Apple has dominated over PC in the education market so much during the last decade that it's not even funny. Complete and utter DOMINATION.
Apple has dominated over PC in the education market so much during the last decade that it's not even funny...
Marketing, students take on 50k student loans so it's not hard at all to blow $2000 on a laptop if it's gonna last you all 4 years, plus they don't want to stand out with some budget plasticky walmart laptop.
I'm more concerned why 7 out of 10 college graduates are women now.
What has to go wrong in someone's life that they end up like pic related and make threads like these 20x a day:
I am more concerned of how retarded these kids must be if they can't even write their notes down.
the only people I know who use applel products for school/university stuff are spoiled brats who study design or other useless shit.
That's about 30% of the students at my university.
>stupid teenagers buy overpriced items on borrowed money
oh wow where didn't i see that coming?
>t. iToddler
You know, i think the white iBooks/Macbooks could totally make a comeback
Not that anyone wants to make plastic/polycarbonate laptops any more.
I've never seen ANY Mac in my schools
Maybe in 'murrica.
>Chrome OS: 58%
Pls be in pajeetia
you guys are retarded
you should be happy about that as PCs will get cheaper
In Europe only women, expats and hipsters uses Apple products.
Just because they don't, doesn't mean that they can't you dumb fuck. Why the fuck would I write out an entire history lecture when I can type it? RETARD ALERT
college exposed
jesus christ
Left: young adults dressed like adults obtaining higher education. One Stacey with a girly mac.
Right: Chads and Staceys attending university to get drunk, laid and use laptops as fashion statement. Also: wearing a baseball hat during lectures apparently stopped being considered disrespectful as fuck in white man's culture at some point.
I've seen many college students get MACs because they're so dumb that they can barely figure out how to switch wifi.
When's the last time you've seen a mac at a workplace?
Everyone at work uses a macbook.
A SJW gay pride charity org isn't a real workplace.
> When's the last time you've seen a mac at a workplace?
I don't visit out programmers much but I know at least two of them have a mac. Another department develops mobile applications, so there are a few Mac minis along with an iMac.
Who cares. I've used a thinkpad throughout university the last 8 years or so.
He will keep on making these as long as retards reply to it without sage.