What can be done to improve the representation of women in STEM? Women make up >60% of college graduates, but much less than half of all STEM professionals.
What can be done to get more girls interested in STEM?
What can be done to improve the representation of women in STEM? Women make up >60% of college graduates, but much less than half of all STEM professionals.
What can be done to get more girls interested in STEM?
Stop telling them that men are assholes because women choose Mickey Mouse degrees instead of actual ones.
>women make over 60% of college graduates
>less than half of tech professionals
As European to me it looks like Americans should increase the number of men in other fields were woman arer clearly the majority.
Now if you increase the number of women in STEM first, you are eventually going to be in a situation were women make the majority in both STEM and nit STEM professionals as they are the majority of graduates.
As equality (atleast here) needs to go both ways.
Fuck this phone keyboard.
Women can keep their majority in Medieval Lesbian Basketweaving Gynecology Expression.
I worked my way through three STEM degrees (Chemistry, Environmental Geology/Oceanography, and Computer Science). I also taught in a major university for over six years. The women I met taking core courses in those fields fell into two categories: 1) competent, bro-tier colleagues who worked their asses off to comprehend the material while loving the fields and 2) princesses fucking their way through the faculty. It is about a 40% - 60% split.
That said, women total represented ~40% of all students in those STEM core courses; it's not nearly as lopsided as some would try to represent ... but, the ones who have the slightest fucking clue what they're doing IS very lopsided. Even among those who were serious professionals, about half were doing it to go into teaching. Not research, not industry, but straight to teaching with very minimal experience in the fields.
I don't know how to fix it. I gave up caring in disgust. I support any woman (or man) who gives a fuck about what they're doing and is serious about the material, even if it's only for teaching. That is about half of all students, and about 10%-15% of those are women.
By the time women enter a university, over 90% are ruined for STEM core courses ... IF
And, pay attention to this qualifier, IF
They have not ALREADY been groomed & prepared throughout high school for STEM and its rigorous requirements.
Whatever can be done to change this has to happen at a junior high & high school level. Beginning with holding them to the same standards that we hold males to during those years. There is no pink science classes for girls and blue science classes for boys. There is Science, and you love it and become competent in it, or it's too late if you haven't by the time your junior year in high school begins.
It has to start in the home, and be fully supported in the schools. At university age, it's too late.
I think it's telling you see no feminists screaming for more women in shitty low paid manual labor jobs that are like 99% men
This can't be real.
> gender "equality" = removing education opportunities from the gender you hate
Tell me this isn't real, it's just a Sup Forums troll. Right?
No it's real. As always women only wants to bring others down instead of moving their own ass up.
This is a surprisingly reasonable post that I wasn't entirely expecting to see on Sup Forums. Kudos, user.
Well said, user.
Raise little girls like we raise little boys.
Instead of teaching them to be eternal children that need over-protection, can't deal with adversities and expect people around them to do shit for them (aka sticking grown women into random areas out of pity by force).
What do you guys think her pussy smells like
Liberal "equality": hold back the ones who are ahead so that the ones who are behind won't feel so bad.
Every time.
That's just pure mental illness on parade. I can't even begin to imagine a school system that allows any teacher to behave like that without getting it approved through top level administration. It amounts to a highly experimental psychological method based upon no scientific method, studies, curriculum ... nothing more than "my feels."
And, upon update, the school administration backs her up with an utter bullshit response. "She a gud teach an' din do nuffinz."
God damn. The entire school administration needs to burn in the hottest of fires.
google "blakely teacher lego" for a bunch of items. Jesus Fucking Christ.
Yes please.
Women will hate you, women won humanity just because are baby machine.
Import more Asian,Indian and Europe east women.
White American girls don't like STEM, just import diversity.
My fiancee (female) is a doctor. Is that not stem?
Sadly that's the biggest wall in front of the "fight" for change: people wanna fight for the good shit in a new situation and keep the good shit of the current one.
I guess it's applied science, although it's an applied lesser science (biology/chemistry). Not really much on the T, E, and M though.
>people wanna fight for the good shit in a new situation and keep the good shit of the current one.
Women in nutshell.
Fellow European here, we actually have gender quotas for men in studies that are dominated by females, most notably nursing, gender studies, literature, education/teaching/pedagogy.
next time you're gonna write something this long don't use reddit spacing and maybe i'll read it
why? Let people do whatever they want. Don't you see this inlusion bullshit is causing?he women working at google for instance are caring only about gender neutral code and feminism.
My gf worked her ass off to get through her engineering degree because her parents were poor and she wanted a better life.
Maybe you'd see more competent women in stem if education wasn't so expensive. She still had to rack up 30k in debt because her parents couldn't pay for anything and moved to a different province to have a cheaper house.
This is pretty common, I would say standard practice in public schools here. This type of practice, though not explicitly stated as the article, was even the case 15 years ago when I went to elementary/middle school.
t. Swede
As I liberal, I completely disagree with this approach and know very few liberals who would actually endorse it.
Maybe point out *actual* problems instead of inventing them to make yourself feel better.
Teach girls from an early age that it's okay to be a loner dedicating themselves to self-improvement.
STEM is pretty unsociable compared to what most girls are familiar with, while the autism of boys gets channeled as something stereotypical and useful.
Nobody paid for any of my degrees, no grants or assistance, the only support I got from my parents was a car my dad owned and covered insurance for the first three years. I took out loans, worked, dropped out, went back, kept working. Either didn't have health insurance or minimal student coverage through school. I lost track of how much that cost. Years of that are a blur. Over $20K per year for ten years disappeared by the time I finished.
Tell me again how rough girls have it? Nobody even said "good job," it was just what was expected. Couldn't even get a job in my field when I got out, Geology with Environmental Science and Engineering concentrations specifically designed to work in environmental remediation. I worked construction for a year and settled for lab chemist at a pharma company.
Every. Fucking. Day. Three years now.
Still couldn't found source but say remove hard topics on curriculum to promote more women, in Cornell Computer Science.
I bought the same 2wd kit. It has good motors for 10 bucks.
No we don't, and if we do it's probably like 1 man per 100 women.
I would like to follow up that girls.
Probably they will end in a soft degree, like occurs.