How the fuck can I have such a high download speed and yet still have shitty upload speed?

How the fuck can I have such a high download speed and yet still have shitty upload speed?

I just now have an ethernet cable running to my PC so it should be much faster than when it was on WiFi. What am I retarded about here?!

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Upload is shitty in every consumer internet. The infrastructure isn't there and companies can't be bothered to put it in.

I wouldn't suspect your ethernet to be slow. Copy a large file between different computers to be sure.

So what do I do if I need at least 1 GB of upload speed? I want to bitch at Spectrum, but I can't because I am not authorized to speak to them because the Internet is under my brother's name. And he's too much of a lazy fuck to authorize me.

You kill yourself or try to find a different provider. Upload infrastructure isn't worth any money because the general public doesn't use it so even if you bitch they won't do anything.

Maybe they'd listen if he brought a gun with them to their meeting.

You're getting an Indian over the phone and you'll like it.

He could always go down to their location and request a meeting.


My upload is amazingly fast fortunately. At least compared to the usual 16M connections. The only good side of my connection.

Top kek, you guys deserve it

>Doesn't even recognize European languages


fiber is the only way to get decent upload speed.

I'm paying £22.31/month for this bad boy!

Only a cia nigger would have speeds that fast

>Upload speeds faster than downloads

You're in my league, I pay 35 € for mine!
>TFW I always imagine how the NSA ceases to try spying on me and watch my files because my internet is so horribly slow.


you don’t have a high download speed
get off of Sup Forums

i get 888 kbs max is mine fast?

Anything under 300mbps isn't fast

i get less than .1 percent of what you get and i only play 69.99 monthly YEWWW

Cest la vie


don't believe you, this is unacceptable at this price.

If you live in America and don't have fiber, then your upload is going to be max 3,000 Mb/s.(DOCSIS 3.1 for Comcast Only)

Thankfully fiber-like speeds are becoming available soon.

This means ISP's that utilize DOCSIS can hopefully start offering symmetrical 1gbps speeds without spending thousands on trying to get fiber running.

>Upload infrastructure isn't worth any money because the general public doesn't use it
As cloud storage and backup becomes more the norm, you'll see an increase in people demanding higher upload. They may as well start future proofing themselves now.

Or petition the government implement a "minimum" that companies can't fall under.
Just like Canada's "everyone must have access to high-speed Internet by 20xx" law.. just their definition of high speed is "not dial up" so it's still not great.

I fucking wish

Data capped?

Soft data cap.

10TB/month if you regularly go over they switch you to a business account (at double the cost). If you go over 10TB just one or two times a year they don't mind. It's only if you regularly do this. Mainly making sure you can't host a real online business in your basement without paying for a business connection.

It happens with fiber.

Idk what you are talking about, i have 100mbit/s up and down 24/7 with consumer internet and for less than you probably expect

Is this a speedtest thread?

>1 GB of upload speed

that's only 8000mbps


wew, congrats on the internal network test. Now try a server over the actual internet.

It's been like this for months.

Nothing I can do about it.

>It's shit

I live with my parents in rural Ireland, my connection has been like this since last December when something on their end broke and they never bothered to fix it, but it's been especially bad the last couple of weeks. 480p is the lowest quality I can stand on youtube and I still have to pause and let it buffer for a few minutes, online gaming and VOIP are out of the question. I want to kill myself literally every day.

Also I don't use Speedtest because it usually times out for me, SpeedOfMe doesn't.

I would have killed myself tbqfhwyf


and ookla

Hey thanks. Sorry you live in a shit country with no infrastructure.

Hop off faggot, if you're testing to a server in the same data center it's not a real fucking test.

>not wearing his skin to assume his identity

it's like you don't even want fast upload speed

Hey 2 ms is not too bad.. No need to be so salty. :-)

great cumback there.

Maybe someday you'll have speeds nearing mine.

>future proofing

I can't conceive of that much data

>such a high download speed
>he thinks 42 down is high

I regularly hit 3-5TB a month, but yeah, 10TB is pretty good.

i currently process around 25TB of data monthly. but i am technically a business so.

oh well.

are you actually using an internal connection, though.

the only reason my network hits above 1tb is because there's 4 people streaming video, each around 4 hours a day (around 36GB/day)

Just myself hit 1.5TB a month.

There are 4 others in the house that make up the other 1.5-3TB.

Oh, and here's my test from August.

>general public doesn't use it

what are you talking about? tonnes of normies and attention whores dumping pictures and videos on facebook or crapchat and live streaming themselves doing basic shit and every other schmuck has a youtube channel now.

that wont make your internet service magically improve.

Nopes. Just a pretty direct line to all equipment on the way. And new equipment at that.

>speedtest thread
>people have home connections faster than my VPS in a data centre let alone my crappy 13/0.8Mbps home connection

i have 1gbps fiber at home, and my VPS has way more than that.

This is apparently fibre in the UK. The absolute max I can get, but at least it's only £30 monthly.

What provider do you guys have?

FiOS 1gbps

Are they expanding any time soon? We do not have this service where I live and I get the feeling it'll be shit if it did come up here.

You either have signal issues, bad equipment/config, or something wrong in the area. Your upload should be in the 3-5mbps range

FiOS has committed to buying a minimum of $1.1B with Corning for Fiber optic cable in the next 3 years, with options to buy a billion more.
It's around 12 million miles of fiber optic cable.
However, much of it will be used to enhance backhaul capacity because Verizon wireless plans on using Verizon FiOS backhaul for their wireless 5G deployment.

So unless you live in the North east US in a large suburb or city, it's unlikely you'll see it from Verizon. And unlikely you'll see fiber in general unless you get lucky with a local company.

How do I start such a petition? sucks and probably doesn't work, but I can see that being used as a rough draft. I have no idea how to word the petition.

bitch i have the same upload and just 7mb of download

fucking comcast.....


Just upgrade to their 2gbps service :^)

then you can get 2.2gbps down and up.

My good man.
I see Germany is a land of exquisite taste.

well shit.... wonder if its available at my place

It's $1000 installation cost.

But they do provide a Juniper ACX 2100 on site. Though it's not used as a router, so you still need to provide your own SFP+ WAN 2gbps capable router, which aren't cheap.

FTTC is middle class fiber.

Better than poor man's fiber that is FTTN.

But FTTH is the true patricians choice.

that upfront cost is weak but I'd be good on the router, ESXi and pfsense ftw... shit, would need the SFP+ NIC though

True, well if you're doing that technically it provides 2.2gbps on the SFP+ drop AND 1gbps on an ethernet connection, both have their own static IP addresses.

So technically it's 3gbps.

Why the serious fuck is Comcast faster than Spectrum?

happen to know if the Juniper belongs in a server room? my rack is in my living room, would suck if its the only thing in the rack that screaming.

I believe it's passively cooled.

Ausfag here... Get double the speed of which I get on Telstra for the same price ($100 a month)... Also a 600gb cap. My Grandparents, not even 3 minutes away have NBN and ~97mbps and don't even have a computer.

>faster than 78% of AU
fuuuuuuuck that

Corporate greed... Even the nations "Nation Broadband Network" upgrade got fucked over when the change in Government happened... Apparently "25mbps is enough", according to the higher-ups there...

sweet. thanks

I had 15/5mbps in 2005. In 2007 I got 25/25mbps. In 2010 I got 75/75mbps. In 2013 I got 150/150mbps in 2017 I got 940/940mbps (1gbps)

How in the hell do they imagine that 25mbps is acceptable in 2017+?

That's so short sighted.

Have a listen to some of this shit.

I had 6mbps in 2004. 6mbps in 2010, 6mbps in 2015, ~13mbps in 2016.

It's not acceptable. But there's nothing we can do and 4G is expensive as it's capped really low.

oddly enough, even with my 1gbps home connection, 4G speeds struggle to break 10mbps. If i'm lucky.

This is like, don't know, $15 USD a month.


>using lelmex
good goy

>Implying im using telmex

I think they're worse than Comcast. The second they took over my monthly bill was jacked up without explanation and no upgrade in services. When I called and questioned it I was told flatly if you don't like it, leave. Greedy, greedy corp.


The people my brother talks to at Spectrum always seem like they are trying to keep you from leaving. He managed to get HBO out of the deal without paying anymore. It was like they were begging him not to leave.

Only if you move to their 12/Mo promo pricing structure where the rates bump up at the end of it. I had set rates with my old plan internet only plan. Once they took over my ISP, they doubled my bill to their "retail" rates (what you pay after 12/month promo pricing). They claimed I couldn't even take the promo pricing plan since I was technically already a customer; pay it or leave.

Worst company I've ever dealt with short of Sprint pajeet customer service years ago

Im lucky I get 50/10 vdsl in my 120 year old house here in naziland. Fiber never. Even my coaxial cable would only deliver 150/5 and be three times more expensive.

I'll get 25 mbps in 2020 IF they do what they planned to do in my village.

Siehe oben du verwöhnter Bengel. Hab immo 7/0.5

Saugt du zu sein. Aber ich kenne das Gefühl - mein Bruder bekommt instabile 16/1 - für 5 Personen, die dauernd online sind. Kann mit dem nicht mal vernünftig skypen.

Viel Glück beim Ausbau, Bernd.

>its 4g
>all ports open
>static IP
>no data caps
Only bad thing is that in the evenings the DL can drop down to 10mb/s, but upload stays similar.

>tfw no NBN until at LEAST april next year

On the bright side it will be FTTC rather than FTTN. Idoubt we'll pay for anything more than '''up to'''' 25mbps but it will be the current 4mbps.