sorry could you repeat the question?
Jesus Christ that notch
If I pay $1000 for a phone, I don't want a logo and screen that already has a bitemark on it.
What we suppose to do here?
Where's mi mix 2?
>Collapsing the top and bottom together so you can hide the fact the iPhone has a giant fucking side bezel compared to the others
choose the best vagina
Shill for your favorite brand
fuck the bezelless meme. fuck the curved screen corner meme. i ordered a pixel 2.
This upsets and confuses me.
>cant appreciate good design
fuck off Sup Forums
I kek'd
Apple's implementation isn't good design though. The cleanest one there is Huawei, with special mention to the Note 8 for CURVED. SCREENS.
kys you're self
I don't get it
>not in scale
why even bother
just to understand, what's the point of round edges or a scren bigger than 5" with 400+ ppi?
Riddle me this:
Why the fuck do we have new, weird aspect ratios with these kind of phones? Why the fuck can't we just stick to 16:9? All the videos, photos, games, some apps etc. look completely fucked up on these phones, but not on regular 16:9 ones.
This, standard is the way.
what are you fucking mobile fags even trying to ask? Post a fucking actual question in your thread so that the non 12 year olds can figure out what the fuck you're talking about
Good thread
That's ok me neither... To be To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sup Forums. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of computer science most of the jokes will go over a typical normie's head. There’s also Sup Forums's freeware outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- the board's philosophy draws heavily from Stallman programming, for instance. The lurkers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sup Forums truly ARE redditfags- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sup Forums existential catchphrase “INSTALLGENTOO,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Stallman's epic Free Software, Free Society. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sup Forums's genius wit unfolds itself on Sup Forums. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a clover/g/entooman tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
If you pay $1000 for a phone, your wallet will have one also, so why bother caring about it?
very good
I bought a note8. It's good
thread redeemed
I think bezelless looks nice but I work at a phone store and I'm sick of niggers coming in with broken s8's and then getting mad as fuck at me when I tell them how much it costs to fix their shitty edge display
lurk moar, it's a meme
>thinnest bezels
>second least amount of shit
easier to meme the buyers by showing off useless specs like ppi
>thinnest bezels
Note8 says fuck off and stop lying
>shit display quality
>horrible track record for hardware quality (bootloops anyone?)
>horrible track record for official OTA updates
Hmmmm I'll pass
LOL ppi is the most important feature of a screen, well, is the most important feature whenever you have to recreate an image on something.
Oh lordy.
rounded meme is bad
How does Google keep getting away with it?
>le reddit meme
Let me guess, you don't even know what PenTile is, right?
That's the most autistic picture I've seen today.
some people can afford things
because they go outside
and have Jobs
A lot of men on this board deal with pentile dysfunction
mate 10 will prob be the best
i got mate 9 and its already perfect
What the fuck sort of happy cat resolution is that?
Mate 10> V30 > Pixel >> Note 8 >>>>>>>>> shit >>>>Iphone X
Wait a minute...that notch...
Took me a while
Because taller aspect ratios are more useful.
Videos just get bars on the sides unless you zoom it in. Good videos (shot in cinemascope) can be expanded to closer to their original ratio, unlike on 16:9 displays.
Nothing looks fucked up as nothing is stretched to the ratio.
I know it's a meme, but which one
this nobezel meme shit is boring and brought about by lazy bad designers desperately looking for some way to make their phone stand out while being "on trend" but all failing to get it right, and not just because there are practical reasons for bezels to exist
>What you did there
I see.
You know that every manufactuer is going to have a notch on the phones next year.
I agree but we'll just have to get used to it. Every manufacturer on the planet is switching to the rounded meme.
Get ready, it's coming.
pretty much this
Think Different.
yeah the bite mark has to be my own
are we considering the sony phones in this? i just ran across one in a store that was "edgeless" as well
>I purposely excluded both Essential and Mi Mix to make my shitty non-argument.
Oh fucking shit this is good.
include me in the screencap
v30 and note 8 are the only ones worth buying
huawei almost made it until they scrawled their brand all over the bottom
note bottom looks a bit cleaner
v30 top bezel looks a bit cleaner
pixel isn't even really worth talking about
kill yourself faggot
pls explain
apples looks the best as always
move along
I guess y'all at a loss
also screencap me or I'll fuck a kitten
i think the phone without the most bezels would be the note 8 and mate 10
Good one.
The Pixel looks the best.
I say mate10 mate
Mate 10 = Note 8 >>>> iPhone 10 >>>>>>>> Pixel 2 XL
wew lad
iFags have defended this