New season is out, i find the lack of threads on Sup Forums and Sup Forums to be disturbing.
Mr.Robot S03E01
I really need to know what happens, can't wait to finally watch it. Like did elliot really get shot or not.
>Mr. Marxist drug addict
its obvious he did, the new episode is uses 0 lighting because "muh electricity is out" so you cant shit, but there were some new revelations
I'd say most sensible adults will wait for the series to end so the can binge it instead of being an impatient little cunt and watching weekly.
got boring after the whole adderall thing
where can i watch it online?
Second season was absolute shit.
Third season seems to be better so far tbqh
Hol up. So this is literally fight club now.
I'll wait. I mean, the story is okay-ish, but I cringe hard over the unrealistic hacking sequences.
Plot twist: He shot himself
tyrell is elliots third personality, hes also white rose
how is this tech related? this show is
They're all three the same person.
they use computers
your mothers vagina is
didn't the ending of season 2 specify he isn't his third personality?
Normie tier shit. Get out.
Feels to far up it's own ass to me
Just watched S03E01, sucks balls, S01 was good and it's just gone downhill from there. This was one of the last shows I still watch. I watch hardly any electric jew these days, too much propaganda and marxist brainwashing.
When will it be on
woah when did Sup Forums because so pathetic
even normies can use kodi/popcorntime/torrents now
Why would you steal though? Makes no sense.
I take whatever i want.
>using a DE
fucking pleb
pretty sad that she's cucking him just because muh "justice for my mommy" thingy
shes pushing him to finish what he started, just like mr robot does, even if he doesn't know what he wants (hes autistic after all).
She clearly will not do anything to hurt him, i wonder what white rose did to her to make her believe in retarded shit like "erase everything that ever happened"
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Are you fucking serious?
I haven't been on Sup Forums for over 2 years and only came back a couple months ago.
What in fucks name happened? This isn't the Sup Forums i remember, when did normies takeover?
Where are the animu and tripfag shitposters?
No one missed you, fuck off
your mom did
It's only stealing if you don't seed. :^)
I made one on Sup Forums last night.
It's such a shitty TV show.
Angela said:
>We can go back to the time where are parents are still alive.
>How? That's not possible.
>What if I told it was?
Eliott: >how?
>nvm. I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
So with that, I feel like the writers revealed that Elliot is just hullicinating everything. He's in a mental hospital, or some shit, and he can only see Angela, who is trying to help him. She told him the above because his parents aren't dead.
I fucking hate TV shows where there's not a direct story line, where you have to fucking second guess everything and you have no idea what's going on. I find my time wasted when the truth is revealed.
>muh philosophy, i'm so smurt!
Fuck you faggots.
this. Mr Bernie Bro gibs me free moneys
>hurr durr i want an obvious story that i can guess from episode 1.
Also the theory of him hallucination is retarded and can be applied to any fucking story ever.
How the fuck do you even prove a character didnt dream the entire plot? every fucking show has a he was dreaming all along theory
Not completely obvious, per se, but fucking direct, where the main character isn't fucked in the head.
Ex. Game of Thrones
This is a fucking TV show. Shit happens that you'd never expect. But there's a direct story.
We can apply it to all shows, no shit, we can apply it to our own fucking lives, but this one, specifically, has a fucked-in-the-head character, and already stole from Fight Club.
You're probably only on Sup Forums because of that fucking TV show. Probably made you want to be a l33t h@x0r, amirite?
Faggot, you like garbage TV shows.
>You're probably only on Sup Forums because of that fucking TV show. Probably made you want to be a l33t h@x0r, amirite?
damn you completely destroyed me there.
No seriously now, why don't try sesame street, it might be right up your alley.
And what the fuck is wrong with sesame street? Better than the garbage you watch, kid.