thx to you guys i feel like my house can be raided anytime and cant even put on headphones just incase i cant hear them and they cuff me before i manage to turn off the pc.
Thx to you guys i feel like my house can be raided anytime and cant even put on headphones just incase i cant hear them...
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What kind of illegal shit are you viewing/collecting, user? Stop being so paranoid. Use A VPN.
im living in a shithole where a wrong comment about the president can get you behind bars. im mostly worried about my past internet history.
Why are all of our autists paranoid lunatics or sexually deprived to the point that they think every girl they see is a trap
Are you European (specifically German/Russian) or in the Middle East?
What's being able to turn your PC off going to do to help?
i encrypted it with veracrypt
Because they arent big guys like us Chads. We fuck mad pussy and shit brah lmao
Ah. I'm sorry.Okay now I understand a bit why you are paranoid? What the fuck has E*dogan been up to since he removed evolution from the schools over there? Haven't heard a peep about anything from over there.
he got us banned from usa. they dont issue visas in turkey anymore
Kill yourself.
In that case, just disassemble your PC, stuff all the parts in your bag and head for Germany. At least you won't live in fear of the next Ottoman Empire risig up again ad Germany's basically a shithole anyway and has been so for 2000 years. Fuck those subhuman niggers.
not OP but German here, how is this relevant?
if it may alleviate your fears, user, your "internet history" is not something that exists anywhere except in your browser. it's untenable for any organization (except perhaps those with river-cooled warehouses in Utah?) to intercept, store, and decrypt the traffic of every resident for an indefinite period of time.
the only thing you would have to worry about is if you made comments on a website or otherwise submitted content to someone else's servers that may be traced back to you (via ip, name, email address, etc.).
most people obsessed about privacy are pedos
not even kidding (RMS prime example)
Because your country is the most authoritarian SJW cuckfest in the Western world and fell for the hate speech meme, so you can get arrested for a tweet, not just get shadowbanned on Twitter.
What about this fag?
this is not an anecdote for someone being arrested for their internet history, user; it's an example of precisely the case i closed my last post with.
>posted location-specific information
>didn't use a vpn
>posted from within a location with security footage of him being there
>person with criminal record make specific threat gets arrested
Gee how surprising
Is wikipedia still blocked over there? I cant believe people voted away democracy. The fucking irony.
Democracy go to Hell!
Allahu Akbar!
erdogan is a fuck
Really makes you think about the "tolerance of intolerism" paradox.
Tolerance, democracy, are a faith in people's agency and the marketplace of ideas to filter the bad from the good. Intolerance, autocracy, are ideas people have. If they become popular, they overthrow tolerance and democracy.
But the gambit of tolerant democracy can't be to not tolerate any deviation from itself because that ceases to be a truly tolerant democracy.