Host OS for linux containers

Has anyone tried CoreOS Container Linux or RancherOS? What do you usually use as a host OS for containers?

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I'm primarily interested in this because of kubernetes.

doesn't matter, you can run containers on basically anything from bare metal to esx with openstack running docker. what do you intend to accomplish?

I want a simple low maintenance OS for a kubernetes cluster. For example, I like how CoreOS Container Linux does automatic upgrades, and I thought it might be nice to have that.

ubuntu server with docker

Alpine should be your first choice for containers.

Alpine as a host os?

My first choice was smartos, but I can't use it with cloud providers that I use.

My first choice was smartos, but I can't use it with cloud providers that I use.

I've noticed that's what azure use for their container service. But I wonder if there are any benefits in using coreos or rancheros.

I'm afraid into running into something like this

then just stick with what you're already using.

I'm using freebsd but that doesn't work well with kubernetes.

you running your business servers on freeBSD? what the fuck is wrong with you?

Can this meme die soon please?


get the fuck out with your numale devops sjw faggotry

thats the only problem i encounter using docker
i have to delete and create a new container when the repo/image is updated

what do you think does yum or apt essentially do? they both download a binary, install or replace an existing binary. the concept is the same, the functionality how software works on the OS level is different.

you create a repository, where you maintain your different images for different services in different versions based on whatever silly requirements and then you deploy them.

Now you are just being mean.

Why is it "numale devops sjw faggotry"? I'm starting to kind of like it ...

I planned on using a CI pipeline like on gitlab to automate container creation a bit for me.

CI/CD piplenine

Debian works for me, ymmv

Granted I do most of my hobby docker stuff on raspberry pis, so what do I know

Hey fat fuck. How do you integrate containerization into CI and for what purpose do you use containers?

I planned to build containers in google's container builder, run tests, and then push them to google's container registry, then pull them from there and do something like A/B deployment with kubernetes.

The main purpose of containers for me right now is the ability to work with kubernetes.

>A/B deployment
I think I actually meant canary deployments.

Would anyone know of any solid introductions/guides to dockers in general? I see the phrase mentioned from time to time. Curious as to what their real world application is. (I know software development etc seems to be used with it alot)

perhaps? at least a brief overview

I just read the official docs. They have all the info you might need and it's mostly up to date unlike in some books that I've tried.


found the XML shill

Can't use it since I'm using cloud providers which already have everything running on their own hypervisors. And there is very little sense in having smartos as a guest os. I think I need a linux.

Come back when you can store unescaped newlines like it's fucking 1998, fag.

>images are renewed frequently and they may take more than 1GB each.
those images are huge, he probably has a DE with cups and wireless support, images should be just a minimal installation, like kernel and some gnu tools + a service, alpine images style

>We are using Debian stable with backports
that's too old, even for baremetal servers, he said they're on AWS, then you should run their image which is like a redhat without systemd, bit bloated if you ask me but use vim otb comes handy just to mention one feature, debian should be use when you has services with no mayor updates in years like apache or mail services

>The only one (allegedly) wildly supported is AUFS
no idea why he had issues, also I'm ignorant in that matter, the documentation:
Your choice may be limited by your Docker edition, operating system, and distribution.
you shouldn't use containers to store, so it doesn't matter how they deal with file systems, we even take logs out or use td-agent

>New repository keys are pushed to the docker public repository.
that's why you use ECS or your own repo in production, also you don't built imagesevery time you launch a instance

>Docker is meant to be stateless. Containers have no permanent disk storage, whatever happens is ephemeral and is gone when the container stops
I've should have read this first, so how this guy deploys DB to production and then realize all data is gone, i bet how to deal with external volumes is like the 2nd paragraph on the tl;dr guide i read in 2015

I stopped reading after that
I'm just a n00b in the subject but afaik a cloud-based production with all this new technologies and companies getting in and out opensource, or not providing backwards compatibility you should make your own "stable" repo and replace things instead of upgrading, so your developers should make software as portable is posible

like a service in a docker image + your code, update your code then launch a new container instance that kill the previous ?

I run LXD on gentoo. My containers usually run alpine.

I'm no expert, but seems like the extra effort of escaping new lines for the smaller file size that json provides over xml is easily worth it.
Even with gzip, large structs can be significantly more expensive in xml both in size and parsing speed.

>googles container builder
Is this the google app engine? How does the price and performance compare to google compute?