First day of new CS crouse

>First day of new CS crouse
>Walk into lecture hall
>Teacher already waiting with lecture slides on screen
>"OK, class, looks like everyone is here. Now if you could all open your MacBook Pro, we'll get started!"

Literally never happens, except for ios development course.

No professor addresses a laptop by it's model name. You are lying and baiting.


>go to programming class in uni
>computer lab has terminals instead of computers
>just running an IDE and trying to compile something causes them to run out of memory and shut down

>Trying to run bloated IDE on a dumb terminal

Why the fuck would you try that? I'm surprised they even let you install anything on it.

Because it's literally what they expect us to do.

>One of the first classes the teacher forced us to create a basic website using MS DOS.
>Says that you have to know how since there could be some company/business that still uses DOS.
I haven't seen any use them at all. Is this some isolated case or something?

why pepe gib cato the gay

Probably. Haven't used DOS in a school environment since '95.

Ye I want to kno 2

>not being told to fake notes on paper

>Now if you could all open your X
If your professor says this your professor/program is shit.

Switch school. Yours is shit.

>first day of pentesting module
>"the dark internet is where terrorists go and you'd need to be a terrorist to go there"

What in the name of fuck happened to education in the past 9 yrs i've been out of school, or was it always this shit?!

So he can have a cat girl waifu der

> Go into Grrrl Power Coding Bootcamp
> "Now if everyone would start up Gnome and Emacs, we're about to get started ricing our arch linux machines with node.js."

This is part of the encryption ban acceptance campaign. It may sound weird to you but the next generation will exclusively associate anonymous and secure communications with pedos and terrorists.

This. They always say laptop.

Bullshit OP, literally on my first day of uni the professor responsible for the bachelor-students told us, that all CS-related modules would be taught for Linux, tho it's not an official requirement. Still they assumed nobody was really going to use anything else and so it was.
In the off chance that your story is true, get the hell outta there, your lecture is fucked.

I was never required to have a laptop once in college. Comouter classes would do lecture and i would hsve programming assignments

>pull out my X220 with an Apple sticker on it
>boots into Sierra

>implying you wouldn't let the first woman who took interest in your hobbies suck your dick

i n c e l

we don't even need our own computers. uni has very nice computer labs that are open 24/7 with windows/linoox/osx.