Did they invented a technology where it's a pillow warmed to human skin temp and also it's a cute girl?

Did they invented a technology where it's a pillow warmed to human skin temp and also it's a cute girl?

fund it

i think i did hear about warmed dakimakuras, yes

You can just put a hot water bottle in your daki so you can pretend your waifu is a real girl sleeping in your bed.

Is it also a girl?

it is if you want it to be (and buy grill dakimakura cover)

Is it possible to get windows 10 tan or windows 7 tan dakimakura cover

I swear to god you're literally the worst user on this board.

You could emulate something like that with water and a microcontrolled warmer. You'd have to get a way to get water flowing without the whirring of a pump though, maybe a shitload of insulation would work.

who?? I download this folder from mega

You would need high resolution pic, or else it will be pixelated like a motherfucker.
If you do have pics like that, you can easily get custom daki cover, just read up on buyfags.moe
Also, die in hell proprietary pig, l2GNU


you type like a neet who's months away from the big 3 0

>tfw you fell for the wizard meme



how lonely are you?



who's that
this is an anonymous website

are you the user spamming "ThreeDimensional" girl pics and making stupid threads in broken english every day?



ok now how do we make the hot water bottle dark hug me? that's the next step

oh yes, that was me. I really am quite the pitifully individual, but that has more to do with my own inadequacies and personal failings, so I didn't recognize it before I posted

imagine making this post lol

That can't be a trap

it's really faggy when you use the japanese word for it

consider how it's by default quite literally faggier than taking three dicks up the ass and yet you're somehow making it sound even faggier


there's no word for "body pillow with an anime girl on it" in my native language so "dakimakura" or "daki" will do.

just say "fag pillow" and leave it at that.


I'm not saying this because I'm a badass chad looking down on weebs, I'm just saying there's a line that needs to be drawn. It's not psychologically healthy.

thats dumbq

I just think a waifu should remain firmly 2d.

Adding dimensions is a disgrace by default. And furthermore, it's not only disrespectful to expect a waifu to be something she is not, but psychologically unhealthy for you. I have nothing against 3dpd, some people are into that, but closeted 3dpd fetishism is a serious mental aberration.

you should have just said that in the first post

Get a life. Sad kek

there's a lot of people out there who misunderstand what having a waifu really means. They think the relationship is all about them so they get body pillows and do disgraceful things with them. This is faggot behavior. These people are confused. They are projecting their closeted desire for 3dpd onto their supposed waifu. And honestly, their closeted desire for 3dpd is just an additional layer under the closeted desire for cock. There is already a certain degree of closeted homosexuality in lusting after a 3d woman and these people take it even further.




>There is already a certain degree of closeted homosexuality in lusting after a 3d woman

yeah, ok


if u rly concentrate its actually true


Found the faggot guys.

You sound like a fag even without using Japanese words, strange.


literally translates to "body pillow"

this was meant for it doesn't mean "body pillow with an anime girl on it" - you could just say anime body pillow anyway

There's an organic alternative.
It's called a Cute Girl.
I got one and wouldn't be without it.

How much do they cost and where can I get one?

in your nearest friendly neighbourhood brothel

im over it. all girls disgust me now. just tried to watch porn and couldn't help but be overwhelmed revulsion at the female subhuman species

But there are not linux distro chans

Do you have a link?

>it's a cute girl
Cute girls don't swear like a degenerate.

Having a waifu is a cry for help in my vocabulary.

Why do you need such tech when it's naturally available in abundance?

We have to fight until anime waifus are real.

2DPD is for degenerates.


>reading this on Sup Forums


I recognize that gay blowjob.