Why do people on Sup Forums say not to use f.lux? It can only be good for you

Why do people on Sup Forums say not to use f.lux? It can only be good for you.

Use Redshift or the GNOME builtin option

windows has it built in now

I'm on Win7, why should I use Redshift?

install gentoo

what version of gnome has this built into it?

bothers me too much i have to turn that shit off

because its proprietary I guess. I like and use it

I use redshift and always have my monitor at 0 brightness. Done it for so long I get headaches if I do anything else.

I'm basically the same but with flux

Is the color on your monitor good?
Do you wish it looked a bit more crap?
If yes, you should use Redshift or F.lux.

Apparently the current version. According to the Arch WIki on Redshift:
>Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature.
>GNOME provides features like Redshift out-of-the-box and has Wayland support.


Even thought it's built in now, I still use the f.lux apps on OSX and iOS since they include darkroom mode, which is perfect in bed.

The Windows/Mac night modes remind me of f.lux back in like 2009. If all you need is a scheduled temperature shift every night then I guess it's fine, but f.lux has added way more options/features over the years.

It effects gaymen and is known to drop frames which is probably why Sup Forums hates it.

Once someone claimed that f.lux collects some of your data or something. May have just been a "muh botnet" type post though

idk, it doesn't hasn't really helped with my eye strain or sleep though

Literal botnet

It's a fucking placebo

why the hell would you have it on for games? It's not made for that.

I just turn off my monitor and use my phone instead. No f.lux necessary.

If it's a placebo why have i had optometrists recommend it, why do my eyes literally hurt if I turn it off late at night, and why does my body start to feel energised if it tapers off to daylight mode over the course of an hour early in the morning without me realising it, as if my body is detecting the rising sun? The last point can't be explained by placebo.

It's not. Also, not a shill.


anything else is needless bloat and/or botnet, fuck off

>If it's a placebo why have i had optometrists recommend it, why do my eyes literally hurt if I turn it off late at night
It makes the screen dimmer as well as fucking with colors. When you're in the dark, dimmer warmer light causes less eyestrain than bright cool light. Optometrists recommend it because it cuts eyestrain, and is easier to get patients to accept than more real solutions like getting better lighting around your computer or getting some fucking sleep at night instead of staying up on Sup Forums until dawn.

>and why does my body start to feel energised if it tapers off to daylight mode over the course of an hour early in the morning without me realising it, as if my body is detecting the rising sun? The last point can't be explained by placebo.
It literally can -- you see your screen shift to a bluer tone and associate that with feeling more energized and awake because you've conditioned yourself that this happens in the morning when the sun is rising.

then don't use it while you're gaming?

Or just don't game, and do something productive instead.

Not sure about whether it's really good for my eyes, but it feels comfy so i use it

How is this placebo then? These are all normal biological responses.

So you're saying it does actually work? But only for people who live on a planet on which the sun rises and sets?

Yeah, like post on Sup Forums.

The Win10 night mode is absolute shit though. Shifts between color temperatures in 10 seconds and always takes at least one minute to catch up to the fucking clock after resuming. I'll take flux any fucking day.

Theres a reason you do double blind testing before you can get a drug approved. People are extremely good at deluding themselves.

Anyways - if you have sleeping problems it's not going to be enough to help you, and if you don't you can just go to bed earlier.

>any date after april 2011
>using the current version of gnome

So you're saying flux can help me delude myself into sleeping better? God damn where do I sign up

Placebos do work. They cause effects that are very real and can be measured. It's just that they work more because you believe they're going to, rather than because of anything intrinsic in them that directly affects your body.

I don't know how much the claim is true that blue light from computer screens reduces the melatonin in your brain and causes you to feel less sleepy (and have a harder time getting to sleep). I do know that people have been falling asleep with blue-light-emitting TVs on for ages, with no apparent ill effects.

There is a real effect from blue light from the sun, as the sky lightens in the morning. It reduces melatonin and acts to reset the circadian rhythm. People who spend a lot of time in offices away from natural light sometimes use full-spectrum lamps to replace this. However, last I read, they had narrowed it down to a specific frequency of blue light, and you can now get battery powered lights that produce only that one frequency. --Unless the phosphor that produces the blue you get from your screen makes this frequency or close to it, it may well not have this effect.

...However, if you train yourself to associate your screen being brighter and bluer with being more awake, it will have an effect, even though that's a placebo.

So, I really don't know whether I believe f.lux/redshift do a real thing or if it's a placebo. I haven't looked that much into it myself -- I tried it briefly and the shifting color temperature annoys me so I always end up turning it off.

What the fuck are you talking about? There is a biological response to blue light, your body acts as if it's still daytime so you remain energised. I guess you could say you associate being awake with blue light because of that, but that's such an inane statement, it's like saying you associate being hungry with the feeling of being hungry. I know for a fact that there's s physical biological benefit to using it.

this. I use a virtual machine just for that.

>modern gnome
>not a steaming load of shit

>redshift -O 2700

comfy mode right ther

yesss, goy. Never have fun, just work 24/7, that is what a true adult does. Good goyim.

I have it on my iPhone, is there an alternative? It isn't as dim as I want it to.

f.lux doesn't dim the display it shifts the white balance. But new iOS has this functionality built in.

Typical nu/pol/turds.


f.lux is better.

f.lux has more settings, customization, etc.


>it's a nipple slipping past the dress of a cute girl

Won't work in games

you're missing the point completely. Placebo® != Snake Oil. Placebo® can be incredibly powerful, don't dismiss its legitimacy.

even cancer was cured in some very rare cases thanks to this

It works fine in games...

Input lag

Works better than flux in games

I do. It's comfy.


She's jaundiced as fuck