friend is willing to give it to me for $60 but I'm not sure if I should be using a gpu from 2012.

For $60 I think it's fine

Bought one year ago for $100 canadian pesos/$75 burgercoins

It's roughly equiv to a 950 or an RX 560

Your "friend" should sell it to you for about $50, $60 is pushing it, but either way you'll get better perf/$ compared to other cards which are retardedly expensive due to miners

I got a 770 for 50€ so

cant believe the 700 series was 5 years ago

That's kind of my predicament, I can afford an RX 580/ GTX 1070 but paying close to GTX 1080/ Vega 64 MSRP prices for them feels retarded if I can get something for 60 bucks

I've gotten a 7970 for $50 and a 7870Ghz for $25.

>no dx12
Skip it

what games do you use them for?

When I got mine, it was for csgo only. I don't game anymore but when I did the card gave me 150 fps on that (non-intensive) game.

Like if you want to play pubg with the 760 you'll have to play on very low settings to get 60 fps @ 1080p

Kind of around the mid to high tier of graphic intensity. Payday 2, Fallout4, NV, and 3, Portal 2, Mass effect 1 and 2, etc. I wouldn't say they're too demanding games.

>own 750 Ti
>pretty much any video card is better than mine
All I want to do is play Witcher 3 at high-max (no nvidia memeworks) at 60FPS, 1080p.
Fuck, I'm tempted to just buy a 1070

look into the 950's benches for those games, that's roughly what you'll get

I just upgraded away from a 2gb 760 and It was an alright card.

I could barely play new-Doom, almost unplayable.
Every other game I have ran fine. I mostly played rocket league and it ran fine

most critical settings were mid-low

Huh, a friend of mine with 760 said the same about the new Doom.
I have a weaker card (GTX 650 Ti Boost) and I can play it just fine, albeit some settings at mid

I sold my RX 480 for $325 recently (bought it for $200 lol) and went back to a GTX 670 2GB temporarily, while waiting for 1080 prices to come back down. It's surprisingly okay.

pubg is random at the moment
I get 40-60 fps with i5 4590 gtx 1050ti and 16gb RAM

don't be stupid and wait for the nvidia 20xx series.
I still have a 1150 socket computer and I wait for those new cards to come up to build a new rig

I would prefer the GTX 670 and OC it. They are of similar performance, 50 €/$ is OK. Keep in mind this is basic performance for 1080p games and suffices for Low/Medium settings in current games.
It was and they are starting to die now. But AMD also dies except of the R9 290.
Pretty good, I wish we had such prices, 7970s are more like 150 €+ here used... The 7970 is always the superior pick because Kepler drivers suck and you get additional VRAM.
DX12 is worthless and these cards won't keep on with current titles long anymore, maximum one year. Unless you only play CSGO and similar titles, these are clearly too weak for AAA titles.
Then consider a GTX 1060. Buy the 6 GB. It will max most games with 60 FPS in 1080p. If you have the money better get the 1080, 1070s are currently too expensive, at least there is a 250 € gap between 60s and 70s but only 50 € between 70s and 80s in my country. Compare prices and decide.

A 1080 is a mighty card if you plan to use it for 1080p gaming, but it will last much longer than a 1060 and you don't have to think about monitor upgrades or details, it will just work.
DOOM is well optimized, but thats not common. Badly optimized titles like Ubisoft or Mass Effect Andromeda will shutter like hell.
PUBG also likes CPU performance, did you OC yours at least?

ignore my ingnorance,
but how the fuck do i OC an i5 4590 ?

Thats not possible then.

Your CPU is low end now. But it is still enought for a low end card. Consider upgrading if you play games like PUBG often, a hexacore Ryzen gives you 3x the threads and its affordable. You could also get the 4/4 Ryzen and OC it if you are low on money, at least you can easily upgrade later then. Sell old Intel stuff as long as it is still worth something.


Don't waste your money, save up $150 or so for Nvidia Volta GV107 GTX 2050 Ti

Not even close, no

I guess so
just found this shit 2 mins ago

He can at least buy a better CPU. I think this will help more in PUBG.
Better buy 60s at least, 50/Ti cards are always the bottom end and don't last long. At least in this case. They are meant for HTPC usage and people with old systems where you can't play light/old games on your iGPU, but definitely not for AAA titles.

Finished new doom on Radeon 6770, you're all spoiled pussies.

can anons recommend the best sub 75w video card (pcie powered) at ~80 burgercoins?


when is the 20xx series expected to be released ?

I've got a gtx 670 ti and i'm fine from now but I think now is a good time to update my PC

if you can find a 1030 or even a 1050 for one. or just scrounge around craigslist for those prices look for nvidia, evga, asus, radeon, pny, zotac, msi, geforce, gtx etc


what specs do you have m8?

You can get a 770 at that price and it's much more powerful.
Don't expect anything more than 1080p with compromises on quality though.

I have a 760 just sitting in my closet and i cba to sell it

You're friend is too lazy to sell it independently online. You're saving him alot of time and trouble by just handing him cash. Low-ball him. He'll come down.

Better than nothing. Use it until you get a new card, then you can keep it as a PhysX coprocessor.

does vulkan just fine
>tfw doom 2016 runs at 1080p at max settings at 50+ fps in wine

Tbh an HD7970 performs like a GTX780 right now. GTX670 is dead.

and a RX 560 performs just a small notch below that

Depends on the games. A 7970 sometimes matches a Titan nowadays. But both cards are pretty old and Kepler is dead anyway.

We're talking about a shit card in the 50 € range that will at least open current games while older budget shit cards like GT 740 and GTX 650s will only produce below 30 FPS even on the lowest settings.

it's about as powerful as a 1050ti

>falling for the just wait meme

actually 760 is at least 10% faster than 560, youre fucking retarded

benches exist, look them up

im still using it and its pretty okay
60$ should be fine

Nope, that would be the 770.