The future

Are you ready for quantium computers?

how would the average consumer benefit from having a quantum processor? it's only been shown to be better than normal for some specific algorithms. not magical, won't make your graphics display faster or your networking be faster

yes and no

It offers no benefits to consumers. Piss off, you fucking mouth breather. Your thread is shit and you should feel bad.

>some clueless amdrone actually made this render

FPGAs can do the same thing without costing a billion dollars.

pretty sure tht was a real product

Yes, no, and maybe. It's quaaaaantum. It's Schrodinger's CPU

please explain user


how are you gonna encrypt your shit if every von neumann crypto is broken

Can someone redpill me on quantum computers? Are they any different from normal computers at all or are they just a meme like all quantum science?

They basically handle huge data sets efficiently, they don't make general computing or gaming better. It'd actually get worse if you tried to game. Just imagine trying to play a game that follows the 1s and 0s rule while your quantum computer can make them both at the same time or neither.

>They basically handle huge data sets efficiently

that is so wrong

i hope you attempt quantum suicide.

But can it run Crysis?

Please tell me what you think quantum computing does


flips entangled qbits

wish amd didnt had to scrap this little box was so awesome

this looks so cool


quantum javascript

laugh now
cry tomorrow

quantum.js will be a thing in 2025 GUARANTEED

Which is why they don't work as normal computers, because their value is uncertain.

You can't even spell "quantum", get the fuck out of my board.

Yes but can it run PUBG?

>ITT: People with no clue what quantum computing is
It's sad Sup Forums has gone this far

Ok let me have 1000 qbits, and I know that qbits change its state much faster than normal circuit.

But how other component keep up with qbits state change?

the only people who is going to buy a quantum computer is the same people who buy a mainframe

Not going to happen in the next 50 years at minimum. Hold your horses.


>he fell for softarchitecture meme

There's quantum resistant "von neumann" ciphers available already.