Why did it take so long for an affordable alternative to Photoshop to be created?

Why did it take so long for an affordable alternative to Photoshop to be created?
Will we finally see the Adobe monopoly crumble? Seriously their prices are extortion.

Just pirate the thing dumbass

Captcha:biro danone

I couldnt do it after cs5, no keygens anywhere and their verification system is unbeatable.


Still too expensive

I didn't paid for that.
Just crack this jew program.

uhhh yeah whatever.
Since im not a cunt here is a site you need to visit,they open registration every 1st and 15th of the month.

A dll replacement is the only thing you need to do.

chingliu CS5 Pro
Your welcome

I own affinity design and latest version still begin primitive to illustrator CS2 or freehands mx.

Still affinity products are for amateur,freelancer, small business.

£50 for a lifetime of unrestricted use. Probably costs even less in the US.
Why is Sup Forums so fucking poor? You guys have the most valuable technical skill in the market right now yet nothing is ever cheap enough for you. *sigh*

thanks lad

I got pirated cs5, it's the cs6 that i couldnt pirate.

>Seriously their prices are extortion
What the fuck are you talking about? £50/m for the full creative suite is nothing for a freelancer or business.

Nothing will beat it for raster photo manipulation but it has already been beaten by Sketch for UI design, it's the reason PS got artboards fairly recently.

Just use gimp

gimp has always been ok for basic tasks, the lack of autosave kills it though.

you don't really have to use Adobe products for anything these days

In fact it's glorious time to be a creative with Pro Tools and Davinci Resolve being free.

>£50/m for the full creative suite is nothing for a freelancer or business.
For a business maybe, for a freelancer is a substantial amount.
Though maybe not if you're used to spend $10 on Starbucks every day

No it's not.

I'll freelance for £15/hr minimum assuming I don't just charge a flat amount, this is assuming purely design work, not video or web.

Sketch is also $100 a year on top of that.

It took the company like 7 years to create the program

Adobe's pricing isn't bad if you're an actual working professional who uses their software every day.
If your a student their student pricing is alright and as a hobbyist you might as well pirate it.

amtemu. running css 2017 with updates.

photoshop is 10 bucks a month

if u cant afford that, i dont think u have a DSLC camera to begin with. poorfag

don't be an ignorant cunt, get the offline installer from Adobe, get the keygen and after blocking the Adobe shit on your hosts file do the offline registation and you are good to go. I'm getting official updates with the CC version.

Do not install shady shit or the cracked .dll or some random ass ISO from a torrent site, there is no need for that since 2005 aprox