How old are you?

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?

> >how old are you?
> >what did you study/when did you graduate?
Mortuary science
> >where do you live?
> >what job do you have?
Teach at a university
> >how much do you make?
> >do you have a gf/wife?
> >how satisfied are you with your life?
Not very. I just became interested in tech 4 or 5 years ago and pursuing a career as a programmer seems unlikely

> > >how satisfied are you with your life?
> pursuing a career as a programmer seems unrealistic

>>do you have a gf/wife?
this heteronormative androcentrism baka

currently in Ireland
the only reason i havent jumped off of a tall bridge yet is because my family would be devastated. not like things are going bad for me or anything, i just dont have any goal/ambition in life, nothing to get up in the morning for. i dont care to have a thing like that either. ill die sooner or later so might aswell get on with it

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Mechanical engineering/ 2013
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
Quality management engineer in automotive
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
Pretty satisfied, consulting for a big company opened up a very nice job opportunity that will be decided end of this month. If it works out i'll move to a new city in 6 months and wife my gf

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
>>where do you live?
Northern Europe
>>what job do you have?
IT/security department manager in a mid-sized company
>>how much do you make?
About 3 grand a month, more than enough for me
>>do you have a gf/wife?
I have a qt bf :3
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
I was severely depressed for a long time up until a couple of years ago, mainly because of stupid trauma from family shit. I attempted suicide twice but now things are mostly fine. I still get annoying episodes like that now and then but bf's love and kindness keep me afloat.

>Still local HS / general studies, graduate next year and going to CS or similar
>No job atm
>student welfare bux 90€/month lol
>8/10 at least for now

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Comp Sci. In June
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
Getting paid to do a Masters
>how much do you make?
~€22.5k (tax free scholarship tho)
>do you have a gf/wife?
gf of 1 year.
>how satisfied are you with your life?
5/10, eternal void that neither a gf nor successfull education can fix.

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
philosophy at devry
>where do you live?
not telling
>what job do you have?
never had one
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
no, 2d girls are the best
>how satisfied are you with your life?
bretty satisfied

>In HS
Brainlet lol

Nice try cia nigger

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
CS 2015
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
Field Engineer SAN Storage
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
0/10 I'm pretty much a fuckhead that missed my one chance to be happy

Annudah data mining bread, but I'll anser one anyways.
>how satisfied are you with your life?
I never satisfied. I wont moar. I hunnger, and I thirst.

why did you fail to kys?

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
Electronics Service Engineer
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
3yrs GF
>how satisfied are you with your life?
Job keeps giving me options so thats ok. GF could contribute more or do something with herself.

Diploma Electronics Eng

>EE, about to graduate very soon just have to tie up a few loose ends
>Top secret

>how old are you?
19 this month
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
HS 2017, currently studying industrial electrical
>where do you live?
Texas 979
>what job do you have?
Security Guard
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
not currently, but talking to a few women.
>how satisfied are you with your life?
I'm feeling the best I have in 7 years, having gotten my own apartment to get away from my abusive broken home. And I can only see things going up from here.

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
BTEC ICT, currently doing BSc after 9 years
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
Senior software engineer
>>how much do you make?
30k eur
>>do you have a gf/wife?
Gf soon wife
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
I'm satisfied in that I have a car, a house I own (still paying for obv), I save, and I get by comfortably. I'm not satisfied in that I want to get this degree and get masters afterwards for no reason but to have them, and I'd love some more "throw away money" instead of having to budget everything. After the wedding it'll probably get better.

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer science, graduate end of next year
>where do you live?
New zealand
>what job do you have?
Software dev intern
>how much do you make?
Get payed hourly $25 an hour, usually work around 10 hours a week. Depends on uni tho (i pick my hours, 0-30).
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
2/10 want to kill myself but when i had a near death experience skiing this year i didnt wanna die there so i guess i dont want to kill myself but i still think about it every waking minute

Every time I hear how someone fails to kys I instantly think they're seeking attention.
That's very low cry for help, seeking pity unto oneself

Yeah, thinking about it, its kind of a weird and unclear way to put it. What I meant was that I tried jumping and chickened out at the last moment on the first time, and shot my cheek instead of my head on the second time.

why do people actually post in data mining threads?

I also understand where you're coming from. I really wouldn't judge people who are in that state too harshly though, they're sick and they need help. Seeking attention is a very natural and understandable part of that.
As for myself, my attempts hardly were for attention because there was literally no one around that time who knew or cared about me, and I understood that. The failures were also caused just by plain stupidity and cowardice.
I was hospitalized after the second incident, and I admit that the people at the hospital tried their best to convince me to accept therapy of some sort. I boldly refused because the whole incident had already "cured" me, and made me realize what a stupid faggot I had been.

Avionics Technology
Training at an MRO
$150 allowance
Yes, Im pretty much just beginning my career

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Currently in second year of Computer Science
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
Most iv'e ever been

>how old are you?

>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Comp sci, didn't graduate (depression)

>where do you live?

>what job do you have?
Web developer

>how much do you make?

>do you have a gf/wife?
Long term gf

>how satisfied are you with your life?
I have some degree of motivation but struggle to keep it fired. Struggle in social situations. Currently in therapy.

Botnet thread...

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
bachelor of information technology, 2015
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
I'm not.

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Am in HS, want to go to uni for compsci
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
Part time developer
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
lol, no.
>how satisfied are you with your life?
9/10 could use some more time for studying.

40 whips? 40kg of shit? 40 kicks in the ass?


>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer Engineering
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
freelance wdg
>>how much do you make?
too little
>>do you have a gf/wife?
>>how satisfied are you with your life?

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
>>how much do you make?
24K Euros
>>do you have a gf/wife?
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
3/10 the Earth is too small and has gone full retard

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
GPU Review Sciences, 1999
>>where do you live?
Tel Aviv
>>what job do you have?
Internet product advertiser (Intel)
>>how much do you make?
2-3 shekels/hour, depends on the Sup Forums/reddit post quality
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
Very, I get high-quality Intel CPUs for cheap instead of Rypoo garbage xd!!!

So 40 Ahmed dicks in your ass?

For a board concerned with privacy Sup Forums sure loves giving their info away

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Comp. Sci (but failed to graduate, depression)
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
Web dev (but in reality jack of all trades)
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
No and no
>how satisfied are you with your life?
Everyday before sleep I ask if I should kill myself

The difference is I'm choosing to give this data away.

you might get banned for this
I got banned for saying I was 9 once

>graduated in '99
Let's hope the mods have a nonnegative IQ

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Electrical Engineering, finished everything but just waiting to officially graduate
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
Power distribution designer
>how much do you make?
$55k/yr AUD
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
very happy but feel incredibly underpaid if I compare myself to other staff


Get a management position.

Let me guess: pills?
I refuse to tolerate anyone who commits sudoku ar fails trying.
In my world ones life is his own responsibility. It's ones choice what one decides to do with it.
I feel no empathy nor pity.

I won't fail at least one thing in my life. ;^)

>how old are you?

>what did you study/when did you graduate?

Mathematics/just over a year ago

>where do you live?
>what job do you have?


>how much do you make?

About $165k after bonus

>do you have a gf/wife?


>how satisfied are you with your life?

Pretty satisfied

I'd hate having a management position
The company hired a design manager a couple of months ago who does the least work out of anyone but gets paid probably the 2nd or 3rd highest there

I like doing work but I want to get paid for the work I do

I did a presentation to the staff recently demoing productivity scripts and things which just about everyone said was saving them hours of work, and the design managers input was to interrogate me on how much time I spent on making them

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
it (lel)
>>where do you live
Moscow, Russia
>>what job do you have?
automation/devops support for android app team
>>how much do you make?
around 2 grand dollaridos per month (24k year)
>>do you have a gf/wife?
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
pretty gud 8/10, hate adult responsibilities, but being at job and home is cool I guess.

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
studying cs rn
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
systems support
>>how much do you make?
13 an hour
>>do you have a gf/wife?
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
very, schools paid for because of white guilt

>how old are you?


>what did you study/when did you graduate?

Digital compositing 2012

>where do you live?


>what job do you have?

VFX Supervisor

>how much do you make?

36k SEK

>do you have a gf/wife?


>how satisfied are you with your life?

Life is good to me.

36k sek / month ~ 4k usd / month minus tax 30%.

What was the chance you missed?

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
3 weeks ago I handed in my bachelors thesis which isn't graded yet so I guess I didn't graduate yet? Anyways, I study physics so I planned on doing my masters anyways.
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
>>how much do you make?
>>do you have a gf/wife?
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
it's okay, my friends are pretty awesome and so is physics but I'm missing an intimate relation ship

over 30, art history, deep south, work in antiques, evaluations, etc.. only male member of the family not an engineer, make enough to survive but wife income makes it alright. 2 children both white with blue eyes and a cat whose retarded and a border collie whose my dude. life is full of regrets but i'm content where i'm at

>"Senior" software engineer
>30k eu bucks/year

> one of the world's most powerful organizations needs to collect data ordinary people on an anime image board by asking them
nice try mr panic

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
No studies, medium school degree 2012
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
None / Pensioned
>>how much do you make?
884 € a month
>>do you have a gf/wife?
>tfw no BF (eternally)
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
I have anything I want to buy with money, but I can't buy a BF unfortunately...

CS, will graduate in a few days
Will get my first job in a month or so, PHP dev
none because ^
no, kv
I'm in hell but it's 2/10 I guess

>pathetic compared to anything you can imagine
>kill me

Admire me.

>not $400K starting

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
I study chemical engineering
>where do you live?
northern Italy
>what job do you have?
>how much do you make?
€9.000 a year, part time
>do you have a gf/wife?
long-term girlfriend
>how satisfied are you with your life?

stay off of social networks and don't watch tv. read books and find people to talk about those. you'll recognize the world isn't what it seems to be in a news stream.

leave that shithole. the guy is afraid of your skills and won't let you climb up the ladder.

GJ rabbit-o

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Political Science / 2005
>where do you live?
Southern California
>what job do you have?
Policy Analyst
>how much do you make?
~$120k/year + benefits
>do you have a gf/wife?
Wife of 5 years.
>how satisfied are you with your life?
Decently satisfied, I guess (good job, wife, house, dog, etc). Kind of feel ennui every now and then, and am also pretty discontented with the direction the internet and technology more generally have gone over the last 10-15 years though.

Why are you idiots so damn poor when tech jobs are so lucrative
I graduated math/cs last year and I'm making 135k

>how old are you?

>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer engineering. Finished this summer.

>where do you live?

>what job do you have?
Shitjob. Just click on items to click on more stuff to copy and paste. I drool on the keyboard while I do this.
About 90% the time there isn't anything to do so I just learn random stuff like docs for database performance.
Dream job for many, misery for me.

>how much do you make?
1.500€ a month after taxes. Which isn't bad considering I don't actually need to do much and you'd expect to earn less than 1.000€ in Spain

Either way I got some interviews at siemens and got selected so I'll soon ditch this for a proper engineering job, I expect to double the salary immediatly and earn 10x more in the following years.

>do you have a gf/wife?
No, had a long term relationship with a chinese girl which went to shit.

>how satisfied are you with your life?
I'm not entirely satisfied with what I got but I'm changing it and getting my shit together. First proper job, then love. At that point I feel like I'll win.

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
computer science, 2014
>>where do you live?
richmond, va
>>what job do you have?
backend java dev at a startup
>>how much do you make?
100k + equity and benefits
>>do you have a gf/wife?
have gf
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
pretty satisfied with it so far. i would really like to create my own software or company at some point though.

Yeah, but which country?

Depends on country. Im making 4x of median salary (2k per month)

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer science, completed my master's in 2014
>>where do you live?
Oslo, Norway
>>what job do you have?
PhD student
>>how much do you make?
455k NOK per year (~57.5k USD)
>>do you have a gf/wife?
Have an arrangement with my ex gf, we're so-called friends with benefits
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
8/10, maybe 9/10

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer Science and Software Engineering / 2015
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
Mainframe Java Developer
>>how much do you make?
>>do you have a gf/wife?
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
I want to quit, move somewhere rural, and start a homestead and do part time remote development. Everything is so expensive though so it may never happen because of how slow saving money is.

>i have a degree in EE
>software dev
>2200 BGN
>no gf

>making an income

you get paid by the uni to do your phd

Comp Sci & Engineering, 2013
East Coast in a rather uh, "rural" area
Software Engineer
Between 70 and 75K
Nope, KV actually. :/
Could be better, could be a LOT worse and I try to count my blessings...

So you're telling me that this nigga is studying (aka partying and dicking around in a lab) and receiving a far better wage than I am?

I made the wrong life choice, it seems.

what KV is?

yeah pretty much

Kinda Vexed

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer Science. Graduate next summer.
>where do you live?
United Kingdom.
>what job do you have?
Graduate program for a company I interned for. Will probably specialise in network engineering eventually.
>how much do you make?
£25 / $33k
>do you have a gf/wife?
Not many options on my course.
>how satisfied are you with your life?
8/10. Not doing bad at University and I have a good job lined up already. Just wish I had more of a social life, but that's mostly down to my course

What does that mean? I'm a non-english speaker.

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
bachelor of psychology, 1968
>where do you live?
United States of America
>what job do you have?
I'm retired
>how much do you make?
$0/Off my pensions
>do you have a gf/wife?
Yes, but she died
>how satisfied are you with your life?
I'm not satisfied as the wrong side won the 2nd World War

So would you say you're...kinda vexed?

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer Science. Graduate next summer.
>where do you live?
United Kingdom.
>what job do you have?
Graduate program for a company I interned for. Will probably specialise in network engineering eventually.
>how much do you make?
£25k / $33k
>do you have a gf/wife?
Not many options on my course.
>how satisfied are you with your life?
8/10. Not doing bad at University and I have a good job lined up already. Just wish I had more of a social life, but that's mostly down to this course.


>how old are you?

>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Studying informatics and applied mathematics

>where do you live?

>what job do you have?
Run a small business

>how much do you make?
$8,000/month usually

>do you have a gf/wife?
No. Currently swooning over woman. But, she is muslim and you know how family goes...

>how satisfied are you with your life?

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Geodesy and Cartography, 2011 (equivalent of Land/Construction Surveying)
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
(Junior) IT Specialist, R&D
>how much do you make?
~16K EUR
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
"Digital media", 1997
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
IT Manager
>how much do you make?
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?

not that user but youre pretty pathetic desu
even more so than the guy you were talking with

I like you.

How TF u find a part time Dev job

69 xDddddd
Get karma on Reddit
Ur mum
Ur mum agen xdddddd
I made u
Yeah, ur möm
Your mum keeps me pretty satisfied

Why are you posting this on Sup Forums

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Computer Science
>where do you live?
Somewhere in western europe
>what job do you have?
Technical Consultant
>how much do you make?
$60K a year, will bump up to $70k after trial period ends
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
It's alright. Going from uni to work was a big change though, considering I spent like 2 hours a day at uni, now I spend 7-8 hours at work.

I believe they may actually be dumb enough to ban you, I don't know if they're even human

>how old are you?
>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Information systems
>where do you live?
>what job do you have?
None at the moment, used to be a PM at a software company
>how much do you make?
used to make ~$85K/year while I was still employed, wife makes about $3-4k/month on top of that running a small business from home and trading crypto
>do you have a gf/wife?
>how satisfied are you with your life?
7/10 atm, will probably bump that to 9/10 once I get an offer from a new place and get out of this jobless limbo

>>how old are you?
>>what did you study/when did you graduate?
Ph.D. in addiction counseling. I don't graduate for two more years.
>>where do you live?
>>what job do you have?
Addiction Counselor
>>how much do you make?
>>do you have a gf/wife?
Both. And they're friends. No 3-ways though.
>>how satisfied are you with your life?
Overall, quite satisfied. All of my schooling was done under grants and tuition reimbursement for continuing education so I have $0 student loan debt in murrica.

>Both. And they're friends. No 3-ways though.
Do they both know?