What is Sup Forums's favorite circuit board color?


>dark as my soul

The gay one

White like my cum

lol, I didn't even know they made white circuit boards. never seen one

Leopard print

White ,anything else is plebbit.

>buying white electronics

Green. I'm a traditionalist.

White > black > purple > blue > green > red > yellow
I don't think I'm missing something

Only thing you're missing is taste

My preference has varied over time, first black then blue but now what really gets me going is a nice quality emerald green.

Green it is easiest to see the traces and the silkscreen is relatively easy to read as well.

Red and blue are sometimes acceptable and white and black are never acceptable.

White is right, black ain't good.

The greatest list

The answer is obvious

Black > Green > White > Blue > Red > Purple > Yellow > Orange > Brown*

Blue >> White > Black > Any other color >>>> Green

I didn't know that orange and brown PCBs were a thing
Red looks like "prototype that probably won't work" to me, it's not necessarily bad. Yellow instead looks like chink piss


Now that I look at this in the flash it looks yellow, still terrible

light green, or blue

yeah i hate to say it but applel has it

murdered pcb is just like stealth bomber / carbon fibre hi tech ... means business

still throttles like a bitch tho

blue for prototypes, green for production