Post your screen NOW!
>the thing at the right is a video with comfy music and dancing
sorry mods for last one.
Post your screen NOW!
>the thing at the right is a video with comfy music and dancing
sorry mods for last one.
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally happening to me right now.
Broke Xorg, i want to do a clean install because this one is very old and breaking down, im currently backing up my shit to another laptop.
Can't even take a screenshot because glib is broken, awesomewm wont start at all and im stuck using xfce while i wait for the backup to finish
Haha looser can't even fix his xorg.conf
This is posted from my Arch Linux machine with a WORKING xorg.conf because I'm not a simpleton
Regarding the message where I accused you of valuing vidya over freedom; I thought you were fapping to some modded Skyrim but now I realize that it was just a video running in mpv.
It's a bit more understandable having to use Windows due to certain professional software which you have no choise over. Perhaps in the future things will be better on that front.
Forgot the pic.
Caught me mobile posting
xorg is running you nigger, i cant take screenshots because glib is broken and my wm wont start without it so i have to use fucking xfce.
what DE/WM is that? is that lxqt?
owo desktop thread?
fuck off
>what DE/WM is that?
Take a wild guess.
>Perhaps in the future things will be better on that front.
let's hope so.
*tips fedora*
>using xfce as your DE outside of a fallback
When I get home I'll show you my new gentoo install
>using "lube" as your username
You're not the real Jordan
OP here, why do you browse in fullscreen? half of the width of the screen is now wasted.
>this one is very old and breaking down
How do you even fuck up arch enough to require "fixing"?
The longest time I was unable to use my arch install was back then with the usrlib change.
I've been using the same install ever since. It's probably gonna outlive the HDD it is on right now.
I was writing my Bachelor's with LibreOffice but I cencored it with a blank document because I'm a huge faggot.
Interesting theory dude
>name AND tripfag
wew how gay
>>using "lube" as your username
jelly as fuck, you wish you could come up with 1337 usernames like mine
anything other than using your computer as a facebook/Sup Forums machine
hopped kernels like a $2 whore, patches from aur and general fuckery.
Plus i want to redo my partition layout so i want to do a complete wipe
I guess it could be pretty easy to break with careless chmodding and chowning and to lesser extent with partial updates.
How can I hide the top tabs if using tree-style?
Tabs on the left, if you don't have that option you must be using the webextensions version
>I cencored it with a blank document because I'm a huge faggot.
You're everything wrong with this board.
i could say i rarely browse v/h and go to pol to troll to neonazis but then again i can just tell you to go fuck yourself
>How do you even fuck up arch enough to require "fixing"?
you don't, arch does that for you.
But you did say it, thus negating the fucking of myself.
>liking anything anime automatically makes you a weeaboo
And also a faggot.
#tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox
visibility: collapse;
>>liking anything anime automatically makes you a weeaboo
this is an animu website faggot
my Firefox is better than yours
>he's too dumb to fix arch
Lmao you probably can't even install it either. I guaran-fucking-tee you used a virtual machine image on Windows.
Sup Forums isn't and I don't browse any of the anime boards because I'm not a faggot.
was* back when Sup Forums was all there was
this is not a weeb board.
that would hide the treestyle tabs aswell
Hello niggers
>Sup Forums isn't and I don't browse any of the anime boards because I'm not a faggot.
>was* back when Sup Forums was all there was
every board is an animu board you niggers :)
The new trend is automated Arch installers such as Arch anywhere
Mac Alert
Hmm look at the homepage and you'll see just how much you're wrong.
Anime is really gay
It doesn't, at least for the webextension which is what you'd only use this with in the first place.
>every board is an animu board
Because of faggots like you. Go back to your containment board >>>/reddit/
>he can't install arch linux properly so he lets other people do it for him
do u have original of middle image?
>Hmm look at the homepage and you'll see just how much you're wrong.
>Anime is really gay
>>every board is an animu board
>Because of faggots like you. Go back to your containment board >>>/reddit/
haha how about you make me leave? xD
>garbage outside of Sup Forums
:^) enjoi ebic ban
Ayyy xDDD
You have to be pretty autistic to use arch without an installer. Just install gentoo, it's basically arch but you compile everything.
You can't just call more intelligent people autistic. Life doesn't work like that. Also if you're too stupid to install arch you probably shouldn't be on Sup Forums
>You have to be pretty autistic to use arch without an installer
lol, there are people here who unironically use an installer
wew lad, is unpacking a tar image and chrooting into it too hard for you?
>using arch makes you smarter
I drink a lot of smart water too, my iq is over 7000.
you mean over 9000
Obvious bait, but if I'm able to use arch and you're not that makes me more intelligent. It's okay to blow your own horn when you're right.
I never understood the appeal of plastering weeb shit everywhere.
i blow my horn on your mothers face
fuck off.
it's for autistic people only. no one else can understand autism
>rainmeter to look 1337
>on wangblows
>lots of gaymes and needless shortcuts
>FoceBindIP for 1337 haxoring
This has to be bait.
Aren't you b& yet. Fucking Sup Forums mods should doing their jobs for once.
this is just how I customized my wangblows desktop when i was like 10
>Aren't you b& yet. Fucking Sup Forums mods should doing their jobs for once.
lol, when did Sup Forums become so neutered?
fucking miss the weeb shitposters and even the tripfags
I was more triggered by the unfitting wallpaper with a dumb watermark.
If I was a mod, these dumb animeposters and uwu faggots would be long gone. As would AMD/Intel debaters and shills and retarded Sup Forumsermin manchildren. This board would be so pure.
This board would be dead, you mean
lol but retards like you arent mods
Slower, yes. But we would have decent threads without idiots like you ruining everything.
>Sup Forums getting angry at someone posting anime
What has this board become? He's posting best girl too.
You're clearly avatarfagging though. Global rule number 13.
hope u enjoy the 4000 things in my tray friends
>tfw phone poster
>Girls of any age as your wallpaper
Is there anything more pathetic?
Yeah, being you!
only avatar i have is the tramp stamp on your mother xD
nigger, did Sup Forums brief you about botnets?
Awww snap
> N-no, I'm not
> Changes the image set immediately
i ran out of renders sempai
yea but i ain't mega autistic so i'm not going to run iceweasel on freebsd locked inside a qubes container on lemote yeelong my whilst ranting on tox about how nobody is downloading my apps on f-droid
i embrace the botnet
i am the botnet
>i embrace the botnet
>i am the botnet
Didn't have any reason to have my windows side by side, although I often do.
>4chanX without oneechan
Get the fuck out, reeee
this is bait
What font is that?
what video
i dont wanna click that sorry user. just tell me the name
>he's afraid of google drive
>being this ungrateful after being spoonfed sauce
then kys
sorry user but i never asked for that. maybe someone else knows the source and will tell me
> LibreOffice
> cencored
Bullshit son and you know it.
Looks like Redapple2/Redappleyega