Why aren't you using Opensuse, goyim?

Why aren't you using Opensuse, goyim?

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his 24 hour stream was yet another thing he left midway through.

I dunno. Gentoo is good enough and I don't feel like switching

but I am :3

Because it's bad. Zypper is shit which can delete your DE as an unused dependency. It also always wants to shove recommeded packages down your throat. Removing GNOME Software Center because it doesn't work with openPEPE anyway? No way, you better lock this shit or it will be installed on your systen again with the next update.
I have a lot of gripes with this system but this is the main reason I've uninstalled this piece of trash.

Anyone know some good Linux YouTubers? Lunduke is the least shitty one I know and he's pretty fucking cringe.

Because linux mint exists

Don't know any. They all are pretty bad. Late Night Linux is a good podcast, though. One of the hosts is Ikey - the Solus creator.

>Late Night Linux
Nice I'll check it out. Thanks.

> Meets goal of fundraiser
> Bails, doesn't do the stream for 24 hours
Gee, he really is one of (((them)))

Because I'm a good goy.


>people whose ancestors were khazars who converted to judaism and that had no blood ties to original jews and are mixed with white blood up to ~99% and some of them even have blue eyes and fair hair which are recessive consider themselves "the chosen people" when in reality they are the goyimest and would be spat upon by the true jews

Every time.

I hate this guy. He's the Linustechtips for the "thinking" redditor.

didnt this faggot shit all over stallman-sama in some interview?

>I hate this guy.

Ditto. He's got a punchable face.

dumb niggerposter

Maim reason I'm not using this shit (along with a thousand other reasons). There has actually been an issue report about the recommended packages bullshittery and the devs responded something along the lines "nobody wants that".

lunduke alert

Let's fight cancer with cancer!

>not getting the joke

>Why aren't you using Opensuse
I bought a book called "Mastering UNIX".
When I started reading it I realised it should have been called "Mastering SUSE". That's all they discussed. They avoided mentioning UNIX wherever possible.
I mean, not even a real UNIX. SUSE LInux.
So SUSE is pretty low in my estimation.

aj reissig maybe, he's ok imo

Because it crashes all the fucking time

Too bad, because it sounds so good on paper
1. Tumbleweed. Bleeding edge, rolling release distro which is tested by motherfucking robots (openQA). Also, new state of the art file system (btrfs) makes backups easier than ever.
2. Leap. Enterprise experience available for use at home. GUI for everything.

The truth is that openPEPE is actually a usable system but it's too much behind mainstream distros.

i'd like a link to the source of the rest of that porno please

I agree, it sound extremely good on paper. I wanted to like it. I've tried it on multiple occasions. There is just SO MUCH WRONG WITH IT. It's the distro I wanted to like the most but it ended up being the only distro I'd use Windows over.

>cant into linux
>install openpepe
>just werks

Good for you, I wish I had similar experience with OpenSUSE. I've tried Leap and Tumbleweed ~6 times and I've had nothing but issues.

Have OpenSUSE Tumbleweed installed on my second SSD, am waiting for Linux 4.15 for Vega.

Luke Smith

No Im not gay sorry.

I've been installing Gentoo, got KDE built and working last night and started Firefox before I left for work this morning.

I am surprised I haven't fucked up too badly because I haven't really used Linux for a long time. At first I used genkernel but it wasn't finding my root filesystem, I guess because nvme was built as a module so I had to configure and build a custom colonel which went really well too, only fuckup was I forgot to include keyboard support so I couldn't log in but that was easily fixed.

Watching all the text scroll by has made me a computer expert again

because yast is shit, because zypper is shit, because kde is shit, because opensuse is terrible and annoying to manage



the shit bone structure still gives it away tho

>Thas rite.
>Why should I care about 6 million crackas that another cracka killed.

>because kde is shit
Hey fuck you too buddy

Man, Lunduke is such a self-absorbed tool
Although OpenSUSE seems fine, I'm just too attached to Debian after all these years

You can completely disable recommended packages installing, thats one line of config. Apt has like 4 different versions of 'recommended' flags which is way worse and Zypper has an amazing dependency resolver. Nothing wrong on that end. The maintainers sometimes make questionable choices in their builds though.

It works great in practice too but comes with some fucking awful defaults for some stuff cause it's pushing for more enterprisey stuff. Massive sudo config stuff out of the box. It's not really behind any distro, as bleeding edge as a fedora or arch. OBS is amazing. Their package naming style is kinda fucking weird compared to literally everyone though.

Shit man, looking at this I kinda miss the oxygen design.

I haven't found a good config with Zypper. It's either turn off everything (and miss some good packages) or install everything they throw at you (even what you know is broken) or install essential packages but manually lock the ones you don't need (after a few months I had a pretty long list of locked updates in Tumbleweed). I guess it's more of a problem with openSUSE team than with Zypper but still, I can see the reason why I should bother with it when other distros (Arch, Fedora, etc.) send me only thoose packages that are essential and not broken.


Well their metapackages (which they call patterns for some ungodly reason) tend towards bloaty all inclusiveness. That's where people get fucked up like purging their DE by mistake, they're installing and removing the wrong things. I bet there's a simple way to create a custom pattern to keep a list of the correct packages instead of using the repo's questionable ones.

I really really love zypper's locks because unlike most other distros I've used it lets you freely use other repos without worrying that someone will upload some wrong version of a package and break your whole system. Packages are locked to the repo you install them from and only automatically update from there. That's the only reason OBS works so fucking well. Ubuntu PPAs are just time bombs, AUR doesn't have any problem since everything is universally latest but doesn't separate that way, I assume fedora's got something similar these days they move fast to copy opensuse at every turn.

Modern Classic, Luke Smith

Was it autism all along?

Shekel based OCD.

The whole office was, until my boss caught wind of Lunduke's white-supremacy meltdown and the whole, "If you can't handle being criticized for the color of your skin, you're weak...black people used to make me afraid on the playground, ironically enough" thing. I tried to talk him into letting us switch to standard Suse, but he said he wanted to nip it in the bud before Richard Spencer started wearing buttons of the fucking screenfetch logo. We're on fucking Fedora now. Thanks for all your bravery, Bryan.

Software compatibility.

that doesnt make any sort of sense

This is one of the best posts I've ever read. Thank you for this.

>Lunduke's white-supremacy meltdown


You're welcome, Bryan.

This and this